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Great performance today. Midfield was in particular flowing mood. Don't think Brown should change that 4 unless needed. Another good performance from Mcardle again today,starting to quite like him.

Roll on Tuesday.

Even more proof that Rory shouldn't be playing at RB. Personally my central pairing would be him and Considine but hey ho.

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I'm in Edinburgh this weekend, pleased for the boys, just gutted I wasn't there to see it. Was actually worried about this game, even before Tuesday night, so was glad to see that they came out with a good performance


Also pleased to see Granpaw Broon wasn't afraid to bench Blackman after his indifferent display on Tuesday night

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I'm in Edinburgh this weekend, pleased for the boys, just gutted I wasn't there to see it. Was actually worried about this game, even before Tuesday night, so was glad to see that they came out with a good performance


Also pleased to see Granpaw Broon wasn't afraid to bench Blackman after his indifferent display on Tuesday night


This really. Just nice to be checking the score and it seeming like a really comfortable game with nothing to seemingly worry about. Very rarely we get them.

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Churlish to find anything to moan about visa vie the Dons performance yesterday.


I do think however were it not for Langfield making 2 v good saves & some generous refereeing we could have been 2 down and a man down before we scored.


But we didn't & we weren't , and we won 5-0.


lets hope we keep it going into the next match.


TBF on looking at the highlights again, I dont think Diamond touched him never mind fouled him

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Can't back it up I'm afraid. That's two in a row I've missed but at least I have a rock solid excuse for today.


Hate Clangers. Love his buffoonery being highlighted as it is indisputably a fact whether he deserves bufooning or not on this particular occasion.


He came horsing out of the box twice when it was idiotic to do so.


Not good enough.

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Churlish to find anything to moan about visa vie the Dons performance yesterday.


I do think however were it not for Langfield making 2 v good saves & some generous refereeing we could have been 2 down and a man down before we scored.


But we didn't & we weren't , and we won 5-0.


lets hope we keep it going into the next match.


The first save came about as he was running about outside of the box like an idiot. Totally his fault that we ended up in that situation.

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Your inference is that we cannot get better than Langfield.


You are wrong.



No my inference that there a re supposedly better keepers than langfield who are in fact worse


in that i am correct :thumbup1:


it is strange though that when Langfield makes a good stop and prevents a goal it is something that he should be able to do and is the minimum expected however when we dont even lose a goal its a horror show?



personally I think he had a good game at the weekend, he does have the odd off game and i am not convinced he is a good "big game" keeper but on a day he can produce so mighty fine performances


Now we are in a market where we wont get a player who can play 40 odd games and play them all well, many of the palyers we are in the market for we might be doing well if the play 20 good games 10 ok games and 10 poor games. We have had players in the past who swing that around, for instance Chris Clark never reallyu had a good game for us, however he never really had a bad game he had about38 average games 1 good un 1 bad un. If a player can play roughly 20 odd games well then thats ok.


At the moment (probably becuase we dont have any of the usual targets available) langfield is the target and no matter what he does someone will pick fault or say that's what you expect. We have had far worse keepers than langfield - there are far worse keepers in the SPL than langfield, there are some better though I would say that langfield is in the top 8 or so keepers in the country at the moment. And I woudl say at least 5 of them are nowhere near where we could afford


One thing I would say about keepers and that's Esson


Esson is a very tidy keeper, he left us with a Scotland call up and went to my home town of Shrewsbury (old div 4), he played ok there and then got a bad injury and couldnt get back into the team at all. He is now with ICT playing well and doing as well as langfield (maybe he is better)


So could we get bette - tbh probably we could, we can easily match old div 4 div3 wages a place were a tdy SPL keeper with a scots call up struggles to prosper. Humphreys from Motherwell was A shrewsbury player (and disapointed tehye were to lose him) but if well can attract an outfield player from that division they so can we


Bit of balance hopefully


Langfield has the odd bad game - he is NOT as bad as some are trying to make out and is one of the better keepers in the SPL. However esson who was a scot call up and also playing well in the SPL struggled to find a place in Div 4 - so surely there would be some players available to us.


Final thing - why do we need 2 keepers?


we could combine two wages and get a decent keeper (not injury prone) and use magennis as a back up - instead of a keeper who wasnt even on the bench for St Mirren last season.


surely a second keeper is a bit of a waste of a wage for what might be two or 3 games a season?

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Final thing - why do we need 2 keepers?


we could combine two wages and get a decent keeper (not injury prone) and use magennis as a back up - instead of a keeper who wasnt even on the bench for St Mirren last season.


surely a second keeper is a bit of a waste of a wage for what might be two or 3 games a season?

Utterly utterly ludicrous suggestion.

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Utterly utterly ludicrous suggestion.



Dundee united live with just one keeper - yes it is a gamble but we do have magennis who started as a goalie


when wages are tight if you can get a good goalie (with 2 wages) and have a back up available why not?


yes you do run the risk of a longer term injury but there are U19's for 1/2 seasons?


just a thought more than anything

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Utterly utterly ludicrous suggestion.


Sometimes I wonder whether Bamber is the long-lost older sibling of Millertime.


There is some crazy stuff posted on this forum, most of it coming from folk on the wind-up.... however, Millertime and Bamber both have something in common - they are deadly serious when they post something on the AFC forum.

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Dundee united live with just one keeper - yes it is a gamble but we do have magennis who started as a goalie


when wages are tight if you can get a good goalie (with 2 wages) and have a back up available why not?


yes you do run the risk of a longer term injury but there are U19's for 1/2 seasons?


just a thought more than anything

United have 3 keepers although Banks is more coaching now at 39

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