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Studebaker-90 last won the day on August 8

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  1. King Touzani putting that rancid cunt Charlie Adam 3 foot in the air in front of the south stand will be my favourite forever
  2. That’s what marydoll needs in order to kiss a lady
  3. Should change the tread title to Dungpee vs Aberdeen
  4. In all green king pubs u til the 18th
  5. Fucking hell. Absolute pond life scum. At what point would you think that’s an acceptable way to behave as an adult? What the fuck is that going to achieve? Highly entertaining and hope it’s to the detriment of the teams morale and performances.
  6. What a player. I wonder if Nilsen coming in has allowed him to flourish again. Essentially he was doing the work of 2 last season which led to people incorrectly saying he was done. The guy has genuine fire in his belly, just look at his celebration when nisbett scored. Would be great to see him lift a trophy and go down as a dons legend.
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