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The Martin Bain Case Papers

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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to little-lady-reds knicks....good god you guys are sad

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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to little-lady-reds knicks....good god you guys are sad


If they do it, and get away with it...we should do the same. would rid the club of this debt that is strangling our club.


#downside is on current form we couldn't accumulate enough points to survive relegation

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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to little-lady-reds knicks....good god you guys are sad


This is a picture of you looking at the world through a magnifying glass...





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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to Trevor from Milngavie....good god you guys are sad


Changed it for you

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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to little-lady-reds knicks....good god you guys are sad

Erm, "little lady" is a bloke :laughing:
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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to little-lady-reds knicks....good god you guys are sad

One question mark would have done, but anyway, it has nothing to do with us, but then the topic is "The Martin Bain Case Papers papers detailing what the huns owe" :sherlock:

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Heard a very massive whisper from a very good source today, that the Hun are simply waiting until they are a ways behind the Tim, and they will play the administration card, and walk from their tax bill, and take the (irrelevant) points deduction. chunts.


Heard about a year ago from a tim that there was a gentlemans agreement for the huns to win the title the season the banks took over to make sure they got the CL money. Giving the tims the title this season and doing the above could be 'pay back'



Its a massive conspiracy :laughing:

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Heard a very massive whisper from a very good source today, that the Hun are simply waiting until they are a ways behind the Tim, and they will play the administration card, and walk from their tax bill, and take the (irrelevant) points deduction. chunts.


Problem with that is they don't walk away from the tax bill by going into administration, HMRC become the largest creditor, with the ability to vote yes or no for the deal to allow Rangers to exit administration by way of a CVA. This becomes an issue because Rangers have to honour all football debts in their entirety to retain their league share, and HMRC doesn't look kindly on debts not covered by legislation being treated as preferred when their debt isn't. Even if this wasn't the case its unlikely that HMRC would be willing to accept the 20-30p in the pound that Craig Whyte would offer (I think its mentioned in the Bain papers he'd pay up to 15 million). The administrator would then be obliged to sell the assets of the club in the best interests of the creditors and the club would be liquidated. The reason this won't be allowed to happen is because in this situation Craig Whyte would lose all control of Rangers assets. They'd be sold off to the highest bidder. Yes, he'd get his money back first as the owner of Rangers secured debt, but that would be it. Someone would buy Ibrox/Murray Park etc, and Rangers would be reborn, but under current rules they'd have to work their way back up from the bottom. (aye right...)


Its far more likely Craig Whyte himself will call in the receivers when they lose the big tax gig and become basically insolvent. He keeps control, moves the assets into a new company (he has security on them due to owning Rangers old debt), pays off the preferential creditors, and leaves everyone else with bugger all. They'd have to start at the bottom again (aye right..), but Craig Whyte will then own an entirely debt free Rangers.


Administration is just too risky and too expensive for the owner to let happen if he wants to be sure to retain control of the club. And i'm pretty sure he does, someone would pay a decent amount for a debt free Rangers, giving Whyte a tidy profit on the deal.


I'm pretty much positive that the Rangers we know right now will not exist for long if they lose the tax case. Sadly they'll be back moments later, being massaged back to the SPL in double quick time... (if they aren't just readmitted for the "good" of scottish football."). Nothing would really change, except Rangers would be debt free.


In reality, that'd be far, far worse than 10 points and administration.

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Heard a very massive whisper from a very good source today, that the Hun are simply waiting until they are a ways behind the Tim, and they will play the administration card, and walk from their tax bill, and take the (irrelevant) points deduction. chunts.




Something you want to tell us Fatshaft eh....

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What exactly has this got to do with us??.....Huns in financial strife...big deal...whats new...do you really think this will make one ayota of difference to us...no...what is the point of this post?....Fatshaft can pretent he hears whispers to try and get in to little-lady-reds knicks....good god you guys are sad



the title of the thread is quite clear. don't open it if you do not want to read it.

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the title of the thread is quite clear. don't open it if you do not want to read it.

