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  1. 1. Relegation?

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I don't believe that the club would 'Die' if we were relegated.


Hibs managed it, Hearts managed it (for years), and United managed it... and they've all come back and overtaken us, and put trophies in their cabinets to boot.



So relegation is the magic cure..............Unbelievable.


Who unlocked the asylum to let you clowns out, or is it just care in the community.

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Again, right across the board.


We're operating in an environment where the clubs are all economically destitute.... not just us.


We'd be by far the biggest club in the 1st, with by far the biggest budget, with by far the largest income.


Even AFC couldn't f**k that up...


Not sure what the debt is sitting at these days - maybe 11million?

With the loss of tv money, guaranteed "prize" money,allied with vastly decreased attendances at reduced pricing levels then i think the club would be in a pretty precarious position..

Im quite sure that relegation isnt seen as a likelihood so id very much doubt that relegation wage decreases would be built into any contracts. We have maybe 2 or 3 players who we could sell on for a few bob but thats about it.

Tied in with the fact that a new stadium wouldnt be an option and the alleged costs of maintaining Pittodrie spiralling, then id think Aberdeen would be in grave danger.


It wont happen though. Not a chance.

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Not sure what the debt is sitting at these days - maybe 11million?

With the loss of tv money, guaranteed "prize" money,allied with vastly decreased attendances at reduced pricing levels then i think the club would be in a pretty precarious position..

Im quite sure that relegation isnt seen as a likelihood so id very much doubt that relegation wage decreases would be built into any contracts. We have maybe 2 or 3 players who we could sell on for a few bob but thats about it.

Tied in with the fact that a new stadium wouldnt be an option and the alleged costs of maintaining Pittodrie spiralling, then id think Aberdeen would be in grave danger.


It wont happen though. Not a chance.


Conversely we might even see the crowds pick up, given Aberdeen's fans tendency to rally when things go sh*t shaped... aside from OF fans, how many fans do the likes of Killie, Dumfy, or St J bring to the matches... plus you would expect the fans of other teams to want to come watch their team play Aberdeen, would be like a gala day for them... so attendances I think could credibly remain at about where they are now.


As for the Stadium, that's a fantasy... I don't believe it's happening at all. We don't even have the money to buy the land, let alone build a 35 million pound stadium on top of it. And we have no investors, no sponsorship and no government backing to help us build it. It's a nice thought, but ultimately the stadium isn't happening regardless of the division we're in. It's a nice distraction for the board to bring up when things go bad, as they routinely do. Lost in a quarter final to Peterhead? Look at the shiny stadium!


While I don'think relegation would be particularly good (though it might finally see Milne get a boot up his arse) I don't think it would be a disaster at all. We'd survive it.

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wouldn't say i believe fully in it, would think of it more as a healthy change to current pish.


You think being relegated is a healthy change? Wheres the logic in that? Weve finished bottom six for the last couple of years, played poor, so all of a sudden we are settling for being relegated?


as for your winning the alba cup, thats just silly. I havent seen Aberdeen win a cup in my lifetime, and i would love it to bits, but the alba cup? We might as well pride ourselves on trophies we win in pre season friendlies if that is the ambition.


2 games into the season and you are considering relegation and the alba cup to be our best option rather than the spl. Wow.

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Conversely we might even see the crowds pick up, given Aberdeen's fans tendency to rally when things go sh*t shaped... aside from OF fans, how many fans do the likes of Killie, Dumfy, or St J bring to the matches... plus you would expect the fans of other teams to want to come watch their team play Aberdeen, would be like a gala day for them... so attendances I think could credibly remain at about where they are now.


As for the Stadium, that's a fantasy... I don't believe it's happening at all. We don't even have the money to buy the land, let alone build a 35 million pound stadium on top of it. And we have no investors, no sponsorship and no government backing to help us build it. It's a nice thought, but ultimately the stadium isn't happening regardless of the division we're in. It's a nice distraction for the board to bring up when things go bad, as they routinely do. Lost in a quarter final to Peterhead? Look at the shiny stadium!


While I don'think relegation would be particularly good (though it might finally see Milne get a boot up his arse) I don't think it would be a disaster at all. We'd survive it.



We have no investors, no sponsorship at the moment so there would be even less chance of investors arriving and sponsorship would decrease markedly.

Admission prices would have to drop considerably too as a result of relegation. The crowds would drop, not much in comparison to the end of last season but they would drop and allied with the fall in prices then it would be a pretty severe hit to the accounts id think.


A "gala day"? Its Aberdeen we are talking about. Do you think Hamilton fans are suddenly going to appear out of the woodwork for a day trip to Aberdeen. Its Aberdeen we are talking about, its grey, its cold and its full of junkies. Its a stadium with 4 odd sized stands. Its not the Nou Camp and they arent going to see Messi or Xavi. Its Aberdeen, its Richard Foster and Darren Mackie. Dundee would bring as big a support as anyone in the SPL - Old Firm excepted of course, but that aside there is nothing or nobody to make them want to come to Pittodrie.

I probably sound like a doom merchant but i must stress, there is absolutely zero chance of Aberdeen finishing bottom of the league this season.

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We have no investors, no sponsorship at the moment so there would be even less chance of investors arriving and sponsorship would decrease markedly.

Admission prices would have to drop considerably too as a result of relegation. The crowds would drop, not much in comparison to the end of last season but they would drop and allied with the fall in prices then it would be a pretty severe hit to the accounts id think.


