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Willie Miller Now Head Of Youth Development

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Looks like Willie is going to be handed a new role at AFC - seems like a good idea, maybe its a move to take the pressure of "business related affairs" off his hands?


Head of Youth or something akin, would suit him better than DoF. I think that should be Craig Brown in a year or two.


Either way, he remains at AFC which is the most important thing.





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Looks like Willie is going to be handed a new role at AFC - seems like a good idea, maybe its a move to take the pressure of "business related affairs" off his hands?


Head of Youth or something akin, would suit him better than DoF. I think that should be Craig Brown in a year or two.


Either way, he remains at AFC which is the most important thing.






Selling chips ?

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Getting sidelined ........ Is this role actually good, Since most parents know about him, His soul bar antics, His inability to do anything behind the scenes worth being positive about ?, Money that's owed to various companies from inept failings as a businessman.




Miller made an absolute fortune through old folks homes, his bars, selling the Parkway for vast profit. He conveniently wound up his fish business while going through his divorce.


A prick maybe, inept, certainly not.

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Yeah well you haven't been right about the high calibre signings so far Tup do easy on the trumpet blowing fella-!


Although I sincerely hope you are come the end of the transfer windie.


I fish not with the Willie comments people, I am glad he's staying-perhaps he can go back to doing what he does best-being Willie Miller.

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Miller made an absolute fortune through old folks homes, his bars, selling the Parkway for vast profit. He conveniently wound up his fish business while going through his divorce.


A prick maybe, inept, certainly not.


His Skippers Restuarant at the beach was open for less than a year before closing. The reason he gave for its closure was the fact that nobody used the beach anymore, since Union Square opened. Which makes you wonder - what did he think they were building down by the station for all those years prior to Union Square opened. Inept as f4ck.


If he was such a successfuil business man with so much money he wouldn't be pricking about with Aberdeen for

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Yeah well you haven't been right about the high calibre signings so far Tup do easy on the trumpet blowing fella-!


Although I sincerely hope you are come the end of the transfer windie.


I fish not with the Willie comments people, I am glad he's staying-perhaps he can go back to doing what he does best-being Willie Miller.


I'm never wrong.

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Football structure changes





Continuing with the structural change programme at Aberdeen FC to meet the considerable challenges which lie ahead, Aberdeen Football Club has announced a realignment of roles within its football department, geared towards focus and clarity of responsibilities.


Following on from the engagement of the new management team, the appointment of Duncan Fraser as CEO and the impending retirement of Len Taylor as Head of Football Academy, the football department has been restructured with effect from July 1st .


Willie Miller will Head up the Club's development programme becoming Director of Football Development. This move, in line with the SFA's impending appointment of a Performance Director, will give focus to the undoubted need for the game in Scotland to fully commit to producing better technical players for club and country.


As Willie outlines, the move reflects the modern approach to the game. "Youth development has been a huge part of my role over the past seven years and in that time, its significance to the future of this Club going forward has increased year on year.


"When I returned to Pittodrie, my first task was to review the youth development operation and implement the changes necessary as the focus moved more and more into that area and that is something that can't happen overnight and takes a dedicated team to achieve. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the personnel within our academy set-up but in particular to the legacy that Len Taylor has left as he enters retirement. Len was my first appointment and recruited to head up and help me shape the future of our development programme. Len's contribution to our Academy has been immense and I would thank him for his tireless effort and loyalty to AFC, we all wish him well in his retirement


"Football development has seen a renewed focus on the back of the Henry McLeish report and the SFA new Academy Scotland initiative. It's a constantly evolving situation and indeed Chris Maguire was the first product of our revamped system and our efforts to produce a more technical type of player. There is little doubt though Chris is the first of many and you only have to look at the make-up of our squad to see where we must concentrate our resources on.


"In terms of the first team, Duncan Fraser will be working closely with Craig and Archie on a all matters, including contracts. I do feel the revised structure gives more clarity as to who is responsible for what and is mirrored by the content of the McLeish Report and the changes proposed by the SFA in terms of development.


