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And you started so well b&g, with new ideas designed to try to put some oomph into AFC.


And then it descended into a typical 'pittodrie for flats' load of twaddle, and 'white elephant' rubbish. Just for the record - though not like I havn't said so a million times - there are plenty of us who think the Wiggy Dome will be anything but a white elephant.

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And you started so well b&g, with new ideas designed to try to put some oomph into AFC.


And then it descended into a typical 'pittodrie for flats' load of twaddle, and 'white elephant' rubbish. Just for the record - though not like I havn't said so a million times - there are plenty of us who think the Wiggy Dome will be anything but a white elephant.


Fatshaft you may well be proved right about the stadium. I'm not, regardless of how I come across, anti Milne and the Board nor am I seeking scapecoats for our current predicament. I was merely reacting to online negativity to a post about a scheme that might, just might, have a chance. It's a new idea and it is one more new idea than we have had from the club, trust, the media or anyone else for that matter in recent times. The idea is to try to raise money for AFC - and as a fan I don't see how that is a bad thing. There is no escaping the predicament we are in. I would love a redeveloped Pittodrie and if that is not an option (truely and independently assessed) then a new stadium could be brilliant but and this is the crux of it for me the location is all wrong. I went from the BOD to Altens (Macro) a few Tuesday's ago. I went in the car at about 5.45 and without any football traffic the journey took 1 hour and 17 minutes. Imagine how long it is going to take the fans who come from north Aberdeen or north of Aberdeen to get to the Milne Dome if that is how long it takes to cross the city without another 5,000 plus cars going the same way? I welcome improvement in our ability to improve the fan experience, increase commerciality and atmosphere of our home stadium but really worry about the location of it at Altens. There is nothing social there at all, no bars, restaurants - it's just not right. Why not build it at the back of Pittodrie - move the driving range and first and last holes of the Kings Links to the Bridge of Don, behind the Shell garage? Also I would love for the club to tell us how they plan to win back the fans and fill any new stadium. I want to hear that as I don't honestly think they have a clue.

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this is one weird scheme


Seems to me its based around ISAs


Either you invest in the club via an ISA or some one else use your ISA entitlement on your behalf


its an investment of 5000 to raise 20000000 after the end of SIX years you get back your 5000 and the club gets the interest


Now lets be generous take a

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Fatshaft you may well be proved right about the stadium. I'm not, regardless of how I come across, anti Milne and the Board nor am I seeking scapecoats for our current predicament. I was merely reacting to online negativity to a post about a scheme that might, just might, have a chance. It's a new idea and it is one more new idea than we have had from the club, trust, the media or anyone else for that matter in recent times. The idea is to try to raise money for AFC - and as a fan I don't see how that is a bad thing. There is no escaping the predicament we are in. I would love a redeveloped Pittodrie and if that is not an option (truely and independently assessed) then a new stadium could be brilliant but and this is the crux of it for me the location is all wrong. I went from the BOD to Altens (Macro) a few Tuesday's ago. I went in the car at about 5.45 and without any football traffic the journey took 1 hour and 17 minutes. Imagine how long it is going to take the fans who come from north Aberdeen or north of Aberdeen to get to the Milne Dome if that is how long it takes to cross the city without another 5,000 plus cars going the same way? I welcome improvement in our ability to improve the fan experience, increase commerciality and atmosphere of our home stadium but really worry about the location of it at Altens. There is nothing social there at all, no bars, restaurants - it's just not right. Why not build it at the back of Pittodrie - move the driving range and first and last holes of the Kings Links to the Bridge of Don, behind the Shell garage? Also I would love for the club to tell us how they plan to win back the fans and fill any new stadium. I want to hear that as I don't honestly think they have a clue.




