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Tonights Football Thread

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Another game for Torres to try get match fit, how long can Chelsea go with him not fully fit?


I don't think it is an issue of match fitness at all. He was obviously unhappy in the latter part of his Liverpool career and mixed with injuries resulted in a quite apparent change in his attitude and overall demeanour during games. It was injuries under Benitez followed by mismanagement by Hodgson according to the majority of Liverpool fans, who have ultimately come round to the same way of thinking.


With the

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The questions for me Foster was when he signed for Chelsea I put to my Chelsea supporting mates, do you think he can play as a 3rd striker?


If you don't play Drogba through the middle where do you play him, baring in mind he's your top scorer for years?


Do you play Torres on the left?


They still don't have the answers. I think it'll be a while before they all settle in to Torres' arrival.


I give it 18 months before he returns to Spain, unhappy at Chelsea.


No, he can't operate as a 3rd striker. He can pretty much only operate as a striker up front himself, much like Drogba has proven to be at his best. For me, this is the beginning of the end for Drogba, he will be gone in the summer. Now, going forward, I think Ancelotti will be looking to freshen up his attacking options completely. Whether he gets the opportunity to, I don't know, it depends what he manages for the rest of this season. I see Torres with more othodox wider front players going in to next season. Who that will end up being, I don't know, but I can't see him sticking with Anelka as a first choice either, when he struggles to offer a great deal in a wide area. All that happened yesterday was that he went missing from the right, which did not help their attack at all.


My point though is that Torres is quality. Liverpool fans in general were saying this till 2 months ago, basing all wrongs with him firstly on injury and thereafter Hodgson using him as a wide man. You can already see that Ancelotti wants to utilise him in his best role and I think that will breathe the life back in to him that will take him back to the form that had him as one of the most, if not the most potent and consistent striker in the league.


I think your last part is just a bit too much wishful thinking.


p.s. They still don't have the answers? He has been there for 2 starts. Hardly damning yet? Torres got in to good positions yesterday and had two opportunities that you'd expect not only him to score, but players with a tiny fraction of his ability. That is why I think it goes beyond systems and fitting in and is more to do with the something mental with the player himself. It will all depend on how he reacts after at least part of that £50m weight gets lifted off his shoulders with his first goal.

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Stuck the head in Joe Jordan!


Great result and performance from Spurs tonight :applause:


Indeed. Found Milan disappointing, in terms or performance and attitude on the pitch. If the referee had taken control of the match earlier, Spurs would have found it easier probably, with Milan probably deserving to finish with 9 on the pitch, not 11.


Spurs though, played well to a man. Organised in defence, midfield looked comfortable throughout, good passing, and a great shift put in by Lennon on the right and Crouch in the centre.

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Drogba dropped for Chelsea, Torres comes in.


Drogba has started going in a huff already, he never warmed up with the rest of the subs before the game. Haha.


Wilkins bumming up his pal John Terry again, "he's captain of Chelsea, he's also captain of England, he might not have the armband but he's the captain".


Disrespectful prick, but hahahahahaha.

Wilkins showing his clear intelligence there :hysterical: No Ray he's not the captain, it's Ferdinand and even then Gerrard is vice-captain. The guy can't even control his personal life so what chance has he got to captain a team of bottlers?

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To all Spurs fans.


Glass houses and all that, hahahahahahahahahaha get it up ye!




If only you'd managed to beat Wigan at home. :banghead:


Spurs were beaten but not outplayed (unlike when Liverpool played them :wave: ), in fact ridiculous that Spurs didn't score more. Didn't deserve to lose tonight.


Although, I expected Spurs to get beat by Sunderland in their last PL game and they probably should have, so swings and round-a-bouts I suppose.


It's a funny old game.

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Forest continued their impressive home record with a 2-2 draw at Preston. Seemed like it was a cracking game at the end. Preston 1-0 up, then Konchesky (I know even I'm shocked) made it 1-1, Cohen scored for Forest in the 92nd minute and Preston equalised in the 96th minute. Crazy!


Forest have not lost at home since September 2009. Quite gutted for Forest though because winning would have meant they were in the automatic promotion positions. I hope Leicester or Hull can put a run together, I don't want to see Leeds in the Premiership (sorry Lethal ;)).


Think Forest need to push for the automatic spots this year. They've got a terrible record in playoffs. Some bizarre results recently... beaten by Scunthorpe and held by Preston, interspliced with a win against Cardiff and a draw at Loftus Road. Still a long way to go yet mind!


By all accounts Konchesky has been excellent since he's arrived from Liverpool!

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Yes, you really should have known better, deary me! ;)


Forest continued their impressive home record with a 2-2 draw at Preston. Seemed like it was a cracking game at the end. Preston 1-0 up, then Konchesky (I know even I'm shocked) made it 1-1, Cohen scored for Forest in the 92nd minute and Preston equalised in the 96th minute. Crazy!


Forest have not lost at home since September 2009. Quite gutted for Forest though because winning would have meant they were in the automatic promotion positions. I hope Leicester or Hull can put a run together, I don't want to see Leeds in the Premiership (sorry Lethal ;)).



Barry Nicholson scored again last night didnt he?


I'd like to see both Leeds & Forest coming up, both teams would be good for the league.

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Yeah that's 2 in 2 now. A victory for Preston is coming, Phil Brown seems to have climbed the hill with the team, just need to get them over it and get wins under their belts.


I want to see Forest come up, but a few of my mates support Leeds, so would be funny to watch them suffer for another year.


The draws came against Forest and QPR which make them all the more impressive results.

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Yeah that's 2 in 2 now. A victory for Preston is coming, Phil Brown seems to have climbed the hill with the team, just need to get them over it and get wins under their belts.


I want to see Forest come up, but a few of my mates support Leeds, so would be funny to watch them suffer for another year.


Just seen Nicholson's goal from Saturday..peach!

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