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New Signings

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Bit of different slant on it here - where are the new lads going to play this season and who will be moved around or out to make way for them?


Assume all Brown's signings will be starting since said not going to sign anyone not better than what is here already, so:


Gonzalez - No 1 keeper til January

Milsom - Centre midfielder - cannot be shifted out wide due to lak of left side.

Mawene - Straight into middle of defense.

Osbourne - Central midfielder but may be used at full back.

Arnason - Central midfielder but may be used at centre half

Clark - Right winger who may play left wing, right back or left back. Ironically most unlikely to be right wing.


In Milsom, Osbourne and Arnason we have signed 3 central midfielders to add to Fyvie, Jack & Folly. Not bothered in slightest that will mean less of Jack but 2 from 5 doesn't go. May very well end up 3-5-2 so 3 centre midfield though.

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We need a left hand side.... a left winger and a left back. We simply don't have anyone on the books who can play these positions! Brown is setting himself up for a big fall if he fails to realise this.


Failure to address these type of short comings and subsequently playing players out of position killed the previous manager.


Additionally we need another striker to partner Vernon and a back-up goalkeeper, however, barring injury he might just be able to get away without filling these positions. I really hope the loan players which we will inevitably bring in, will be some sort of left sided player, as there is no balance in the current squad!

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We need a left hand side.... a left winger and a left back. We simply don't have anyone on the books who can play these positions! Brown is setting himself up for a big fall if he fails to realise this.


Failure to address these type of short comings and subsequently playing players out of position killed the previous manager.


Additionally we need another striker to partner Vernon and a back-up goalkeeper, however, barring injury he might just be able to get away without filling these positions. I really hope the loan players which we will inevitably bring in, will be some sort of left sided player, as there is no balance in the current squad!


I am pretty sure we got third place with a left hand side of Clark and Foster... :checkit:

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Bit of different slant on it here - where are the new lads going to play this season and who will be moved around or out to make way for them?


Assume all Brown's signings will be starting since said not going to sign anyone not better than what is here already, so:


Gonzalez - No 1 keeper til January

Milsom - Centre midfielder - cannot be shifted out wide due to lak of left side.

Mawene - Straight into middle of defense.

Osbourne - Central midfielder but may be used at full back.

Arnason - Central midfielder but may be used at centre half

Clark - Right winger who may play left wing, right back or left back. Ironically most unlikely to be right wing.


In Milsom, Osbourne and Arnason we have signed 3 central midfielders to add to Fyvie, Jack & Folly. Not bothered in slightest that will mean less of Jack but 2 from 5 doesn't go. May very well end up 3-5-2 so 3 centre midfield though.


Gonzalez - first pick keeper

Mawene/Arnason - first pick centre halfs

Osbourne/Milsom - first pick centre mids

Clark - will play wide left or right on first day of season i'd imagine and presumably once full squad in place will be the right midfielder

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Clark played RM mostly I thought :dontknow:

McNaughton at LB or maybe year before was McNaughton & Foster was mostly at LB


The season we came third, Clark was the only left midfielder we had. That was the season before Aluko. Muirhead might still have been knocking about, but he was rubbish. When squad was fully fit it was a backline of:


RB: Hart

LB: Foster

CB: Anderson

CB: Consdine


RM: Smith

CM: Seve

CM: Barry Nic

LM: Clark


2 strikers from Miller, Lovell, Mackie, Maguire, Brewster (later on in season).

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The season we came third, Clark was the only left midfielder we had. That was the season before Aluko. Muirhead might still have been knocking about, but he was rubbish. When squad was fully fit it was a backline of:


RB: Hart

LB: Foster

CB: Anderson

CB: Consdine


RM: Smith

CM: Seve

CM: Barry Nic

LM: Clark


2 strikers from Miller, Lovell, Mackie, Maguire, Brewster (later on in season).

What happened to Diamond?

When Smith was injured (which was very often) Clark played RM.


LM was always filled by all sorts but Clark played a lot more at RM than LM

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The season we came third, Clark was the only left midfielder we had. That was the season before Aluko. Muirhead might still have been knocking about, but he was rubbish. When squad was fully fit it was a backline of:


RB: Hart

LB: Foster

CB: Anderson

CB: Consdine


RM: Smith

CM: Seve

CM: Barry Nic

LM: Clark


2 strikers from Miller, Lovell, Mackie, Maguire, Brewster (later on in season).