"I will continue work closely with Neil Cooper and our successful Under 19 set up which has produced Chris Maguire, Michael Paton, Joe Shaughnessy, Clark Robertson, Peter Pawlett, Fraser Fyvie, Ryan Jack, Mitch Megginson and Nicky Low in recent times as first team members.


" With Len retiring I have the pleasure in announcing the appointment of Neil Simpson as his successor and with the move to the new stadium and training facilities not that far away now, I intend to work closely with Neil to ensure our Academy is fit for purpose and in the best position to take advantage of that move. Neil and myself will take our present Academy structure and work towards creating what you could say is the 'Aberdeen way' of producing technically talented players and ensuring there is an ongoing conveyor belt of talent ready to make the transition to first team squad and, like Chris Maguire, players for our national squad , season upon season."

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His Skippers Restuarant at the beach was open for less than a year before closing. The reason he gave for its closure was the fact that nobody used the beach anymore, since Union Square opened. Which makes you wonder - what did he think they were building down by the station for all those years prior to Union Square opened. Inept as f4ck.


If he was such a successfuil business man with so much money he wouldn't be pricking about with Aberdeen for

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Miller made an absolute fortune through old folks homes, his bars, selling the Parkway for vast profit. He conveniently wound up his fish business while going through his divorce.


A prick maybe, inept, certainly not.



Cafe Continental and Harry Ramsden's, folded in 2005 with debts of £632,000. He then opened Skippers at the end of 2008, but that folded in January - owing £368,000 to nearly 50 creditors


He is inept the divorce had nothing to do with it ......

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Ollie he may be a fan of sharp practice, and an expert at it, but he's certainly got no business acumen, and any interests he did have were made successful by dint of association, because of his legendary status here.


His wife's family would have provided some sound financial exit strategies.

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Timing is a bit strange too, we're effectively changing the man in charge of negotiating contracts right in the middle of the summer window.


Miller was marginalised ages ago, when McGhee was bulleted.


His abhorrent cowardice during that time, when he refused to appear on person on the Radio Scotland Aberdeen special, and instead went through the motions with a painful pre-recorded nonsense interview in which he said nothing, did for him.


He disna have the fire in his belly, more like several glasses of champagne, so he had to go.

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You are doing him a HUGE disservice, trust me. If you think Willie has dove into sh*t and not came out smelling of roses then you are seriously mistaken


So if we are doing him a huge disservice enlighten us with your wisdom?


Willie Miller has business acumen. Good een.







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Timing is a bit strange too, we're effectively changing the man in charge of negotiating contracts right in the middle of the summer window.


Or he wasn't really trusted to do that in the first place.


Seems to me Duncan Fraser would be far more qualified to do that anyway.

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You are doing him a HUGE disservice, trust me. If you think Willie has dove into sh*t and not came out smelling of roses then you are seriously mistaken

You can't possibly be suggesting Willie is a crook who knowingly screwed loads of local businesses out of a heck of a lot of cash on a couple of occasions meaning lot less chance of local businesses investing in AFC?

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Think the first link kind of sums up what Ollie is hinting at. Despite his businesses "going down" Willie is still minted personally.

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Think the first link kind of sums up what Ollie is hinting at. Despite his businesses "going down" Willie is still minted personally.


Cos he is on the wage bill at AFC.


I'm good friends with one of his former creditors, he screwed him out of thousands, as you say a crook.

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I don't think Willie Miller should be at AFC in anything other than a meet and greet role.


EDIT - not even sure I'd have him that role


the one thing I remember him saying that he had spot on was after the Copenhagen match. he during an interview after the game that NOW was the time to invest in the playing squad but we didn't.

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Cos he is on the wage bill at AFC.


I'm good friends with one of his former creditors, he screwed him out of thousands, as you say a crook.

For the record i never called him a crook!!


I may very well think it but not saying that here!!

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I don't think Willie Miller should be at AFC in anything other than a meet and greet role.

I would like to think there is place at club for a legend and agree the meet and greet role would be perfect but his entire persona is not suited to that role at all. No time for anyone but himself.

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