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Trick or Treated is a pile of shite. It's just kids of middle class parents, dressed as their favourite cartoon character / whatever the parents could find last minute, going door to door begging for sweets.

Fucking cunt who works for me, has 4 kids (most now grown up) sends kids out every Halloween round any house that has a Halloween decoration, ie folk they don’t even know.


Don’t hand any sweets out to any kids or put up decorations etc as they “don’t do that kind of thing” and don’t want random kids at the door.


South Africans are cunts.

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Trick or Treating is a pile of shite. It's just kids of middle class parents, dressed as their favourite cartoon character / whatever the parents could find last minute, going door to door begging for sweets. 


I think the wee kids enjoy it since they get shitloads of free sweeties with only the occasional razor blade embedded in a chocolate bar. 


The college age lassies enjoy it because they can dress up like sluts and make out with their mates in sexy lezzie experiments. 


Kids my loon's age, 10-15, like it because it's an opportunity to fuck with people. They call it 'Trolling', the kids. Any sweeties he gets he'll throw in the trash because he doesn't eat shit like that. It's more about the socialising. 


This year he's decided to go round the doors as Tekashi6ix9ine. Had no idea what a Tekashi6ix9ine was, so I'd to Google it. 


So this is him tonight, I suppose. I've still no fucking idea what this is, to be honest. 



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Now it's a fucking social media competition with dickhead parents paying make up artists so their precious little cunts look better than the precious little cunts across the street.

It's actually fairly old school down my way. Asda mask, telling jokes, high school kids nicking sweets off the younger ones. It's the adults that dress up in the pub that nip my tits.

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Went to a Halloween party as Fat Elvis 'back-in-the-day'. Couple of syringes taped to my arms and a pillow stuffed down the front of the white jumpsuit. 


Got too hot, so I ditched the pillow I seem to remember. 


Also upset a couple of alleged Elvis fans who had a heated discussion with me, but by that point I was already pished and just laughed my way through their tirade. I think they just wanted a fight, though... no-one's THAT big a fan of Fat Elvis, surely? 

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Went to a Halloween party as Fat Elvis 'back-in-the-day'. Couple of syringes taped to my arms and a pillow stuffed down the front of the white jumpsuit.


Got too hot, so I ditched the pillow I seem to remember.


Also upset a couple of alleged Elvis fans who had a heated discussion with me, but by that point I was already pished and just laughed my way through their tirade. I think they just wanted a fight, though... no-one's THAT big a fan of Fat Elvis, surely?

Got a Saddam Hussain mask as a student. Offended a good few cunts with the Iraq war still on going.


Was gutted when I never got my toy AK47 into liquid.

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Those were hardcore days.


1980s, hollowing out a neep with a Teaspoon and having to make your own costume.


I vividly remember being Wurzel Gummidge one year, my grandfather's old suit, stuffed with grass, my nose red with lipstick and my dad's steel toe capped workboots that were 10 sizes too big.


Felt like the cunt who does the marathon in the diving suit walking about in that get up.


.... And there was fuck all middle class about any of it.

Mind as a kid in the 80's my folks dressed me up as Herr Flick/the Gestapo fae allo allo cos my old man had an old 3/4 length leather jacket which was down to my feet. Hair gelled into a side parting, Michael Jackson hat, john lennon specs, and a big swastika on my sleeve

"where does Hitler hide his armies? Up his sleevies"   Went down a fucking storm that year. Probably get put in care these days for that shit.


Just to add, my folks weren't Nazis, it was just a laugh.

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