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Not to mention the fact you're divulging personal details for the world to see. Mind you, that's usually fine because there's a strong possibility you're a square arsed, narrow minded dweeb.


So when some other square arsed, narrow minded dweeb checks your page, as these are the only c**ts even remotely interested in it, your puerile garbage will inevitably get their seal of approval.


Who really gives a flying f**k what I'm interested in, or fit I've had for my tea, or when my last bowel movement was?


The banality of it all, the superficial nature of the recourse, the sycophantic thumbs up mentality of the followers, jesus h f**king christ have none of you f**king plebs got anything better to do?


Have you ever had/said a controversial thought/word in your f**king sad, twee f**king lives?

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Not to mention the fact you're divulging personal details for the world to see. Mind you, that's usually fine because there's a strong possibility you're a square arsed, narrow minded dweeb.


So when some other square arsed, narrow minded dweeb checks your page, as these are the only c**ts even remotely interested in it, your puerile garbage will inevitably get their seal of approval.


Who really gives a flying f**k what I'm interested in, or fit I've had for my tea, or when my last bowel movement was?


The banality of it all, the superficial nature of the recourse, the sycophantic thumbs up mentality of the followers, jesus h f**king christ have none of you f**king plebs got anything better to do?


Have you ever had/said a controversial thought/word in your f**king sad, twee f**king lives?


Don't hold back, eh tup.



So, who on ab-mad is that directed at? :laughing:

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Nobody Bebo min, I'm just aiming an electronic broadside in the general direction of 'social networking' :soapbox:


The irony of posting on here whilst doing so is not lost on me, but I'm exempting Aberdeen FC sites from my fire, because it's good crack.


If it's a forum for abuse, humour, and Dons news then I'm fine with it :thumbs:

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I actually find Twitter essential viewing. If you're going to follow the likes of Justin Bieber telling you he's just had egg on toast, then yes it's going to bore you rather quickly.


However, I follow just the journalists on mine, and it's brilliant for getting the breaking football stories first. For example, when Benitez was sacked by Inter, there was rumours going round the net whether he'd been sacked on not - on Twitter, can't remember which journalist it was, tweeted something like "Just to end the rumours, have spoken to Benitez, he has been sacked but Inter not announcing it until morning" and he was proved right.


You've also got Neil Lennon on there now, which is quite good as he's the first high profile SPL manager to be in there, though you can see he's already started to watch what he's saying as obviously all the journalists are following him.


Graham Speirs is worth following too, generally writes good stuff. Always good too when a Rangers fan tries to take him on over sectarianism, and he generally wipes the floor with them in about five minutes.



I've two twitter pages. My personal one and one for The Away End (though I'm not the only one with the login for that so could be anyone tweeting).




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Have a Facebook account which i admit is very addictive. Used to have a Bebo account but that eventually got tedious and too tacky. Twitter seems quite annoying, especially when you see a footballer making ill-advised comments like Wilshere the other day. Managers should be banning players from that imo.

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Twitter is good for the following stuff:


General sale announcements for gig tickets.

When football clubs decide to cancel a game due to snow when you're half-way there :angry2:

For updates when your favourite AFC forum goes down..

For starting revolutions in Egypt.


um, im struggling now.

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