A "gala day"? Its Aberdeen we are talking about. Do you think Hamilton fans are suddenly going to appear out of the woodwork for a day trip to Aberdeen. Its Aberdeen we are talking about, its grey, its cold and its full of junkies. Its a stadium with 4 odd sized stands. Its not the Nou Camp and they arent going to see Messi or Xavi. Its Aberdeen, its Richard Foster and Darren Mackie. Dundee would bring as big a support as anyone in the SPL - Old Firm excepted of course, but that aside there is nothing or nobody to make them want to come to Pittodrie.


Disagree, like most fans they'll pick and choose which games to travel to... and Aberdeen would be the biggest day out... so, yeah, I believe they would indeed choose away days in Aberdeen.


Ticket prices might be an issue, though I can't see AFC dropping their prices much, based on the fact that it's AFC. Maybe they would, you can't take anything for granted with those bams.


I probably sound like a doom merchant but i must stress, there is absolutely zero chance of Aberdeen finishing bottom of the league this season.


I don't think there's zero chance of us finishing bottom... we've done it before and with better players. The kind of amateur footballers dressed up as SPL quality that we get now are more than capable of finishing dead last. They've picked up 1 point against two of the league's relegation candidates, and were played off the park by one of them... and in the process we've created practically no goal threat. We're in bad shape, at least as bad shape as the other relegation candidates, and in the case of St Mirren we're not even able to compete with them.


I have to let that sink in myself... we can't even compete with St Mirren.


I don't think we'll get relegated, but it's by no means guaranteed.

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Looking at this on my iPhone so never saw the question, assumed it was about the possibilty of us going down. Yes. Do I want us to? No. What I want is commercial responsibilty. If Stewart Milne built a house like he's built this club it wouldn't pass building warrant. Having said that, I've heard some tales...

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I remember suggesting this 11 years ago around the time we finished bottom of the league with Skovdahl. At the time Hibs had been relegated and came back up and had a pretty good season. I thought maybe we could weed out some of the losers if it happened to us and instill a wining mentality that would continue in the SPL.


10+ years on and the closest I've seen to a winning team was Calderwood's and despite some decent results, that team was dogged by the continuing losers mentality and unprofessional behaviour. There really is something rotten at Pittodrie that never has been swept out. Yesterday was just another example of us having a lazy unprofessional manner when we play a "weaker" team.


Relegation wouldn't change anything. Milne selling up and f@cking off would be a good start.

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I think most agree that the club needs some kind of watershed moment where the distinct averageness of the last 15 years or so is left behind and a new era dawns.


The club has tried the manager approach on a good few occasions and that has not worked.


The potential of a new stadium and a new start could work. Given the current position with the stadium, that may be a long way off. If it is still sh*te on the pitch then it won't make a difference.


Years and years of poor performance under Stewart Milne's chairmanship and he never seems to have accepted any real responsibility for it, nor the rest of the board.


Perhaps relegation could be that watershed moment. When those in charge sit up and take notice of what is going wrong at the club. Where it gets sorted out, and managed properly. Where the opinion of the fan is taken on board, and discussed openly and transparently.


Probably not though, the management would bumble along, and we'd have the same sh*te to put up with, those of us that haven't given up all together. So I am a no, I think it could quite probably be the final nail in the coffin for the club.

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I think most agree that the club needs some kind of watershed moment where the distinct averageness of the last 15 years or so is left behind and a new era dawns.


The club has tried the manager approach on a good few occasions and that has not worked.


The potential of a new stadium and a new start could work. Given the current position with the stadium, that may be a long way off. If it is still sh*te on the pitch then it won't make a difference.


Years and years of poor performance under Stewart Milne's chairmanship and he never seems to have accepted any real responsibility for it, nor the rest of the board.


Perhaps relegation could be that watershed moment. When those in charge sit up and take notice of what is going wrong at the club. Where it gets sorted out, and managed properly. Where the opinion of the fan is taken on board, and discussed openly and transparently.


Probably not though, the management would bumble along, and we'd have the same sh*te to put up with, those of us that haven't given up all together. So I am a no, I think it could quite probably be the final nail in the coffin for the club.

When under threat of relegation in 1995 the board were actively trying to sell off all our players long before end of season, with Snelders one the main one that sticks in mind as told him he was being sold to Huns and then when we survived the board tried to back out of the move leading to huge problems.


Anyone who thinks the board now would be any different is off their nut. If we go down it could quite possibly be the end for AFC in our financial situation.

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100 times NO! Anyone who even considers it is either not a fan or is even more deluded than most on here. Less income means less money to spend on our large debt repayments - Any of our players worth having will need to be sold. Stadium goes out the window as well (which is not a good thing to happen if the Pittodrie stand with the bulk of our facilities is below safety standards). Do people seriously think we'd be back up in one season?? Our record against First Division clubs is hardly brilliant! There is absolutely no arguments whatsoever that it would be beneficial for us - It would almost certainly kill our club.

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There really is something rotten at Pittodrie that never has been swept out. Yesterday was just another example of us having a lazy unprofessional manner when we play a "weaker" team.

I go back a long way as a supporter, and it was exactly the same in the first half of the 1960s. The only time it's been different is when we had really tough hard men as managers, i.e. Turnbull and Ferguson.

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