Have to say you dont need to be a brain surgeon to realise that pittodrie is NOT a place that can be redeveloped at any sorty of capacity level - too crowded by far


The Kings links proposal was looked at and turned down, my own views are as a town centre venue it woudl be expensive, the land is good and would probably still be tied up in red tape and would likely be for another 5 years - WITHOUT a doubt building on kings links would have been called in by the scottish parliment due to the number of cocerns that people would raise


Land out at loriston loch is no real use fro anything else to be homest and was a cheaper option and would be far far less locals against it - Kingswells showed how the population would respond when they wanted too


Transport WILL be an issue, BUT a lack of parking spaces at the ground and so on will force most onto busses we will have to wait and see but imo busses arent going to be forcing their way passed 5000 cars - cos there is nowhere to park 5000 cars


Stadium I reckon has the potential to be great for aberdeen and the city , especially if transport is got right, not only for the football but also for the concerts that will undoubtedly be held


Oh and Debt aint bad and mortgaged debt is good, the more debt that is longer term the better, clubs will only get in difficulty when they cant meet their debt if payments can be made debt can be a good thing to have longer term debt is even better

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good work there bamber.


the principle is relatively sound but as you say, totally dependent on alot of people locking away a lot of money for no gain of their own. its also a long time to lock this money away to give the club what to them probably isnt a large amount of cash.


itll be blown on reducing the debt by 100k or another tommy wright, or worst case scenario, giving wiggys office a nice mahogany finish. once its gone, its gone, youve then got to wait another 5 years and hope that nobody who has locked this money away decides they want/need to keep their profits.


i dont want to piss allover the idea because at its an idea to try and make money for the club, but its got as much credence as my distant nigerian relative needing my bank details

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It's no scam just a group of well intentioned and enterprising AFC fans trying to see if there is a way of raising cash - it's research only at this stage to gauge interest. The idea though is going to happen in football at some point, there is too much interest in this from the financial services sector and EPL clubs for it not to happen. The question is will it work for AFC? If yes - good times we will have new funding and can start dealing with some of the issues only funding can fix. If not then we tried and where is the harm in that? What harm in completing a questionnaire?

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It's no scam just a group of well intentioned and enterprising AFC fans trying to see if there is a way of raising cash - it's research only at this stage to gauge interest. The idea though is going to happen in football at some point, there is too much interest in this from the financial services sector and EPL clubs for it not to happen. The question is will it work for AFC? If yes - good times we will have new funding and can start dealing with some of the issues only funding can fix. If not then we tried and where is the harm in that? What harm in completing a questionnaire?



Becuase i give a lot of details away in a questionaire about financial matters that show I dont have a scoobie about money to a bunch of people that I have no idea who or where they may be and what they might do with the information??????

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I think Hibs just proved that you can redevelop a landlocked urban site and have a decent, if unspectacular, all seater stadium. If they managed that feat at Easter Road then Pittodrie remains an option for me until I see some independent research from surveyors, builders and architects to the contrary. Also getting the fans to shift from cars to public transport will be a huge cultural change for us all if we were to move to Altens. We are not a city club in isolation, a very large percentage of our fans travel a considerable distance to see home games and many of them need to make that journey by car as there is no viable alternative for them. Again this is a massive concern for me if we move out of town. As is the lack of anything alongside the stadium - no retail is planned, there are no bars nothing apart from the stadium bar for 1000 fans. How many of us go for a pint before and after the games? It's part of the whole matchday ritual and not just to drink but to meet mates, get some banter etc. Going to be strange getting a bus to Altens and then getting on it back to town straight after the game. Not an appealing prospect to me in the slightest.

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I think Hibs just proved that you can redevelop a landlocked urban site and have a decent, if unspectacular, all seater stadium. If they managed that feat at Easter Road then Pittodrie remains an option for me until I see some independent research from surveyors, builders and architects to the contrary. Also getting the fans to shift from cars to public transport will be a huge cultural change for us all if we were to move to Altens. We are not a city club in isolation, a very large percentage of our fans travel a considerable distance to see home games and many of them need to make that journey by car as there is no viable alternative for them. Again this is a massive concern for me if we move out of town. As is the lack of anything alongside the stadium - no retail is planned, there are no bars nothing apart from the stadium bar for 1000 fans. How many of us go for a pint before and after the games? It's part of the whole matchday ritual and not just to drink but to meet mates, get some banter etc. Going to be strange getting a bus to Altens and then getting on it back to town straight after the game. Not an appealing prospect to me in the slightest.


Why have the crowds been declining at Pittodrie then ?

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Why have the crowds been declining at Pittodrie then ?


The standard of football.


If I was gonna invest my hard earned cash into some sort of ISA i'd be keeping the returns. Nae the Dons.


Oh, and it's quite clearly some sort of scam.


What does the performance on the pitch have to do with people investing their hard earned into the club? Is the 'address' section in the questionaire so that you know who's house to rob when the Dons are playing? Wouldn't that sort of scam be better to pull at the start of the season?


