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  1. I know the person who was in charge of the building works for the South Stand, Merkland and also the Main Stand executive boxes, and remember walking around the various building sites as a kid during the works. But I never appreciated they thought about a two tier Stand, I thought an extension of the South was always the preferred option.
  2. Where has that come from Dunty, my understanding is Cammeron Farquhars were only ever asked to look at replicating the south stand but the costs were too prohibitive?
  3. I really don't think the cost of football transfers is based predominantly on the boe inflation rate.
  4. I honestly can't believe how bad Spurs are, you'd think they were trying to get their manager sacked.
  5. Ffs, Spurs are shite....Ange getting sacked in the morning.
  6. Droopy on the bench....his value is going down by the week.
  7. Agreed, tangerine is not a colour, it's a shade of orange.
  8. Ffs, Joe Hart on co-commentary for Tim's game....what an utter prick of a man, talks an insane amount of utter shite!
  9. I'm not sure what his best position is (I'm someone will say sub) but it must be hard to play as a 10 who looks to pass the ball when you have Nisbet in front of you. For the hibs game I'd be tempted to try Duk in 10.
  10. So much of the blame for the recent form seems to get targeted at the attacking players. The simple fact is we have been honking defensively all season, and were again today. Teams don't have to work that hard to score against us, we give away really poor goals.
  11. Too many positional changes, it's killed any momentum we had after the goal.
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