No problem....just seems completly pointless...I just don't get the taking pleasure in others strife....all seems a little sad?....I don't know...the thought that RFC will fail to exist or be docked load of points is about as likely as us winning 2 games in a row under the current leadership.....nae very likely

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No problem....just seems completly pointless...I just don't get the taking pleasure in others strife....all seems a little sad?....I don't know...the thought that RFC will fail to exist or be docked load of points is about as likely as us winning 2 games in a row under the current leadership.....nae very likely


people can still discuss it. I'd say the current Scottish champions and the team most of our fans can't stand being in such strife warrants discussion



wouldn't you?

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No problem....just seems completly pointless...I just don't get the taking pleasure in others strife....all seems a little sad?....I don't know...the thought that RFC will fail to exist or be docked load of points is about as likely as us winning 2 games in a row under the current leadership.....nae very likely


Its a massive story by SPL standards, and if you read the many reports on it, there is a very real chance that serious trouble is heading Rangers way.


The tax man will not be bullshitted and bossed as per what Rangers normally do with regards to Business.

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Its a massive story by SPL standards, and if you read the many reports on it, there is a very real chance that serious trouble is heading Rangers way.


The tax man will not be bullshitted and bossed as per what Rangers normally do with regards to Business.


The tax man is more than likely a goat tickler so this on will not affect the Hun one little bit....The Hun is untouchable I'm surprised you guys haven't grasped this yet???......I don't know.... maybe.... who knows??

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The tax man is more than likely a goat tickler so this on will not affect the Hun one little bit....The Hun is untouchable I'm surprised you guys haven't grasped this yet???......I don't know.... maybe.... who knows??


Time will tell dude, I do not think we will see the walls of Ibrox crumbling down, but I do envisage some serious court room action.

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Every Rangers fan I know is in complete denial about this HMRC case. They are all convinced they'll win it. Dunno much about HMRC but I wouldn't imagine they pursue many cases and loose. They are pretty brutal, I know having just lost a heap o cash after they shut down a company that owes me money. :angry2:


Rangers problem would be that their biggest asset is Ibrox and they can't sell that and remain the same club. I reckon they'll end up in administration but the SPL will not send them to Div 3 cause of who they are, then they'll go on like nothing happened.

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Bain going to court to ring-fence his pay off suggests that administration is highly likely for them. It's looking a genuine possibility but I don't want to let myself build up false hopes.


Will make a new national holiday (for masel) to celebrate the day (and all anniversaries thereof) if it does happen though!


The day rangers go into administration i'm adding some CSS code to AFC-Chat that rains confetti.

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The chat down here is that at the very, very least they'll become a selling club and concentrate almost solely on bringing through the youth and selling on for a profit.


A bit like we (and the rest of the SPL) are now, although rather than our stock being gradually eroded to where we're at now, it'll hit them like a big fuck off tsunami, a massive shit storm coming all at once and I for one can't fucking wait and will enjoy every single second of it.


Watching them deny it and put it down to a Tim media conspiracy is fucking hilarious, "oh we'll pay it and that'll be that".


Watching others read the hysteria from the Weegie red tops and shit themselves that they won't have a club to support, no club to use to inflict their bigoted mankiness on every other cunt, is absolutely dynamite.


Fuck the lot of them, the day they go up shit creek will be one of the happiest days of my life.


As I say, trying to contain masel but the fact it's appearing more and more real by the day... Oh FUCK YAAASSS!

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The chat down here is that at the very, very least they'll become a selling club and concentrate almost solely on bringing through the youth and selling on for a profit.


A bit like we (and the rest of the SPL) are now, although rather than our stock being gradually eroded to where we're at now, it'll hit them like a big fuck off tsunami, a massive shit storm coming all at once and I for one can't fucking wait and will enjoy every single second of it.


Watching them deny it and put it down to a Tim media conspiracy is fucking hilarious, "oh we'll pay it and that'll be that".


Watching others read the hysteria from the Weegie red tops and shit themselves that they won't have a club to support, no club to use to inflict their bigoted mankiness on every other cunt, is absolutely dynamite.


Fuck the lot of them, the day they go up shit creek will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Coming from a family which is rangers to the core and having had to put up with their shit my whole life, I would fucking love anything bad that happens to these minks. Liquidation and complete annihilation from Scottish football is a distant dream but not as distant as it once was.

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