Just asking like.

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I think Hibs just proved that you can redevelop a landlocked urban site and have a decent, if unspectacular, all seater stadium. If they managed that feat at Easter Road then Pittodrie remains an option for me until I see some independent research from surveyors, builders and architects to the contrary. Also getting the fans to shift from cars to public transport will be a huge cultural change for us all if we were to move to Altens. We are not a city club in isolation, a very large percentage of our fans travel a considerable distance to see home games and many of them need to make that journey by car as there is no viable alternative for them. Again this is a massive concern for me if we move out of town. As is the lack of anything alongside the stadium - no retail is planned, there are no bars nothing apart from the stadium bar for 1000 fans. How many of us go for a pint before and after the games? It's part of the whole matchday ritual and not just to drink but to meet mates, get some banter etc. Going to be strange getting a bus to Altens and then getting on it back to town straight after the game. Not an appealing prospect to me in the slightest.





must be stealth houses behind the old east stand?


Anyone who has been in the Main stand knows it needs to go and quite clearly theire isnt space behind that stand



South stand also needs to go and oh with the flats there is no space there either

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Bamber you may be right but are you a builder? An architect or surveyor? If not then you don't know and neither do I so independent research would prove or otherwise what is possible



I'm an engineer, generally as an engineer I design and build stuff and beleive me often shoe-horn it into the tightest spaces imaginable (I once had to cut a valve of a piece of pipework to get some stuff in but thats another story entirely - other times I have looked away as bits were put in in fear) from that I think I have a decent "eye" as to whether or not you can ram a quart into a pint pot.


There is no available footprint in the nearby land to build a stand that is capable of housing the same amout of people as currently in pittodrie either we stayed in place with a vastly reduced capacity or we moved. The question was then where


Personally the chance to regenerate pittodriewas when the gas works went, but that would have involved massive cost and us playing games in dundee for about 2 seasons as we turned the pitch

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I'm an engineer, generally as an engineer I design and build stuff and beleive me often shoe-horn it into the tightest spaces imaginable (I once had to cut a valve of a piece of pipework to get some stuff in but thats another story entirely - other times I have looked away as bits were put in in fear) from that I think I have a decent "eye" as to whether or not you can ram a quart into a pint pot.


There is no available footprint in the nearby land to build a stand that is capable of housing the same amout of people as currently in pittodrie either we stayed in place with a vastly reduced capacity or we moved. The question was then where


Personally the chance to regenerate pittodriewas when the gas works went, but that would have involved massive cost and us playing games in dundee for about 2 seasons as we turned the pitch



I don't doubt for a minute that it would be a challenge to redevelop Pittodrie but until someone proves to the contrary I will continue to challenge the idea that Pittodrie cannot be redeveloped. I will not, like many, just roll over accept everything that Milne tells me as I truely doubt his motives for wanting to move. If he wants to publish any independent surveys on the subject I would be delighted. Until then please stop trying to influence me to the Altens is our only option. Please don't get me wrong our current facilities are awful and need improving I am just not convinced without the necessary evidence that Altens is the only way that will happen.

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I think Hibs just proved that you can redevelop a landlocked urban site and have a decent, if unspectacular, all seater stadium. If they managed that feat at Easter Road then Pittodrie remains an option for me until I see some independent research from surveyors, builders and architects to the contrary. Also getting the fans to shift from cars to public transport will be a huge cultural change for us all if we were to move to Altens. We are not a city club in isolation, a very large percentage of our fans travel a considerable distance to see home games and many of them need to make that journey by car as there is no viable alternative for them. Again this is a massive concern for me if we move out of town. As is the lack of anything alongside the stadium - no retail is planned, there are no bars nothing apart from the stadium bar for 1000 fans. How many of us go for a pint before and after the games? It's part of the whole matchday ritual and not just to drink but to meet mates, get some banter etc. Going to be strange getting a bus to Altens and then getting on it back to town straight after the game. Not an appealing prospect to me in the slightest.



Get over Pittodrie, we ain't staying.

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I'm an engineer, generally as an engineer I design and build stuff and beleive me often shoe-horn it into the tightest spaces imaginable (I once had to cut a valve of a piece of pipework to get some stuff in but thats another story entirely - other times I have looked away as bits were put in in fear) from that I think I have a decent "eye" as to whether or not you can ram a quart into a pint pot.