Can't remember if that was the case, however, at the moment we don't have anything like that sort of quality in our side! Hart, Seve and Barry Nic were enjoying career form, while Anderson and Smith were just a cut above anything we have in our squad these days. I'd say we got third in spite of the likes of Foster, Clark and Mackie who all must have had plenty of game time. It shows how far we have fallen that Foster is now captain and therefore one of the first names on the team sheet!

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Can't remember if that was the case, however, at the moment we don't have anything like sort of quality in our side! Hart, Seve and Barry Nic were enjoying career form, while Anderson and Smith were just a cut above anything we have in our squad these days. I'd say we got third in spite of the likes of Foster, Clark and Mackie who all must have had plenty of game time. It shows how far we have fallen that Foster is now captain and therefore one of the first names on the team sheet!


I concur

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Mackie played left mid alot during the season we came third. I seem to remember him playing in that position and setting Lovell up for the second goal versus Rangers on the last day to clinch third place. Clark was suspended that day so Mackie was his replacement.

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Can't remember if that was the case, however, at the moment we don't have anything like that sort of quality in our side! Hart, Seve and Barry Nic were enjoying career form, while Anderson and Smith were just a cut above anything we have in our squad these days. I'd say we got third in spite of the likes of Foster, Clark and Mackie who all must have had plenty of game time. It shows how far we have fallen that Foster is now captain and therefore one of the first names on the team sheet!


A bit melodramatic I think.


We've fallen from a little above average in SPL terms to a little below average in SPL terms.


Won't be that hard to get us back up to that level IMO.

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Mackie played left mid alot during the season we came third. I seem to remember him playing in that position and setting Lovell up for the second goal versus Rangers on the last day to clinch third place. Clark was suspended that day so Mackie was his replacement.


That's right, was going to say this but wasn't sure on it.

Clark did play RM in place of Smith mostly & Mackie on LM.

doesn't really matter though as neither are naturals.

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Gonzalez - first pick keeper

Mawene/Arnason - first pick centre halfs

Osbourne/Milsom - first pick centre mids

Clark - will play wide left or right on first day of season i'd imagine and presumably once full squad in place will be the right midfielder

Nae convinced since Brown made Considine vice captain at this stage so think he is set to play.

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A bit melodramatic I think.


We've fallen from a little above average in SPL terms to a little below average in SPL terms.


Won't be that hard to get us back up to that level IMO.


Bit of an understatement I'd say.

Narrowly missing out on top six would be a little below average.

We have fallen well below average I'd say. 9th place finish in last 2 seasons 8 points behind 7th & then last year 15 points behind 7th.

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What happened to Diamond?

When Smith was injured (which was very often) Clark played RM.


LM was always filled by all sorts but Clark played a lot more at RM than LM


Calderwood realised that Diamond was mince and that Considine was a better combination with Anderson (just like he thought with McNaughton a year earlier).


My recollection is Clark playing left pretty much week in week out. Smith started 19 games that year, anyways, and Clark was always utilised on the left then. Who was utilised on the left if he wasn't?


Can't remember if that was the case, however, at the moment we don't have anything like that sort of quality in our side! Hart, Seve and Barry Nic were enjoying career form, while Anderson and Smith were just a cut above anything we have in our squad these days. I'd say we got third in spite of the likes of Foster, Clark and Mackie who all must have had plenty of game time. It shows how far we have fallen that Foster is now captain and therefore one of the first names on the team sheet!


It wasn't in spite of them though, they were capable in the positions. They weren't carried. Anderson was superb, Smith was very good in spells (couldn't cross though). Seve was excellent, Barry Nic the same and Hart was sound defensively.


Now though, Milsom is quality, he could be a match for them. I know nothing about the likes of Mawene, Arnason, Gonzalez and Osbourne, not enough to write them off as not being quality.


My point anyways, is that although I think we are lacking on the left side and need at least one addition there, we are hardly lacking in options with players who have shown to be capable there...

