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Merc, Bmw Or Audi


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i don't own a car but if i was to buy one it would probably be one of these german panzer wagons.


merc to me seems to be the classiest and best quality whilst the audi is less flashy but still good build standard. with the bmw somewhere inbetween.


in the meantime i'll stick with my 4 speed push bike.

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Cars are for losers.


There's nothing worse than getting stuck with a couple of car-heids at a party, jesus h, who gives a f**k? It's a lump of f**king metal.



what do you talk about at parties tup?

do you like parties?


youre right though. petrol heads are funny. to laugh at. not with.

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what do you talk about at parties tup?

do you like parties?


youre right though. petrol heads are funny. to laugh at. not with.


I am the life and soul of any party I deign to attend. When I leave, the atmosphere leaves with me.


I don't give the pleasure my company to just anyone though, I'm very selective in that regard.


Given that I canna stand most people, being at parties with strangers is not my idea of fun. I am certain to fall out with someone, immediately.


So I stick to gathering with my cohorts.

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I am the life and soul of any party I deign to attend. When I leave, the atmosphere leaves with me.


I don't give the pleasure my company to just anyone though, I'm very selective in that regard.


Given that I canna stand most people, being at parties with strangers is not my idea of fun. I am certain to fall out with someone, immediately.


So I stick to gathering with my cohorts.


i can well imagine! ;)

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Was that Gay Pride week where you had your name and a number on the back of your shirt for easy pick bumgames?


Straight up the anus of an old Moroccan cab driver, you cheeky raver. :fatshaft::dancin:




and crotchless leather pants on the bottom half.

get in there my son!

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I have an M Class merc and its the best car I ever had, had an Ms ports 3 series Beamer before it, and whilst it was decent, I just find BMW's dull, and extremely bland inside.

I've never owned an Audi, but don't think they are anywhere near the level of Mercs or BMW's, but thats just my perception.

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Tup, see if you were at a party......you got so drunk, and you ended up falling asleep.....the next morning, you woke up with a hooring sore arse, you were naked and you happen to roll over and be next to another bloke, would you tell anyone?


This is impossible. I don't get paralytic, ever. I find it impossible to do so, unless you take to insane drinking, like a 14 year old might do behind the bikesheds with a surreptitious carry out.


So, couple this with the fact I do not fraternise with either strangers, or homosexuals, and you come to the conclusion that this is not possible.

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I was just asking so I could figure out what car you were into, jeez min!


Affa touchy.


I didna realise that - wooosh etc. Still asking about covering up homosexual rape as a means of ascertaining which kind of vehicle you're into is a strange one on me, and I've studied psychology. Different.


I'm nae into cars, I liked toy cars when I was little, but real cars I dinna give a toss about, the preserve of lazy c**ts.

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