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Burley: I

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Guest LondonScottish

Nothing like piling on the pressure. Burley is a decent manager, but people have short memories, and we punched above our weight in the last qualifying campaign. We don't have a fantastic squad of players, and for all the Barry Ferguson haters, we really do miss him in midfield.


Iceland away is going to be a tough tough game. We don't ever play too well in and around the arctic circle.

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Absolute nonsense from Burley - we need a win and he knows it. Typical small-minded defeatist Scottish attitude; instead of sending the boys out to knock seven bells out of the puffin munchers, he's already making excuses for himself.


I was delighted when Burley got appointed but it's all starting to look like a bad joke.

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Guest LondonScottish
Absolute nonsense from Burley - we need a win and he knows it. Typical small-minded defeatist Scottish attitude; instead of sending the boys out to knock seven bells out of the puffin munchers, he's already making excuses for himself.


I was delighted when Burley got appointed but it's all starting to look like a bad joke.




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people have short memories, and we punched above our weight in the last qualifying campaign.



We beat a very poor French team but messed up in the crunch games.

Far too much praise was being dished out in the last campaign.


3 points in Iceland is a must and surely Burley has to ensure that is the target.

It's all very well accepting it's second place that is being targetted but negativity

like a point being acceptable means they are heading for 3rd at best.

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Another piece of crap journalism.


Show me one part of that articule that says Burley would be happy with a point from the Iceland game.


No? thats because he doesnt suggest such a thing.


The media are rank in this country. All this Lee McCulloch crap, there is not a single scrap of evidence to suggest that there are problems behind the scenes - as confirmed by Darren Fletcher today.

The media dont like Burley - they dont hide that fact. They are more than happy to see Scotland lose - why otherwise would they put arms and legs into such a non-event in the middle of a vital double-header for Scotland. Its pathetic.


Also on the Macedonia game - i think Burley did show that he has the ability to turn things around. Admittedly we were really poor in the 1st half. But if you see the way they played in the 2nd half then he definitely made a difference. Chasing a game in 30odd degrees isnt easy. Macedonia have taken some better scalps than Scotland over the years and we have no divine right to be beating teams like this as a matter of course. Macedonia are better than 54th in the world - while at the same time Scotland are nowhere near being the 16th best team in the world.


We will beat Iceland. We will beat everyone at Hampden and im sure we will take a point away in Norway at least and we will definitely finish 2nd. Topping Holland was always going to be unlikely and thats where we will end up, comfortable in 2nd place.

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Another piece of crap journalism.


Show me one part of that articule that says Burley would be happy with a point from the Iceland game.


No? thats because he doesnt suggest such a thing.


The media are rank in this country. All this Lee McCulloch crap, there is not a single scrap of evidence to suggest that there are problems behind the scenes - as confirmed by Darren Fletcher today.

The media dont like Burley - they dont hide that fact. They are more than happy to see Scotland lose - why otherwise would they put arms and legs into such a non-event in the middle of a vital double-header for Scotland. Its pathetic.


Also on the Macedonia game - i think Burley did show that he has the ability to turn things around. Admittedly we were really poor in the 1st half. But if you see the way they played in the 2nd half then he definitely made a difference. Chasing a game in 30odd degrees isnt easy. Macedonia have taken some better scalps than Scotland over the years and we have no divine right to be beating teams like this as a matter of course. Macedonia are better than 54th in the world - while at the same time Scotland are nowhere near being the 16th best team in the world.


We will beat Iceland. We will beat everyone at Hampden and im sure we will take a point away in Norway at least and we will definitely finish 2nd. Topping Holland was always going to be unlikely and thats where we will end up, comfortable in 2nd place.





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Another piece of crap journalism.


Show me one part of that articule that says Burley would be happy with a point from the Iceland game.


No? thats because he doesnt suggest such a thing.


The media are rank in this country. All this Lee McCulloch crap, there is not a single scrap of evidence to suggest that there are problems behind the scenes - as confirmed by Darren Fletcher today.

The media dont like Burley - they dont hide that fact. They are more than happy to see Scotland lose - why otherwise would they put arms and legs into such a non-event in the middle of a vital double-header for Scotland. Its pathetic.


Also on the Macedonia game - i think Burley did show that he has the ability to turn things around. Admittedly we were really poor in the 1st half. But if you see the way they played in the 2nd half then he definitely made a difference. Chasing a game in 30odd degrees isnt easy. Macedonia have taken some better scalps than Scotland over the years and we have no divine right to be beating teams like this as a matter of course. Macedonia are better than 54th in the world - while at the same time Scotland are nowhere near being the 16th best team in the world.