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Calderwood realised that Diamond was mince and that Considine was a better combination with Anderson (just like he thought with McNaughton a year earlier).


My recollection is Clark playing left pretty much week in week out. Smith started 19 games that year, anyways, and Clark was always utilised on the left then. Who was utilised on the left if he wasn't?




It wasn't in spite of them though, they were capable in the positions. They weren't carried. Anderson was superb, Smith was very good in spells (couldn't cross though). Seve was excellent, Barry Nic the same and Hart was sound defensively.


Now though, Milsom is quality, he could be a match for them. I know nothing about the likes of Mawene, Arnason, Gonzalez and Osbourne, not enough to write them off as not being quality.


My point anyways, is that although I think we are lacking on the left side and need at least one addition there, we are hardly lacking in options with players who have shown to be capable there...


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A bit melodramatic I think.


We've fallen from a little above average in SPL terms to a little below average in SPL terms.


Won't be that hard to get us back up to that level IMO.


Not trying to be deliberately negative or melodramatic. I just feel I'm being realistic.


Some of the guys I mentioned were very good SPL players, who we've failed to replace. Seve turned to sh*t toward the end of his time here, but he still walks into the starting lineup of Dundee United, who are a good bit ahead of us.


Like it or lump it, guys like Clark, Foster and Mackie are set to be key players for us this season. That worries me.


The season starts on Saturday and the current squad is extremely lop-sided, a trait of the McGhee era! During the Calderwood era, when we were finishing anywhere between 3rd and 6th, players like Anderson, Nicholson, Smith, Hart and Severin were the backbone of our team. We don't have anything like that quality right now If we do make the top 6, as many lads on here have predicted, it'll say more about the regression of the SPL than anything else.


As I say, not trying to be deliberately devisive.... just giving my sobering take on the current situation.

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It wasn't in spite of them though, they were capable in the positions. They weren't carried. Anderson was superb, Smith was very good in spells (couldn't cross though). Seve was excellent, Barry Nic the same and Hart was sound defensively.


Now though, Milsom is quality, he could be a match for them. I know nothing about the likes of Mawene, Arnason, Gonzalez and Osbourne, not enough to write them off as not being quality.


My point anyways, is that although I think we are lacking on the left side and need at least one addition there, we are hardly lacking in options with players who have shown to be capable there...


I genuinely hope you are right and that I'm miles of the pace.


However I remember watching Aberdeen round that time and thinking 'if only we could replace Clark, Mackie, Langfield and Foster and we might have a cracking side.... a side that could potentially win trophies and cement third position'

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During the Calderwood era, when we were finishing anywhere between 3rd and 6th, players like Anderson, Nicholson, Smith, Hart and Severin were the backbone of our team. We don't have anything like that quality right now



And where did they all end up?


Anderson - failed at Sunderland - possibly as much due to injury as anything else (being generous - he did not do well in the games he played for them, although possibly not 100% fit). Currently at a bottom-half Championship team


Nicholson - went to run of the mill Championship side. Relegated this season, although he missed most of it. Injuries apart, he seems to have been at least a minor success.


Smith - Good player but rarely 100% fit. Now playing in MLS retirement home. Say no more.


Hart - Bombed at Preston and Hibs. Injuries probably did for him. No idea where he'll be next season.


Severin - went to Watford. Bombed. Back at Killie on loan within 6 months. Released 6 months later.





So, not exactly a stellar bunch. They probably gathered about 10 Scotland caps between them while playing in the same team and none have made it beyond the bottom half of the Championship


Which is roughly where the new signings in this squad have come from, so no reason not to expect they'd be of similar quality to the above.

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And where did they all end up?


Anderson - failed at Sunderland - possibly as much due to injury as anything else (being generous - he did not do well in the games he played for them, although possibly not 100% fit). Currently at a bottom-half Championship team


Nicholson - went to run of the mill Championship side. Relegated this season, although he missed most of it. Injuries apart, he seems to have been at least a minor success.


Smith - Good player but rarely 100% fit. Now playing in MLS retirement home. Say no more.


Hart - Bombed at Preston and Hibs. Injuries probably did for him. No idea where he'll be next season.


