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Away Support!

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We're so sh*t nowadays that this is now looked upon as our great success.


Well, we get another bite at the cherry... only problem with that is that we tend to make an even bigger abortion of it at the second time of asking.


A semi-final awaits... to us that's as good as a final.


It has to be.


But, you know, that's because the fans expect too much.

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Well, if we're praising the away fans, we've now earned a replay in front of some of the worst..........yipee!


I predict booing, thrown scarfs and plenty in house fighting about standing up/sitting down, sing this/be quiet.


f**king hell, i sound like a grumpy old man.


3-0, streamers, air horns and free pies at half time cause the wigmeister and Millie Willer are feeling flush.


The thing the wife likes most about me dragging her to Pittodrie when we're back hame is the interaction between the home and away fans. You just don't get the taunting back and forth in American sports like you do a the fitba. Everybody might as well be supporting the same team here, for all the animosity or atmosphere you get. f**king ridiculous it is.... "Oh, great goal by them guys against us guys!" What? What the f**k? Stop applauding and threaten their supporters or something.


Anyway, I'm not sure that the players understand the importance of winning cup games. That lack of urgency is hard to ignore.

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Awesome bounce at the end.


Also good work whoever tried to get a Spurs-esque slow version of "Ohhhhh when the Reds go steaming in" going - think it'll maybe take a bit of time to get everybody in sync though!


Aye, that was pretty good.



There was a guy at the back occasionally just shouting "PAUL!", "Paulllll!", Paauuuuuuuuuuullll!" "Paul!" ever so often. I assume it was directed at Paul Gallacher. :wtf:

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There was a guy at the back occasionally just shouting "PAUL!", "Paulllll!", Paauuuuuuuuuuullll!" "Paul!" ever so often. I assume it was directed at Paul Gallacher. :wtf:

Was it not that he was shouting "C**t", certainly a guy behind me was for most of the first half, also well done to the folk who were bursting balloons every time Gallacher was kicking the ball. Never distracted him, but timing was always spot on.

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Smoking, right in the front row. A tad silly, but he was just pissed. Hopefully the authorities never took it further.


Nah, initially he was caught smoking but somehow got off with that, he got nicked for threatening to knock fk out of the steward (on 3 seperate occasions) who had reported him in the first place, think a few weegie reds in the front row had alerted cops, or so it seemed.

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Nah, initially he was caught smoking but somehow got off with that, he got nicked for threatening to knock fk out of the steward (on 3 seperate occasions) who had reported him in the first place, think a few weegie reds in the front row had alerted cops, or so it seemed.

Ah, once he got rejected for smoking the first time we never seen him again. Presume he moved to a different seat.

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The St Mirren stand under the cameras seemed packed but don't know the volume that each stand holds?


From Wikipedia...


The Stadium has four stands with a total capacity of 8,023. The North Stand is used by away fans but for larger away supports part of the West Stand can also be given to away fans.


* Main Stand (Greenhill Road) - capacity 2,220.

* West Stand (Craigielee Drive) - capacity 2,516.

* North Stand (Ferguslie Park Avenue) - capacity 1,633.(Normally designated for away fans.)

* South Stand (Drums Road) - capacity 1,654.

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Aye, that was pretty good.



There was a guy at the back occasionally just shouting "PAUL!", "Paulllll!", Paauuuuuuuuuuullll!" "Paul!" ever so often. I assume it was directed at Paul Gallacher. :wtf:


Aye, I was hearing that as well. Was anyone in the same carrage on the train back to central as the 2 Rangers fans that tried to annoy the Dons fans? :lolrangers:

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despite the awful weather the fans were great...lots of colour as teams came out so well done one and all who took part and contributed with materials..some streamers never made it in so a bit of savvy required at the turnstyles in future..spurs style song was from a few of us,it caught on at times but it really was freezing so taking everything into consideration the fans were excellent.


we need to be the same on wednesday though and thats the hard part.


any display pics?

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i had a fantastic day. football was sh*te but the rest was awesome.


honestly, if anyone wants to go to away trips, pm razor and theyll take good care of you.


the highlight of the game for me was all of us standing the whole time then the safety announcement coming over saying they wanted us to sit down so we start chanting "were gonna stand if we want to, stand if we waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to"


quickly followed by a rendition of stand free

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