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Berbatov To Man Utd

Guest LondonScottish

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Guest LondonScottish
He'll probably want parity with the likes of Rooney. Seems like the type of person who'd go in a huff if he didn't get his own way.

Would make Man Utd an even more fearsome proposition next season!



F@ck knows how they're going to accommodate all the striking talent at their disposal, certainly if Ronaldo stays. Can you imagine Rooney, Berbatov and Ronaldo really going for it. :crossfingers:

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what are spurs doing?


keane on his way to liverpool, darren bent sayin he wants to leave and now the habitual transfer window speculation Berbatov going to united.


Gone from having far too many forwards to having none at this rate.

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F@ck knows how they're going to accommodate all the striking talent at their disposal, certainly if Ronaldo stays. Can you imagine Rooney, Berbatov and Ronaldo really going for it. :thumbs:


thats a big IF IMO.


Berbatov will be a great signing for Man Utd.


i reckon its the end for saha now though.


no way he will play before Rooney, Tevez and Berbatov

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I have a feeling Berbatov is going to stay at Spurs, there seemed to be just as much, if not more rumours about him leaving last season and he didn't. I suppose it might now depend on Spurs upping his current salary. Also can't see them selling Keane to Liverpool or anyone else, I don't think they are a position where they need to sell, they seem to have some money there.


Arshavin will go to Arsenal though, Spurs have no chance with him. Also think the Gunners might nip and take Barry should they decide that's who they want, pretty sure MO'N would rather sell the Wenger than Rafa after all that's happened.

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I have a feeling Berbatov is going to stay at Spurs, there seemed to be just as much, if not more rumours about him leaving last season and he didn't. I suppose it might now depend on Spurs upping his current salary. Also can't see them selling Keane to Liverpool or anyone else, I don't think they are a position where they need to sell, they seem to have some money there.


Arshavin will go to Arsenal though, Spurs have no chance with him. Also think the Gunners might nip and take Barry should they decide that's who they want, pretty sure MO'N would rather sell the Wenger than Rafa after all that's happened.



Dos Santos is prob to young to lead the line for Spurs, But he did score 2 in his debut last night.


You can see Saha being link , With him maybe going to Blackburn , Cruz going to Spurs , Keane or Berbatov going to Liverpool / Man Utd.


Wenger has admited this summer that the club need to make a profit in the transfer market each window to cover the stadium costs, (Plus there season tickets has went up to

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Hope united sell Saha as he's forever injured. Strikers Rooney, Tevez and Berbatov sounds good to me with Frazier Campbell as a young backup who can be loaned out if he hardly gets a look in. Apparently Fergie's only making one signing this summer so would be happy with that and give him time to scour the market for a long term right back replacement. Preferably Ramos but doubt Madrid would let him go plus they paid

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Hope united sell Saha as he's forever injured. Strikers Rooney, Tevez and Berbatov sounds good to me with Frazier Campbell as a young backup who can be loaned out if he hardly gets a look in. Apparently Fergie's only making one signing this summer so would be happy with that and give him time to scour the market for a long term right back replacement. Preferably Ramos but doubt Madrid would let him go plus they paid
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Dos Santos is prob to young to lead the line for Spurs, But he did score 2 in his debut last night.


You can see Saha being link , With him maybe going to Blackburn , Cruz going to Spurs , Keane or Berbatov going to Liverpool / Man Utd.


Wenger has admited this summer that the club need to make a profit in the transfer market each window to cover the stadium costs, (Plus there season tickets has went up to

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Guest LondonScottish
That's what I think he will do, wont be that disappointed if Ade goes either (being a part time Arsenal fan). God knows who he would take in, don't fancy Santa Cruz though. Unless it's going to be Van Persie and Eduardo up front. They do need a replacement for Flamini though, Barry would be good but he and Arshavin are quite old compared to most of Wengers signings. Whatever he does will be the right choice for Arsenal though, got to trust him. Wish I could say the same about the set up at Aberdeen.



Maybe that's what they need though. A bit of experienced steel, and both of those are only around 27, so its not as they're past it.

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Guest LondonScottish



Highest paid player in Greece.



Seems a strange move, but he wasn't the furthest up the reckoning at Arsenal. Gone to Pana for

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Guest LondonScottish


How ironic given the fuss Man U made over Ronaldo and Real Madrid.



I think there are too very different scenarios here. Berbatov has said for a year that he wants to play Champions League football at a "big" club, and that he wouldn't get that at Spurs, and therefore wants to leave. Man Utd put a bid in, and Spurs are negotiating the price. They can moan all they want, but they will sell the player for

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