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Fairly simple, no?


Golf is not a manly art. Fitba. Snooker. Something like that. Real manly stuff.


As for your use of "fone." Your dad should go all "Bellamy on Riise" on you for that ffs.


If your dad hadn't wasted his time teaching you how to knock a ball about large green areas with a stick, you might have just learnt how to use an apostrophe or spell tyres correctly... :checkit:

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Fairly simple, no?


Golf is not a manly art. Fitba. Snooker. Something like that. Real manly stuff.


As for your use of "fone." Your dad should go all "Bellamy on Riise" on you for that ffs.


If your dad hadn't wasted his time teaching you how to knock a ball about large green areas with a stick, you might have just learnt how to use an apostrophe or spell tyres correctly... :checkit:


I kan shpell pwopa, butt when I'm on a t'internet 4-UM hashin oot a rapid risponse 2 a poste, i da really hink aboot it that much....


Maybe golf isn't a manly pursuit, but its definately a gentlemanly pursuit...



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Fone is never acceptable though. That doesn't just happen because you are on a forum, you must be of a disposition where fone regularly enters your vocabulary.


This is of great concern to me, as I think one of the key manly attributes should be to be able to communicate correctly in their own language or dialect. Spelling competitions (or bees for Ke1t) are the domain of the most valiant and confident of men...

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Fone is never acceptable though. That doesn't just happen because you are on a forum, you must be of a disposition where fone regularly enters your vocabulary.


This is of great concern to me, as I think one of the key manly attributes should be to be able to communicate correctly in their own language or dialect. Spelling competitions (or bees for Ke1t) are the domain of the most valiant and confident of men...


Correct i regularly use fone when texting, but its a brave new f*ckin world Foster. Just look at how david cameron writes his text messages:




I can communicate perfectly correctly in my own language, indeed the ability of me to put food on my table depends on it - but i da go around watchin what i write on an internet forum. There are much more important things on my mind...

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Correct i regularly use fone when texting, but its a brave new f*ckin world Foster. Just look at how david cameron writes his text messages:




I can communicate perfectly correctly in my own language, indeed the ability of me to put food on my table depends on it - but i da go around watchin what i write on an internet forum. There are much more important things on my mind...


Is time really that much of a premium that f has to be used instead of ph? Is it just fone? Or is it fotograf? farmacodynamically? fantasmajorical? fenylpropanolamines?


Phoster thinks you are a phucking filistine...

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Is time really that much of a premium that f has to be used instead of ph? Is it just fone? Or is it fotograf? farmacodynamically? fantasmajorical? fenylpropanolamines?


Phoster thinks you are a phucking filistine...


Hey, im a child of divorce - give me a break....


Personally i just denote them PPA's becuase phenylpropanolamines is a bit of a mouthful.


Now, tell me, do you have a commercial interest in norepinephrine releasing agents?

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Your occupation brother, what you do to earn coin;


Does it involve the synthesis, design or study of norepinephrine releasing agents (NRA's)?


You mentioned Pharmacodynamics and penylpropanolamines...


If there is one thing I most certainly did not do it was google search words beginning ph...


I count beans...

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A generation of men raised by woman - this is the type of sh*t you get:


Good god, i haven't seen anybody wearing these contraptions in the toon yet but nothing would suprise me these days. A nation of sissies, if anyone ever invaded Britain we would be fucked. Fuck following trends. I pretty much dress exactly the same as i did when i was 14/15 (30 now). Never bought a pair of jeans that werna Levis. Thing is these young cunts are probably laughing at me saying "check this cunt thinking its still 1995". Posing little feckers need a slap in the puss and a gift voucher for Signature.


Rant over.

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