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Let's Maybe Not All Laugh At Hearts

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3-0 at half time.....Time to get off our high horses and realise what a mess Scotish football is in....Good God if the Dandies had gone into this game (unlikely with the present board any time soon.....we only do premier league survival) what might the score have of been??....The Jam Tarts cuffed us stupid days ago......as long as Milne is in charge.....we are light years away from even competing at this level....time for change guys...........Milne out.......we have no hope with this Idiot at the helm....the only way to move forward is Milneless.........................Big push Milne out....boycott games...it is the only way we will ever see any change............who's in??

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3-0 at half time.....Time to get off our high horses and realise what a mess Scotish football is in....Good God if the Dandies had gone into this game (unlikely with the present board any time soon.....we only do premier league survival) what might the score have of been??....The Jam Tarts cuffed us stupid days ago......as long as Milne is in charge.....we are light years away from even competing at this level....time for change guys...........Milne out.......we have no hope with this Idiot at the helm....the only way to move forward is Milneless.........................Big push Milne out....boycott games...it is the only way we will ever see any change............who's in??



The only real, significant (and it's pretty significant) difference between us and Hearts was their finishing. We'd get a hiding against Spurs, no question, but not significantly moreso than Hearts. Our real problem lies with creating and finishing chances, and that means most of our games are going to finish Something - Nil, us being Nil.



I'm staying updated with the Hearts score, and I'm seriously loling and lulzing and rotflmaoing every time a goal goes in. Our humiliations come regularly enough during the course of the domestic season, the least I expect is an opportunity to lollerscates at the Old Firm and Hearts when Europe comes around.


And hopefully they'll go into administration and cease to exist too... I'd like that.


I'd lol.


f**k 'em.


f**k 'em all.

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3-0 at half time.....Time to get off our high horses and realise what a mess Scotish football is in....Good God if the Dandies had gone into this game (unlikely with the present board any time soon.....we only do premier league survival) what might the score have of been??....The Jam Tarts cuffed us stupid days ago......as long as Milne is in charge.....we are light years away from even competing at this level....time for change guys...........Milne out.......we have no hope with this Idiot at the helm....the only way to move forward is Milneless.........................Big push Milne out....boycott games...it is the only way we will ever see any change............who's in??


I agree with your point about scottish fitba but if we remove milne who to replace him..............................? There is nobody!

Our game is in dissaray because we've not developed any decent players for years due to crap coaching, crap pitches, crap attitude, crap method of playing the game, crap diet, drinking too much, laziness.................the list is endless............!

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The only real, significant (and it's pretty significant) difference between us and Hearts was their finishing. We'd get a hiding against Spurs, no question, but not significantly moreso than Hearts. Our real problem lies with creating and finishing chances, and that means most of our games are going to finish Something - Nil, us being Nil.



I'm staying updated with the Hearts score, and I'm seriously loling and lulzing and rotflmaoing every time a goal goes in. Our humiliations come regularly enough during the course of the domestic season, the least I expect is an opportunity to lollerscates at the Old Firm and Hearts when Europe comes around.


And hopefully they'll go into administration and cease to exist too... I'd like that.


I'd lol.

Fair enough Ke1t but I'd stick by original post...........we are light years from competeing at this level with the current board in place............once again Premier league survival is all that seems to be on the agenda these days...which is f**king sad...days out in Europe are a thing of the past

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3-0 at half time.....Time to get off our high horses and realise what a mess Scotish football is in....Good God if the Dandies had gone into this game (unlikely with the present board any time soon.....we only do premier league survival) what might the score have of been??....The Jam Tarts cuffed us stupid days ago......as long as Milne is in charge.....we are light years away from even competing at this level....time for change guys...........Milne out.......we have no hope with this Idiot at the helm....the only way to move forward is Milneless.........................Big push Milne out....boycott games...it is the only way we will ever see any change............who's in??


of course the scottish game is f**ked, kids & adults have more access and exposure to a league in another country. our game has zero exposure in our own country.!!!!!!!!!

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of course the scottish game is f**ked, kids & adults have more access and exposure to a league in another country. our game has zero exposure in our own country.!!!!!!!!!

Sad days boys...Sad days......but you're right as a kid home games were all I saw...the telly has f**ked it....who would you rather watch Rooney or Mackie...it's a no-brainer really....still sad though

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Sad days boys...Sad days......but you're right as a kid home games were all I saw...the telly has f**ked it....who would you rather watch Rooney or Mackie...it's a no-brainer really....still sad though


those in charge of our game have a lot to answer for. Sky have us by the balls as they know we cannot go any where with out them.

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Sad days boys...Sad days......but you're right as a kid home games were all I saw...the telly has f**ked it....who would you rather watch Rooney or Mackie...it's a no-brainer really....still sad though


Personally speaking I'd rather watch Mackie over Rooney, Ronaldo or Messi... because I'm an Aberdeen supporter and those other players, and their teams, mean nothing to me.


I've never, I mean never, jumped up and punched the air when a team that isn't Aberdeen or Scotland scored a goal.


