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Joey Barton

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Joey is a nutter as we all know, Newcastle knew it when they signed him. But in my opinion he was their best player last season and there are signs that he's knuckled down on and off the pitch, certainly on the pitch.


All of a sudden Newcastle are putting him on a free transfer. :wtf:


And now he's mysteriously been fined 2 weeks wages. What's going on? :dontknow:



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Joey is a nutter as we all know, Newcastle knew it when they signed him. But in my opinion he was their best player last season and there are signs that he's knuckled down on and off the pitch, certainly on the pitch.


All of a sudden Newcastle are putting him on a free transfer. :wtf:


And now he's mysteriously been fined 2 weeks wages. What's going on? :dontknow:



Yeah i was wondering that myself, has Mike Ashley had some of Romanov's pills or something? :nutter:

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He had a go at the board about their transfer dealings and he rejected a new contract on less than a third of his current wages. Nolan has already left, Jose Enrique will probably be soon and Barton too. They havent really spent much money this year either especially after the carroll departure.


Barton has had his problems on and off the park but seems to have knuckled down last few years. No doubt hes a very good player and not surprised apparently 2 of the champions league qualifers from last season have enquired about him IMO.

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He had a go at the board about their transfer dealings and he rejected a new contract on less than a third of his current wages. Nolan has already left, Jose Enrique will probably be soon and Barton too. They havent really spent much money this year either especially after the carroll departure.


Barton has had his problems on and off the park but seems to have knuckled down last few years. No doubt hes a very good player and not surprised apparently 2 of the champions league qualifers from last season have enquired about him IMO.

And as far as i'm aware they still haven't signed a replacement for "The Ponytail" yet either. Agree with Bripod they could actually be candidates for the drop.

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And as far as i'm aware they still haven't signed a replacement for "The Ponytail" yet either. Agree with Bripod they could actually be candidates for the drop.


If it weren't for the fact that the newly promoted sides look really weak, then I'd probably be tempted to slip a few quid on Newcastle to be relegated.

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If it weren't for the fact that the newly promoted sides look really weak, then I'd probably be tempted to slip a few quid on Newcastle to be relegated.

Can get 6/1 with some bookies, 11/2 with most of the popular big named ones, also sky bet taking bets on where he will end up next, Celtic are 3/1 favourites, Arsenal at 5/1 is a decent shout, the type of player they need but can't ever see Wenger signing him.

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Can get 6/1 with some bookies, 11/2 with most of the popular big named ones, also sky bet taking bets on where he will end up next, Celtic are 3/1 favourites, Arsenal at 5/1 is a decent shout, the type of player they need but can't ever see Wenger signing him.


c**t of a man, c**t of a player, heed up his own arse, wouldnt touch him with a 100ft barge-pole.


Newcastle stood by the little c**t whilst in prison, and he then demanded a 4 yr contract on the same money.....and turned down 3 yrs,



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c**t of a man, c**t of a player, heed up his own arse, wouldnt touch him with a 100ft barge-pole.


Newcastle stood by the little c**t whilst in prison, and he then demanded a 4 yr contract on the same money.....and turned down 3 yrs,



Do you know him personally? So you are saying you wouldn't have Barton at Aberdeen? You are clueless if that is the case, also the wage he was offered was a fraction of what he is on. I doubt you'd take a pay cut like that and if you were wanting a new contract ofcourse you would be wanting the same if not more money.

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Do you know him personally? So you are saying you wouldn't have Barton at Aberdeen? You are clueless if that is the case, also the wage he was offered was a fraction of what he is on. I doubt you'd take a pay cut like that and if you were wanting a new contract ofcourse you would be wanting the same if not more money.


hes a thug and a c**t, and dinna start this you would love him at Aberdeen pish mini.....


Newcastle stood by him when they should have sacked him....maybe he is one of your heros, like that ballon you love at man city.


both of them c**ts and both will implode come time ( though Barton is half way to Cornhill anyway)

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Ofering him a deal a fraction of what he is on now, basically sending him to coventry by making him train on his on and then to fine him 2 weeks wages is a f**king joke.


a fraction of his 60k a week, how much did they offer? and how long? 40k and 3 years?


Arsenal wont touch him.


he was fined and sent to train on his own after he started "twittering" about his thoughts on the people who stood by him.


this is a guy who was SUPPORTED by his club during his 77days in jail....hes a nutter.

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a fraction of his 60k a week, how much did they offer? and how long? 40k and 3 years?


Arsenal wont touch him.


he was fined and sent to train on his own after he started "twittering" about his thoughts on the people who stood by him.


this is a guy who was SUPPORTED by his club during his 77days in jail....hes a nutter.

So no free speech which is him showing his concern for the club.


Just because they stood by him when he paid his debt to society that means his ass is theres forever?

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So no free speech which is him showing his concern for the club.


Just because they stood by him when he paid his debt to society that means his ass is theres forever?


they made him a fair offer, he turned it down, then he started acting like the c**t he is, twitter this, twitter that....


he has been offered a free transfer....yes free transfer which will help him secure a massive signing on fee and a huge wage....whats his problem? considering his cock of an agent reckons Arsenal want him and a HOST of top clubs.....lets see where he ends up.


contract offered.....rejected....get on with it....hes a bleeting twat.

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they made him a fair offer, he turned it down, then he started acting like the c**t he is, twitter this, twitter that....


he has been offered a free transfer....yes free transfer which will help him secure a massive signing on fee and a huge wage....whats his problem? considering his cock of an agent reckons Arsenal want him and a HOST of top clubs.....lets see where he ends up.


contract offered.....rejected....get on with it....hes a bleeting twat.