Severin - went to Watford. Bombed. Back at Killie on loan within 6 months. Released 6 months later.





So, not exactly a stellar bunch. They probably gathered about 10 Scotland caps between them while playing in the same team and none have made it beyond the bottom half of the Championship


Which is roughly where the new signings in this squad have come from, so no reason not to expect they'd be of similar quality to the above.


Well we'll just have to agree to disagree I'm afraid. A lot of the lads mentioned from the Calderwood era were playing right at the top of their game during that period... we also had more balance then.


Mawene is probably the signing that worries me most. By all accounts after a serious injury he lost the major quality that made him a success for Preston... his pace. We really need a leader in defence.... desperately!


For us to have a good season this year, I reckon we'll need the following to happen... for Pawlett and Osborne to do something they've struggled with all through their careers and put in a near injury free season (Incidentally, on the positive side, I do think Osborne could be a fantastic signing, if he stays fit - at least equal to Seve in him pomp - he has been really unlucky with injuries during his career.) We'll also need Mackie to find his goalscoring boots as we can't just rely on Vernon. In addition, we have to hope that Brown will bring in a left back and a left midfielder on loan, as I doubt we're going to sign anymore players... even though we haven't replaced Aluko, S. Smith and Maguire!


It's a lot to ask! I'm away to my kip so I'll be saying my prayers before I turn in for the night!

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Bit of different slant on it here - where are the new lads going to play this season and who will be moved around or out to make way for them?


Assume all Brown's signings will be starting since said not going to sign anyone not better than what is here already, so:


Gonzalez - No 1 keeper til January

Milsom - Centre midfielder - cannot be shifted out wide due to lak of left side.

Mawene - Straight into middle of defense.

Osbourne - Central midfielder but may be used at full back.

Arnason - Central midfielder but may be used at centre half

Clark - Right winger who may play left wing, right back or left back. Ironically most unlikely to be right wing.


In Milsom, Osbourne and Arnason we have signed 3 central midfielders to add to Fyvie, Jack & Folly. Not bothered in slightest that will mean less of Jack but 2 from 5 doesn't go. May very well end up 3-5-2 so 3 centre midfield though.


I don't get your dislike of Jack, K-9. You've mentioned in the past a lack of pace, but that's only an issue if he's played out of position at wide right. When he plays in the centre, do you still not rate him?

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I don't get your dislike of Jack, K-9. You've mentioned in the past a lack of pace, but that's only an issue if he's played out of position at wide right. When he plays in the centre, do you still not rate him?


I like Jack a lot. Think he is a good footballer and has the potential to be an important player for the Dons in the years to come. Don't quite understand the criticism, especially since he is often used in positions that he is not used to. I have heard a lot of people suggesting he ain't up to it though...

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Nae convinced since Brown made Considine vice captain at this stage so think he is set to play.


Well unfortunately the bad news as I see it is that if arnason proves his fitness versus villarreal and in training then I'd be fairly positive consi will start the season at left back. Subject to change once full squad in place I'd guess.

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Well unfortunately the bad news as I see it is that if arnason proves his fitness versus villarreal and in training then I'd be fairly positive consi will start the season at left back. Subject to change once full squad in place I'd guess.

Gads. I don't rate Considine personally but would far rather he was deployed at centre half, as he's no use at left back

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Gads. I don't rate Considine personally but would far rather he was deployed at centre half, as he's no use at left back


Well broon could spring a surprise and play 3 at the back or osbourne at right back but I'd expect it a back four of foster arnason mawene and considine. You never know though but I don't see jack, grimmer or robertson starting in the backline on saturday

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I don't get your dislike of Jack, K-9. You've mentioned in the past a lack of pace, but that's only an issue if he's played out of position at wide right. When he plays in the centre, do you still not rate him?

Comfortable on the ball but that is about it in centre mid. Way way behind the others in line for centre midfield place but suspect he will pop up at full back and wide areas due to lack there. Also serious lack of pace.

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Well unfortunately the bad news as I see it is that if arnason proves his fitness versus villarreal and in training then I'd be fairly positive consi will start the season at left back. Subject to change once full squad in place I'd guess.

One of the decisions that cost McGhee his job!!

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