I would rather watch the most abject Aberdeen side... and I have... over a Real v Barcelona Champions League final.


It's too bad Aberdeen Football Club isn't worthy of my loyalty. If the people who run Aberdeen Football Club cared about that club even 1% as much as we do we wouldn't be in the current state it finds itself in.


But anyway, I'd sooner watch Darren Mackie try to control a ball at the 15th attempt than watch Messi beat 10 players and score a 50 yard bicycle kick.

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What is with all the .......? :confused:


Ellipses. Well, technically ellipses are three dots ... rather than some random procession of four or more, thus.......


Ellipses, in language, are read as a pause in the text. Similar to a comma.


I use ellipses a lot... but that's just me. I'm stupid like that.

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Personally speaking I'd rather watch Mackie over Rooney, Ronaldo or Messi... because I'm an Aberdeen supporter and those other players, and their teams, mean nothing to me.


I've never, I mean never, jumped up and punched the air when a team that isn't Aberdeen or Scotland scored a goal.


I would rather watch the most abject Aberdeen side... and I have... over a Real v Barcelona Champions League final.


It's too bad Aberdeen Football Club isn't worthy of my loyalty. If the people who run Aberdeen Football Club cared about that club even 1% as much as we do we wouldn't be in the current state it finds itself in.


But anyway, I'd sooner watch Darren Mackie try to control a ball at the 15th attempt than watch Messi beat 10 players and score a 50 yard bicycle kick.

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Good Evening Fat shaft...that Monty Avatar is.... I guess some sort of statement that you are a golfing bore?..or perhaps it is ironic ...who knows...Fatshaft as a user name...maybe...I'm guessing....a refrerence to a large thick penis...which is patently not true...is it

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Just damages our game more, wish they had done ok. Horrific hand ball for the first though...


Beaten at a canter, hearts didn't play to their limited "advantages" just sillyness asking for a hiding. Start of second half ('0-3, but still) had quite a few chances did nothing with them, that's one of the main differences that's why strikers cost so much.

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Hopefully Spurs will be a bit sharper at home than they were tonight.


It'll help fog the memory of being beaten 8-1 on aggregate by a team that's on a par with St Mirren last time we made Europe.


We made Europe under Jimmy Calderwood.


Just for the sake of bringing that up :)

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Ellipses. Well, technically ellipses are three dots ... rather than some random procession of four or more, thus.......


Ellipses, in language, are read as a pause in the text. Similar to a comma.


I use ellipses a lot... but that's just me. I'm stupid like that.

Thanks Ke1t...helps Fatshaft(obvious misnomer) ...(he'll be counting the dots)...keep up with... the rest of us...Good God!!!

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I was at the 5-1 game, McGhees first competitive game in charge, was embarrassing.


I didn't go to much games after that in that season.

When that 4th goal went in that night, i actually just slumped in my seat and stared at the pitch in shock and disbelief. I've no idea why seeing as though it was typical Aberdeen but it still felt strange and very very embarrassing. It also dawned on me that i'd just reluctantly renewed my season ticket and thought "Oh no, another long season awaits" and i was bloody right.

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Yeah the forth was a great goal but f**k, after that wee bit of pressure at the start of the second was just horrible.


Reminded me of the bit in the sopranos when one of the older guys batters a guy and then whips his boy out and literally pisses on him, the (almost, one goal still to go...) final indignity.

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I don't have a problem laughing at Hearts however sh*te we are.


It's f**king weird though, it's like seeing one of the teams Aberdeen normally play play against one of the teams you only ever see on the telly and for a couple of seconds I found myself rooting for Hearts for that reason.


I soon snapped out of it, just made me realise how I could never be an armchair fan of any EPL team and use them in the same breath as Aberdeen.


Completely, completely different worlds.


yeah...if we're being honest..the worse hearts d0 the better we feel?


Take schadenfreude out of scottish fitba

there's nothing left to enjoy...as a spectator sport it's pathetic and boring..nil..nil..nil..


concerned about the co-efficient?



We're concerned about the plight of AFC...cos that's our phukkin religion!

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When that 4th goal went in that night, i actually just slumped in my seat and stared at the pitch in shock and disbelief. I've no idea why seeing as though it was typical Aberdeen but it still felt strange and very very embarrassing. It also dawned on me that i'd just reluctantly renewed my season ticket and thought "Oh no, another long season awaits" and i was bloody right.


The only time I've ever left an Aberdeen game early - left at 4-1 down and I've sat through some dire stuff previous to that and always stayed until the end.


As for tonight - was embarrassing for Hearts and Scottish Football. Was actually cheering Hearts on to get a goal back as felt sorry for them such was the gulf in class. Spurs could and should've had a lot more than five.

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This isn't a reflection of how bad Scottish Football is, it's a reflection of the gulf in MONEY that English football has in comparison to Scottish Football. That Spurs team would have hammered most teams in europe outside of the big few.


Spurs are probably spending at least 15 times hearts maximum wages! There is no way in hell they could, or even should be cokmpeting against that.

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