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Strange Snacks


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In my student days I was a major exponent of crisp sandwiches, more through necessity than choice, but any kind of crisp can go on them, and it filled a hole.


Towards the end of term, it was basically slices of bread with whatever sauce you could find to make it go down the hatch spread on to it, butter was a luxury no cunt could afford, and the bread was the cheapest you could lay claim to, in order to maximise money for drink.


I'm abhorred at the way I used to behave looking back, and me now would have given me then a swift kicking for sure.


Food was unimportant, alcohol was, little wonder my head was scrambled and I couldna think straight half the time.

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black pudding with the tonic through it! sounds awful i know.



Tup ...Buck Ice cream is an Edinburgh thing!


Oh right, posh then in your lot's eyes.


They probably make it as a way of sneering at the west coast scum and their filthy habits, in comparison to their bourgeois, genteel upbringing.





Edinburgh and Glasgow and all the bits in between are full of minkers. End of.

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3 am....when the mrs has made it for your supper and you just havent made it hame at 7pm to eat it.


Aye, and she's sleeping, so she canna wrap it roond your lug, but clattering about the kitchen steamin whilst making it is bad news, you're late home, you're blazing, you're making a noise, and then you'll go to bed and snore like a steam train.


Then we act all non-plussed in the morning, why are you girnin we ask?

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Oh right, posh then in your lot's eyes.


They probably make it as a way of sneering at the west coast scum and their filthy habits, in comparison to their bourgeois, genteel upbringing.





Edinburgh and Glasgow and all the bits in between are full of minkers. End of.



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that used to be a favourite of mine years ago when on the way home. usually from the one on belmont street or holburn street (now closed).


don't think I'd enjoy it nowadays



Was that the one that's now a pizza hut, just beside the Foundry? If so that was a belting kebab house, pizza's were unbeliveable. Quite expensive though if i mind right, or maybe i just gave them

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I'm another one guilty of putting tomato sauce in sarnies with cheese, or chicken, or corned beef, or ham. Just makes it so much more tasty!


Chips cheese and beans seems frowned upon (with vinegar on too) by folk here in the central belt, yet they get a boner over chips cheese and gravy I think it is... beans just make it all the more... stodgy and ace. Then again saying chips cheese and beans is a weird snack to a bunch of folk from the north east isn't going to count as 'strange' but I bloody love it!

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I'm another one guilty of putting tomato sauce in sarnies with cheese, or chicken, or corned beef, or ham. Just makes it so much more tasty!


Chips cheese and beans seems frowned upon (with vinegar on too) by folk here in the central belt, yet they get a boner over chips cheese and gravy I think it is... beans just make it all the more... stodgy and ace. Then again saying chips cheese and beans is a weird snack to a bunch of folk from the north east isn't going to count as 'strange' but I bloody love it!


A series of sickening concoctions there, beans are vile, again a woman eating those would be ejected from any premises of mine.

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I guess I strayed from the 'snack' part, but aye chips cheese and beans is pretty horrendous, but normally eaten on the way home on a friday after remembering how hungry I am after not having dinner and going out after work. At the time it's a great idea... but the calories must be in the thousands. Healthy!

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