Couldnt agree more , the guys a twat . His agent is that prick Willie McKay too , they are made for each other . Also McKay went from saying "loads of teams want him , 2 teams who qualified for the champions league want him" to saying if Newcastle want to get back round the table and improve their offer he would love to stay . Full of sh*t .

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The guy wants to stay at Newcastle because he loves it there. He has said this over and over. "If I wanted to leave I'd say I want to leave".


So f**king what if Newcastle have stood by him. He was their best player last season and is angry they've sold Carroll and Nolan (two players who didn't want to go) and are trying to force him and Jose Enrique out the door whilst not taking in much players. Said he doesn't want to see Newcastle playing Championship football again and is speaking out to let the fans know the situation.


If this was an Aberdeen player speaking out against Milne (touches of Jess it seems) he'd be lauded. Instead it's Joey Barton, speaking out on Ashley (a bigger c**t that Milne in my book) he's a thug c**t who should shut up and accept a massive pay cut.



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The guy wants to stay at Newcastle because he loves it there. He has said this over and over. "If I wanted to leave I'd say I want to leave".


So f**king what if Newcastle have stood by him. He was their best player last season and is angry they've sold Carroll and Nolan (two players who didn't want to go) and are trying to force him and Jose Enrique out the door whilst not taking in much players. Said he doesn't want to see Newcastle playing Championship football again and is speaking out to let the fans know the situation.


If this was an Aberdeen player speaking out against Milne (touches of Jess it seems) he'd be lauded. Instead it's Joey Barton, speaking out on Ashley (a bigger c**t that Milne in my book) he's a thug c**t who should shut up and accept a massive pay cut.





shame shame poor Joey, hes been cut to 40k a week for 3 years after havining spent 77days in jail, probably being paid (nae sure) when any of us would be sacked.......hes a fecken moron of the highest order, if he was that interested in his club, and loved it so much, he would have accepted the offer.

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shame shame poor Joey, hes been cut to 40k a week for 3 years after havining spent 77days in jail, probably being paid (nae sure) when any of us would be sacked.......hes a fecken moron of the highest order, if he was that interested in his club, and loved it so much, he would have accepted the offer.

Unfortunately for the likes of us Diamond, we are not pro footballers. If Newcastle had sacked him there and then there would always have been someone willing to pick him up afterwards.


Newcastle are now offering their best player away (on a free no less) and it seems don't have the transfer funds to replace him.


The player is showing loyalty but not stupidity. Would I take a significant hit on my wages to stay at my work? f**k no. Why should he?


As Barton said himself this morning "just because you're told to jump, it does not neccessarily mean you have to".


He's quite right.


If it wasn't Barton but another player who was doing exactly the same would your opinion be different? I'd wager it would be.

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Unfortunately for the likes of us Diamond, we are not pro footballers. If Newcastle had sacked him there and then there would always have been someone willing to pick him up afterwards.


Newcastle are now offering their best player away (on a free no less) and it seems don't have the transfer funds to replace him.


The player is showing loyalty but not stupidity. Would I take a significant hit on my wages to stay at my work? f**k no. Why should he?


As Barton said himself this morning "just because you're told to jump, it does not neccessarily mean you have to".


He's quite right.


If it wasn't Barton but another player who was doing exactly the same would your opinion be different? I'd wager it would be.



He'd wait and see what Tup said.

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Unfortunately for the likes of us Diamond, we are not pro footballers. If Newcastle had sacked him there and then there would always have been someone willing to pick him up afterwards.


Newcastle are now offering their best player away (on a free no less) and it seems don't have the transfer funds to replace him.


The player is showing loyalty but not stupidity. Would I take a significant hit on my wages to stay at my work? f**k know. Why should he?


As Barton said himself this morning "just because your told to jump, it does not neccessarily mean you have to".


He's quite right.


If it wasn't Barton but another player who was doing exactly the same would your opinion be different? I'd wager it would be.


his club stood by him when many others would have biined him, that is a fact, he has been offered a wage that the club believe he is worth, and a 3yr contract to boot, considering his past he should be happy to accept his "cut", he was on over inflated wages as it was, and he now thinks hes the victim.


the club have never had a bad word to say about him, they have been professional in their attempt to keep him, the only one blabbing, pissing and moaning about it, is little Joey Barton.


the club have said. well fukk you, its a good offer, we stuck by you and this is how you repay us......stop slaging us off ( 2 wks for being a gob sh*te), f**k off for free, get with the youth team as youll only disrubt or preseason.


Id say he is the one with the problem....no player is bigger than the club.

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his club stood by him when many others would have biined him, that is a fact, he has been offered a wage that the club believe he is worth, and a 3yr contract to boot, considering his past he should be happy to accept his "cut", he was on over inflated wages as it was, and he now thinks hes the victim.


the club have never had a bad word to say about him, they have been professional in their attempt to keep him, the only one blabbing, pissing and moaning about it, is little Joey Barton.


the club have said. well fukk you, its a good offer, we stuck by you and this is how you repay us......stop slaging us off ( 2 wks for being a gob sh*te), f**k off for free, get with the youth team as youll only disrubt or preseason.


Id say he is the one with the problem....no player is bigger than the club.

Why should he accept 3 years on lesser money now when he has another year on his contract as higher wage? He is willing to see that contract out aswell it seems.

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