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Paton Released

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I'm not sure we have any strikers that are good enough;


Vernon - seems a poorer player with Maguire not creating for him

Mackie - Dont even start me

Magennis - great attitude, but poor ability, terrible first touch

Paton - showed potential a couple of years ago, not good enough now, First Div player

Megginson - Not ready - too early to say.

Chalali - Not seen enough to judge.


Ideally we need a striker, but more importantly a left mid/winger to give the team proper balance.



Not necessarily maguire, there's no one creating chances for a poacher to stick away. Not covered himself in glory though this season with the chances he has had. Would expect him to stick away chance vs. huns and tims.

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K9, were you nae one of the guys last summer that was argueing that Paton was a better player than Maguire?

Absolutely not - personally was flabbergasted when he got 3 year deal from McGhee as thought he was Peterhead bound when contract ran out.

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Not necessarily maguire, there's no one creating chances for a poacher to stick away. Not covered himself in glory though this season with the chances he has had. Would expect him to stick away chance vs. huns and tims.


Agree with that - although the number of chances he's getting has probably reduced.

No Maguire, no Aluko

Neither properly replaced.

As I said before, I think that is poor management of a squad.

hopefully Brown will come up with a surprise, but its not looking promising.

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What first team matches did you feel he made an impact in?

Next to none. Which is why i say he is "not quite ready" for first team right now but has 100% more potential than Paton.


Certainly impressed pre season but against highland League and Division 2 sides but ironically looked far more out of his depth against Inverness than had done when broke in at 17. But still say loon has some potential there. Whether he makes it or not is another question altogether though.

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He hasn't actually been released. He has just been told if he can get a club he can leave for free. He may not find a club and dig his heels and stay like Bobo Balde did at Celtic.


Ergo he will stay draw a wage, as I doubt anyone will take him with his over inflated Dons wage


If he does that, then his career is pretty much finished.

Who at the end of that 18 months would take on such a waster who has been out of the game all that time just collecting a wage? Absolutely nae cxnt. Be hard enough for him finding a club from now.


Yet to make an impact. Paton always made his presence felt when given a chance.

Way off the wark min. He had many chances last season when he came on and did not look one little bit interested.



I wouldn't say lack of ability. When he did try he looked a very good prospect in a few games. Sadly he seemed to hardly ever try and when Mcghee came the toys went out the pram and he never showed the same promise again. The fud.

He was fine in McGhee's first season...I like you thought he looked potentially a decent player.

It was at the start of last season when the toys went fleeing oot the pram...efter he turned down going on loan to Dundee. Nae lang efter that the Plug FB stuff came on the go...

After those escapades, every minute he spent on that park for us was a complete waste of a shirt.

Horrendous attitude.

Typically dim witted ball bag of a Celtic fan.

No loss.


Go and get yersel a season ticket for the tattie bowl Michael.

While ye can still afford een. :lolceltic:

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Paton rarely looked interested to me and when he was showed potential but showing potential is not enough. He wasnt delivering on the pitch and allegedly did sweet FA in training too so not surprised hes been asked to look for another club.


Once again AFC doing some inept business giving this waste of space a 3 yr contract last year................................jesus wept..... :confused:

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I'd doubt that, 4 goals in 50 odd games says it all.


i guarantee you, if paton(or anyone else for that matter) had the game time and loyalty mackie has recieved over the last 11 years he'd contribute and score far more. it would just about be impossible to do a worse job than mackie has done.

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i guarantee you, if paton(or anyone else for that matter) had the game time and loyalty mackie has recieved over the last 11 years he'd contribute and score far more. it would just about be impossible to do a worse job than mackie has done.


Are you suggesting that if they played more games our youth squad would develop far better?

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i guarantee you, if paton(or anyone else for that matter) had the game time and loyalty mackie has recieved over the last 11 years he'd contribute and score far more. it would just about be impossible to do a worse job than mackie has done.


You "guarantee" me? How you going to do that exactly - invent a time machine and start Paton in every game Mackie has started over the last 11 seasons


I'm going to trust Craig Brown, who has opted to free Paton and not Mackie, to be a better judge of a footballer than you.

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You "guarantee" me? How you going to do that exactly - invent a time machine and start Paton in every game Mackie has started over the last 11 seasons


I'm going to trust Craig Brown, who has opted to free Paton and not Mackie, to be a better judge of a footballer than you.


i've already invented the time machine. trust craig brown all you like, paton and mackie are both s*ite. remember, mr brown doesn't think you need a left side to compete in the spl. :itch-chin:

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BBC journalist on Twitter reported this about 20 mins ago.


Interesting move, Dietmar Hamann has been on the look out for a striker as Stockport are struggling to score.If Paton gets a good run there it might benefit all parties.


EDIT: Wages appear to be a problem for County though and AFC would need to take a share of these according to another journalist who is reporting the deal.

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