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Thankfully I've only ever been to England twice, and once was when I was too young to remember.


The whole country is a write off.


I'd freak if I had to walk through the likes of Birmingham or London, I'd end up dead within minutes guaranteed.

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Glasgow is a midden. I f**king detest the place. Most miserable two years of my life living there. Thousands of ned assholes, a council determined to destroy any history/culture the place once had, an increasingly depressing nightlife involving w*nkers looking for fights and girls who thought Jimmy Calderwood was a bit on the pale side, two despicable football teams, a crap national stadium, an increasing ratio of sh*t-to-good music venues, no dogshit/needle/rubbish-free green spaces, tons of f**king hipster w*nker students, a motorway right through the middle of it(!), a city centre that smells like bile, etc...


To be fair, they've got a decent public transport system though.



Thats on the ball but if I turn clock back 10-15 years it wasnt as bad , shame,the place is going down the shitter though

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Thankfully I've only ever been to England twice, and once was when I was too young to remember.


The whole country is a write off.


I'd freak if I had to walk through the likes of Birmingham or London, I'd end up dead within minutes guaranteed.



yeah, sure you would.

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Forgot about Perth, I actually really like Perth. Beautiful countryside around perth and nice city centre.


Falkirk, although not a city, is possibly the worst place i've ever driven through! Horrible Horrible little sh*t hole of a place.


Clearly never been to Barrow. Worst place I've been to.



You honestly like London mate ? Think its overrated myself !


London is amazing.

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Aberdeen is great you just need to know where to go.


eg; Saturday on Belmont street with the farmers market on was great, sun shining down, great pint in the Belmont, wander around and bought some local produce, spot to eat in Slains, magic.


You can shove the rest of Scotland up yer jacksy!

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Aberdeen is better than a lot of people make out, though has some gash aspects (neds/city center looking crap etc.).


Edinburgh is outstanding, r.e. the London debate if you transplanted Edinburgh into London it would by miles (and miles and miles... ) be the most interesting and fun part. London is good because it's London about about nothing else,big ben/ good restaurants/the tube and the like don't make up for the fact it is basically ugly with little enclaves of nice-ish areas. So many places in London I've been to with a big name and reputation only to find some crap shopping street or a few isolated points of interest. If you've seen a telephone box and hackney cab before I don't see the core narrative of the place.


Glasgow I think if you know it a bit can be ok, used to be a die hard hater, but been there a few more times and it has some nice pubs/venues and a diffident but still valid architecture.

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  • 1 year later...

Haha! It was also open until 5am on a club night, so you could wake up with multiple coffees and smoke yourself senseless before heading over to the Pheonix for the 7am quiz.




endibugh is briliiant during the festival. all clubs open till 5 and pubs open till 3am.


luckily i always managed to get resits, so was there during the summer.

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