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The BNP are a bit of a joke really.


Send the buggers back eh ? No more mosques ? Muslimist ray guns ?


Whatever next. ?


Yes there needs a honest debate about immigration and integration in this country , and we need to get away from talking about immigration = racist. once we get past that then we can move on.


But voting BNP will do no one any favours, they are part of the problem, not a solution.

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Is there a party which has a manifesto of actively targeting fat people?


I'm in, if so.


If not, how exactly do you go about starting a political party, I can feel myself getting mobilised.


I canna see legions of bloaters having the motivation to protest so it should be a fairly comprehensive rout once we get started on them, jobs too for the rest of us, building holding camps to temporarily house bloaters, 100% effort required to shift the flab in these places, no messing around, monthly inspections, three strikes and you're out.


Any by 'out', I mean 'shot'. To death.


:hysterical: :hysterical:


You can count me in Tup

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I recommend that anyone who hasn't already done so should go ahead and read through the BNP manifesto.


It's f**king hilarious.


It's like they're trying, I mean really, really trying, to keep the rhetoric under control. This, you see, is the friendly, respectable, rational face of the NF... though anyone with two or more brain cells knows this is still the same bunch of tards who shave their heids and throw bricks at Pakistanis, only now they're wearing suits and trying to string two coherent sentences together.


But, try as they might, it's not long before the paranoia, racism and naked fear bubbles to the surface.


I particularly liked the part where they go off on a rant about how Turkey will soon be a member of the EU, bringing MUSLIMS! and GYPSIES! into YOUR neigbourhood in numbers so vast that you'll be swimming to your enforced Islamic prayer schools through a sea of Burkas and Caravans. And how the only way to prevent YOU from becoming a crazed suicide bomber, or a member of Dexys Midnight Runners, is to fill the English channel with water... oh, lucky break there... and to haul up the drawbridges and start boiling pots of oil before the hordes of caravaning Muslim Gypsy Jews come rumbling over the horizon to pollute your precious fluids with their subhuman customs and, admittedly, superior foodstuffs.


Save yourselves Britain! The Musjewpsies are coming!

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I got one from the BNP.


The small print said their office was in Turriff.


Kinda figures that a backward political party would pick such a place to operate from.

Give it a rest min

As far as i can tell the BNP dont even have a candidate running in Aberdeenshire east so the above post is complete bull****

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Think this may be a bigger issue than my OP. One of the girls in my college class' ambition was to live off benefits. OK it might end up happening through a series of unfortunate circumstances but for that to be someone's highest hopes for their life literally sickened me. These are just some of the issues that need sorted out. We're a mess of a nanny state and it needs changed.

What about the folk on benefits who refer to the day they get their money as 'pay day' :angry2:


Does my nut in.

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What's the difference with BNP and any other party?


Okay, BNP are racist feckers - but take that out, it's just another party


That's the thing, though.


The BNP/NF are racist organisations. Take that out of the equation and there is NO BNP or NF. Removing the xenophobia removes the entire reason for those organisations to exist.


Seriously, check out their manifesto.. it's almost entirely about fearmongering regarding minorities, gypsies, other Europeans, 'building fences'.




They're NOT just another party. They're dedicated to segregation, xenophobia, sectarianism, and exclusion... and that's about it.

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While I think Griffin and co. are an embarassment, I have to point out a few things:


The BNP's attempt to use Churchill as their mascot/icon/figurehead or whatever is cynical, as has been pointed out by the main 3 parties, BUT aren't they equally cynical for referring to his legacy as and when it suits them? After all, because of the utter ineptitude of these 3 parties, the country that Churchill, Atlee, etc. were supposedly defending, is long gone.


Also, while an all-White Britain is neither desirable nor achievable, it is true that in many parts of the UK, immigration has been so out of control that there are large parts that resemble a Third World country. There is also a REAL problem with integration in many cases, ESPECIALLY from the Muslims, it has to be said. That each of us has the right to choose our own faith, is an unalienable human right in this country. However, Muslims often have a problem with separation of religion and state. They certainly don't agree with the country's tolerant view on gays and feminists, that's for sure. Not to mention their insistence on Halal butchery, in a country very sensitive to animal rights.


If the mainstream parties don't grow some balls, man up and do something about the failed utopian experiment they call "multiculturalism", they will only lose more and more votes to the far-right (and indeed far-left) and civil unrest will heighten.


As a side-note, I should point out that many members of our erstwhile and disastrous New Labour govt (and it's current leader and his brother) were members of the Communist Party. Given that far, FAR more have died under Communism than Fascism/Nazism combined, isn't it a little hypocritical to condemn the far-right, while condoning the far-LEFT?

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