We will beat Iceland. We will beat everyone at Hampden and im sure we will take a point away in Norway at least and we will definitely finish 2nd. Topping Holland was always going to be unlikely and thats where we will end up, comfortable in 2nd place.

Someones started drinking early today
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Nothing like piling on the pressure. Burley is a decent manager, but people have short memories, and we punched above our weight in the last qualifying campaign. We don't have a fantastic squad of players, and for all the Barry Ferguson haters, we really do miss him in midfield.


Iceland away is going to be a tough tough game. We don't ever play too well in and around the arctic circle.


The last time we played there we won 2-1 and i personally thought Iceland were a better outfit then.


We simply shouldn't be going for a draw Burley just need to watch what he is saying as he is not helping the situation with the media on his back already. Pick the right team go out there and get the result we need.


No excuses the weather is on our side as it's raining. :dontknow:

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Guest LondonScottish
The last time we played there we won 2-1 and i personally thought Iceland were a better outfit then.


We simply shouldn't be going for a draw Burley just need to watch what he is saying as he is not helping the situation with the media on his back already. Pick the right team go out there and get the result we need.


No excuses the weather is on our side as it's raining. :dontknow:



I'm not making excuses for him, but he's in a powder-keg situation with the media snarling round him ready to pounce. We lost in Macedonia, just like we're always capable of screwing up against the likes of Georgia. The media should be right behind him. We simply have to get three points out there.

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Absolute nonsense from Burley - we need a win and he knows it. Typical small-minded defeatist Scottish attitude; instead of sending the boys out to knock seven bells out of the puffin munchers, he's already making excuses for himself.


I was delighted when Burley got appointed but it's all starting to look like a bad joke.


They don't eat Puffin in Iceland!


It's Whale, wind dried lamb and Shark they buried for 6 months. Lovely!


Apart from that your post is spot on. :dontknow:

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I'm not making excuses for him, but he's in a powder-keg situation with the media snarling round him ready to pounce. We lost in Macedonia, just like we're always capable of screwing up against the likes of Georgia. The media should be right behind him. We simply have to get three points out there.


I know you weren't making excuses for him but i just don't think he is helping himself by saying things like we were outstanding in 2nd half and we can do with just a point out here.


There must be something going on behind his back or within the media. As he was a popular choice when he took over and now they simply can't wait to ditch him. :blink:


Have to agree 3 points is a must.


Gergia please don't remind me. :dontknow:

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There must be some rumours floating around as to why the media have suddenly turned on him. Apart from the results factor.




He loves the bevvy too much, I know of 3 bars in edinburgh he is still barred from, from his time at the diet huns!


Also i heard about him arranging interviews with the media and either not turning up or turning up bevvied, how to make friends and influence people...by George Burley

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Guest LondonScottish
He loves the bevvy too much, I know of 3 bars in edinburgh he is still barred from, from his time at the diet huns!


Also i heard about him arranging interviews with the media and either not turning up or turning up bevvied, how to make friends and influence people...by George Burley



Did that affect his superb reign at Ipswich or his short tenure at Hearts?

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Guest LondonScottish
Aye they do, Gordon Ramsay went puffin catching on the F-word so it must be true...



Correct. A gamey taste, quite often served smoked. Most restaurants have it up there.

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More evasive ramblings from our national leader.




A rabbit in the headlights on the highway to South Africa

burley could become world cup roadkill if scotland fail in iceland test tonight

By Paul Third in reykjavik


Published: 10/09/2008


As he enters only his second competitive match as manager of Scotland, this World Cup campaign is in danger of becoming all about George Burley rather than the national team.


Burley has struggled to convince his critics of his credentials and has gone four games without a win. The dissenters are poised with their long knives at the ready.


The criticism of the tactics, travel arrangements and performances of the Macedonia debacle has stung Burley to the extent that he cuts the appearance of a rabbit caught in the headlights.


The carefully orchestrated retirement of Rangers midfielder Lee McCulloch from international football on Tuesday was arranged to cause Burley the maximum distress

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Guest LondonScottish
More evasive ramblings from our national leader.




You may not be dispondent Georgie boy. But a nation is because you are inept.!!!



His methods obviously worked at Ipswich and Hearts. Maybe being devoid of talent in his squad has something to do with the result in Macedonia?

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His methods obviously worked at Ipswich and Hearts. Maybe being devoid of talent in his squad has something to do with the result in Macedonia?

There's enough talent there. Enough to beat Macedonian team which isn't as bad as made out. And enough to beat Iceland tonight.

It's more a case of Burley being able to get players playing for him. Getting players wanting to play for him. Something stinks behind the scenes of the national team at the moment. No smoke without fire & all that.

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