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Can't imagine that happening in this country any time soon. The BMA have said no and they live up the arses of David Cameron and George Osbourne. The NHS can't afford this anyway.


Not for me personally. I don't agree with the moral and ethical implications of this. However different avenues need to be explored to try and reduce the numbers waitng for dialysis.

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They should just pass a law or something that allows docs to harvest every single dead body for organs.


If the masses aren't happy with the above, give them the option to 'opt out' of the automatic transplant register. It would still work cause most folk, even if they don't fancy getting chopped up post-mortem, will not bother to opt out just like most folk don't bother with a donor card at the moment.

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Can't imagine that happening in this country any time soon. The BMA have said no and they live up the arses of David Cameron and George Osbourne. The NHS can't afford this anyway.


Not for me personally. I don't agree with the moral and ethical implications of this. However different avenues need to be explored to try and reduce the numbers waitng for dialysis.


Surely it would save money in the long run, the patient wouldn't have to do dialysis and can work more hours after a new kidney is fitted, that would soon add up, also all the saved time for nurses and equipment etc,

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They should just pass a law or something that allows docs to harvest every single dead body for organs.


If the masses aren't happy with the above, give them the option to 'opt out' of the automatic transplant register. It would still work cause most folk, even if they don't fancy getting chopped up post-mortem, will not bother to opt out just like most folk don't bother with a donor card at the moment.


I don't carry a donor card for ethical reasons, wouldn't be happy if they just took what they wanted!

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agree, no reason in this day and age that if u want to sign up, then jump online and do it, failing that the feckers should not touch one part o yer body fan deed.


thieving c**ts


I agree, though I wouldn't object to something being stolen from a body should I ever need something.

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A surgeon was in the paper last week saying he's going to do the first ever British arm transplants soon, he recentely did a double leg transplant! I can feel the time will very nearly be upon the first ever human penis transplant, would be a relief to get a full 6" instead of having to lug this big bugger about every day!

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How about having a system that anyone over 18 has to have had an organ donor card for at least 2 years prior to any operation where they are a donne...

Or rather more controversially - How about only registered donors are elegible to receive organs from other donors?


Should people who are not willing to be donor themselves when they die be entitled to organs from those who are willing?

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Or rather more controversially - How about only registered donors are elegible to receive organs from other donors?


Should people who are not willing to be donor themselves when they die be entitled to organs from those who are willing?


Or how about getting to choose who you donate your organs to?


Fuck giving my healthy organs to some twat that destroyed theirs by smoking, drinking or eating themselves to near death.

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Or rather more controversially - How about only registered donors are elegible to receive organs from other donors?


Should people who are not willing to be donor themselves when they die be entitled to organs from those who are willing?


Erm, that was the point I was suggesting though didn't come out properly. The 2 years was just so people didn't sign up as and when they needed it...

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Just reading the thread and had a thought...


Seems strange that anyone would be willing to receive an organ if required, but aren't willing to pass on the same favour should they die with organs in good working order...



its a good thought, but was wondering what your thoughts were, as i didnt really get fit ye were saying.


i think if you want to donate fine, if you dont fine....what next, dont give blood no operation?

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Or how about getting to choose who you donate your organs to?


f**k giving my healthy organs to some twat that destroyed theirs by smoking, drinking or eating themselves to near death.


I drink too much and smoke too much but am a nice bloke, why shouldn't I get your liver If I need it?

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Or how about getting to choose who you donate your organs to?


f**k giving my healthy organs to some twat that destroyed theirs by smoking, drinking or eating themselves to near death.


That would be a very difficult one to administer, I'd imagine. Sounds good in principle, but where is a cut off. What if a moderate drinker needs a liver transplant, how does it get decided if it was the drink that caused them to get their liver to fail, or other factors?

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its a good thought, but was wondering what your thoughts were, as i didnt really get fit ye were saying.


i think if you want to donate fine, if you dont fine....what next, dont give blood no operation?


That is a difficult one. Plenty people can't give blood for varying reasons. Anyone can carry an organ donor card. Also, giving blood is something you do during your own time, organ donation, that is rarely the case.

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