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Walking around toon the day, wi ma smert new Aberdeen Toorie, not a scrap of Aberdeen FC related gear to be seen, but I did see two bams in hoops and one quality spesh in a huns top.


Only fucker representing the Dons in toon the day was a fucking Yank.


One drunk lad points at the glorious double-starred icon to European Awesomeness and slurs, The Dooons, The Dooooooons! Wasnae sure if he was being negative or positive, what with him being pished by about 3 in the efterneen, but either way it was some recognition for the representing.


Aberdeen really doesnae give a flying fuck about it's team, and that makes me ver disappoint.


Not giving a fuck about Aberdeen from 4000 miles away is one thing, but seeing everyone not give a flying fuck first hand is some pretty fucking depressing shit right there. I didn't give a flying fuck right up until I landed in Aberdeen, and okay I was fucking baked in the heid when I landed, but it was straight to the club shop for a match schedule and a whole bunch of merchandise I dinna need.


Was further disappointed to find that the Club Shop doesnae sell "Stewart Milne Get Tae Fuck" T-Shirts. Personally I reckon they'd make a fucking bomb off that.

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Na, min, was wearing some sensible plimmies to walk roond toon... however i was looking the fucking bomb all the same...


Some fit looking lassies in the toon inna, especially some of the older birds, and I'm digging the wee shorts and passion killers fashion that the slutties are going with this season.


Slutties... love em.

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Those white eens are for the gay right enough.




Add in the current look of wearing slip on deck shoes and thin beige trousers with the elasticated ankles.

Fashion is catering for pooves at the mo.


They are f*ckin gay like.




A generation of men raised by woman - this is the type of sh*t you get:

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They are f*ckin gay like.




A generation of men raised by woman - this is the type of sh*t you get:

There was a parrotheid in the pub watching the Scotland game lastweek.

Short tight denim jacket, blue and white thin horizontal striped t shirt and thin poofy elasticated beige things, no socks and slip on blue deck shoes.

Never in my life will I dress up like that and I'd rip the piss mercilessly out of my pals if they dressed like that.

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There was a parrotheid in the pub watching the Scotland game lastweek.

Short tight denim jacket, blue and white thin horizontal striped t shirt and thin poofy elasticated beige things, no socks and slip on blue deck shoes.

Never in my life will I dress up like that and I'd rip the piss mercilessly out of my pals if they dressed like that.


Thats f*ckin disgusting. The sad thing is he was probably straight....


Its part of a much wider problem in society: the feminization of man. Men are not allowed to men anymore - vital knowledge and attitudes are being lost as a result.


In 100 years time i would honestly dread to think what our sex will have turned into...



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Thats f*ckin disgusting. The sad thing is he was probably straight....


Its part of a much wider problem in society: the feminization of man. Men are not allowed to men anymore - vital knowledge and attitudes are being lost as a result.


In 100 years time i would honestly dread to think what our sex will have turned into...




got to agree, its almost as if its frowned upon to be a "regular bloke" nowadays.

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Bring back the 70s. When a tache wasn't gay and the wifie had everything under control in the homestead.


I reckon my old man and his pals lived in a golden age.


too many blokes who think they are now obliged to do everything with the wife. not many blokes have amind of their own.


renton was right in trainspotting, their will be no straights or gays in the future - just wankers

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The man who wants to stay in the pub all weekend and only go home to kick the dog and pish the bed is not looked upon as the hero he once was. Its all lets been seen wearing pish clothes and eating at Yo Sushi.


Fuck all wrong with a Cheese and Ham Toastie.


I'd go even further than that. The manly arts are no longer being passed down from father to son.


When i was younger, if i stepped out of line i would get a slap squarely in pus. My old man would teach me how to swing a golf club, how to wire a plug, how to pint a wall, how change the oil on a motor, take me for driving lessons when i was 14, teach me how and what to drink. What to do in a fight.


Nowadays kids don't get disciplined because it infringes their human rights. If a plug needs wiring they sh*t their pants and fone an electrician. If the oil in their car needs changing they take it down to kenway tires and beg a mechanic to do it. Instead of playing football after school their doing ballet and singing in musicals. Instead of fighting in the playground they run and tell the teacher and discuss their feelings. When they start drinking they start drinking blue WKD and poof juice - the list go's on.


No wonder we are witnessing the emergence of a generation of bufty's. They haven't been taught any better...

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I'd go even further than that. The manly arts are no longer being passed down from father to son.


When i was younger, if i stepped out of line i would get a slap squarely in pus. My old man would teach me how to swing a golf club, how to wire a plug, how to pint a wall, how change the oil on a motor, take me for driving lessons when i was 14, teach me how and what to drink. What to do in a fight.


Nowadays kids don't get disciplined because it infringes their human rights. If a plug needs wiring they sh*t their pants and fone an electrician. If the oil in their car needs changing they take it down to kenway tires and beg a mechanic to do it. Instead of playing football after school their doing ballet and singing in musicals. Instead of fighting in the playground they run and tell the teacher and discuss their feelings. When they start drinking they start drinking blue WKD and poof juice - the list go's on.


No wonder we are witnessing the emergence of a generation of bufty's. They haven't been taught any better...


or becoming hairdressers or beauty students


I blame gok wan he/it is pure evil

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