There is no available footprint in the nearby land to build a stand that is capable of housing the same amout of people as currently in pittodrie either we stayed in place with a vastly reduced capacity or we moved. The question was then where


Personally the chance to regenerate pittodriewas when the gas works went, but that would have involved massive cost and us playing games in dundee for about 2 seasons as we turned the pitch


Wow - where does the shoe horn etc. come into it? Pittodrie currently holds 21K - are you really trying to say a new stadium cannot be built on site that holds, say, 21K?

Main, King Street and South Stands could easily be designed and built to match the capacity planned in the new stadium.

It's the cost of doing so (and the fact we don't sell our only asset) that is against this option, nothing at all to do with space etc.

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As with all financial products these days, this sounds like a barely disguised scam.


Heap of sh*t, we need real money invested from rich pockets, not more scrounging from beleagured fans sick to the eye teeth of years of chronic under-investment.


Avoid this at all costs is my advice.

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As with all financial products these days, this sounds like a barely disguised scam.


Heap of sh*t, we need real money invested from rich pockets, not more scrounging from beleagured fans sick to the eye teeth of years of chronic under-investment.


Avoid this at all costs is my advice.


Beat me to it, guy comes on here with zero posts and tries and sells a scheme, smells like spam/scam

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total scam. you must take us all on here as complete fools.


some punter who only joined this forum yesterday coming along and asking for our financial details should be banned immediately from the site and this thread should be deleted.



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Beat me to it, guy comes on here with zero posts and tries and sells a scheme, smells like spam/scam


A scam lol yeah that's right mate. Well done you for seeing through it. Don't for one minute think that there might actually be some fans out there who are genuinely fed up with the current situation and want, in a proactive way, to challenge some of the decisions that have been made in our name and help, by investigating ways of trying to raise funds, to offer some potential alternatives to the boring mantra that keeps getting repeated of we are skint, the stadium cannot be redeveloped, its nae the 80's noo min, we are aiming for a top six finish crap that is the reality of our situation. That may be good enough for you but not me and countless others. Maybe we have been to see the sugar daddies and got nowhere. Could it be that Mr Sheik RattlenRoll didn't want to invest

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A scam lol yeah that's right mate. Well done you for seeing through it. Don't for one minute think that there might actually be some fans out there who are genuinely fed up with the current situation and want, in a proactive way, to challenge some of the decisions that have been made in our name and help, by investigating ways of trying to raise funds, to offer some potential alternatives to the boring mantra that keeps getting repeated of we are skint, the stadium cannot be redeveloped, its nae the 80's noo min, we are aiming for a top six finish crap that is the reality of our situation. That may be good enough for you but not me and countless others. Maybe we have been to see the sugar daddies and got nowhere. Could it be that Mr Sheik RattlenRoll didn't want to invest

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Who are you then tell us, whats your background, and why have you not been on the site before , plus your credibility is bust as your link to your questionnaire disnae work, amateur !!


I am so sorry you cannot access the link - it works from my pc however I will post it again for you: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/476104/AFC-New-Investment-Product-Questionnaire as the links may have been disabled when I posted it on this site. You are right about the amateur especially when it comes to IT not my area of operation so hopefully you can access the link now. At this stage it doesn't matter who I or indeed we are and there is no great conspiracy behind this. All that I will say is that we are Aberdeen fans through and through and have the beer bellies and programme collections to prove it. We are well intentioned, from a variety of differing professional backgrounds, all different ages and from both sides of the gender divide. There is no desire on our part to reveal our identities on a chat site or any other public forum. This is only a research project! If it works then great we will stay hidden then to. This isn't about being a well kent face or being the voice of the fans. This is not something that is the idea of just one person and anyway if we did reveal our identities you would have never have heard of us as we have no collective or individual public profile. We didn't come on the site to bicker with fans and are genuinely surprised at the hostility and negativity the idea has received. If an ISA scheme is not for you then so be it but we all want to try and do something about the current situation. This was our idea. It is obviously not to your liking and we can live with that. We would just appreciate it if it wasn't slagged off before you have even clicked the (hopefully now working) link and taken the survey.


If nothing else let's hope it gets the support thinking and talking about what needs to change and how that can be achieved. After all its easy to be negative anyone can do that but creativity requires a bit more.

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