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Big Man

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If they were both up for it and no-one else was involved then I couldn't give a flying f**k if they were caught shoving smoked sausage suppers up each other's arses.


Really doesn't bother me one way or the other.... I can't even bring myself to care if it's f**ked up or not.


Good luck to them..

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Also a few of you would bang her, obviously being female I think differently, but does the fact she had sex with her dad not repulse you enough not to go near her? Or is a shag a shag?


They don't speak for me. I've more respect than to go after sickos like that. Chavvy sickos at that. Then again, some on here may just be talking a good sex life as a means of compensating for lack thereof in the "real" world.

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They don't speak for me. I've more respect than to go after sickos like that. Chavvy sickos at that. Then again, some on here may just be talking a good sex life as a means of compensating for lack thereof in the "real" world.


Alternatively the guys saying they widna touch her with a barge pole are double bluffing as they hinna got a ride in them.



I wouldn't go after her but I'd rattle it if offered.


Seems a bit of a fairer comment.

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