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Worst thing again about today was we weren't out played. In fact we were probably the better team in the second half. But, yet again we loose.


Fosters fault for the goal. That guy is officially murder.


Clark and Jack are just the standard of our football club.


We are fucked just now. Were going to have to jump back on the manager merry go round again because this just inst working and/or acceptable.

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Don't think we were outplayed - and indeed given the second half thought we were the more likely to score.


Actually thought generally we did okay.


Give the reality of where we were in the league we started off basically holding them and did that fairly comfortably whilst being pretty impotent up front ourselves. Vernon worked hard but lacks pace which is a hell of a shame because he does clever things just far too slowly when he's there himslef.


Second half our defence actually looked pretty solid and we played nicely out of defence and once Christina had been hooked looked good. Jack I thought played well, Arnasson and Osbourne were very solid and other than lacking creativity the team were sound.


Oh but we do lack creativity - and have no real cutting edge.


Ricky screwed up badly, it's not the first time and it won't be the last. I suspect the midfield link role he's being asked to play may well be a good one for him becuase generally it keeps him away from defence and his inability to pass simple balls is also masked. If he has to be played that's as good a position for him as any.


Basically pass marks for most. Clark for doing nothing, Foster for gifting the game, and Fallon for achieving less impact than Vernon probably fail. Gonzo had one or two wee moments but nothing that Clangers wouldn't do worse. We have played worse and won but that was with strikers who can score and create from half chances as that was all we had.


No Mackie.


Scoring is a real problem.

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After Foster tried to grab the strikers leg he just layed there till the goal went in. Cunt.


Milsom once again useless.


Clark should never start ahead of Pawlett.


4-4-2 with 2 target men is as bad as 4-5-1.

Milsom has been atrocious all season.


Will never know how Clark gets a game.

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Didn't deserve the defeat today, the defense was fairly solid, save for them hitting the woodwork, Considine handled Humphries well, was positioned. Arnie and Mawene had Higdon under control all day, when compared to debacle that Diamond and McArdle had when he played for St. Mirren last year.


Milsom was poor, no desire to get forward, passing was poor. Clark was okay, not brilliant. Osbourne - solid and like him a lot. We have zero creativity, too often Vernon and Fallon were doing a good job of holding the ball up, but when Pawlett came on there was at least a bit of desire to get there.

Vernon and Fallon, actually could be a good pairing.


Now. Fossie, poor at the goal, should have just booted it out rather than being clever. Apart from that he was the only one with any desire to win, constantly coming short for the ball, always looking for it, at a goal down doubled his efforts and was breaking in to the box. How people can have a go at him out with his mistake today I don't know.


We deserved a draw, we were fairly comfortable, just a daft goal to lose at the worst time. We passed the ball reasonably well, we just lack a creative spark really.

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Didn't deserve the defeat today,


Now. Fossie, poor at the goal, should have just booted it out rather than being clever. Apart from that he was the only one with any desire to win, constantly coming short for the ball, always looking for it, at a goal down doubled his efforts and was breaking in to the box. How people can have a go at him out with his mistake today I don't know.


We deserved a draw, we were fairly comfortable, just a daft goal to lose at the worst time. We passed the ball reasonably well, we just lack a creative spark really.



Agree with most of that and should have said that Milsom was unimaginative. Second time I've seen Tricky Ricky lose us a goal this season - that's why I said he was below par. At the end of the day his contribution was our defeat.


Would disagree about Jack - thought he had a solid performance - better than pass marks.

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What are folk expecting from Jack - just goes to show people see different things. For a young loon playing at right back he was solid defensively and tried to go forward - his final ball was often poor but at least he played the role he was asked to and at the basic level was safe. I'd happily keep him there - and indeed given our lack of a left back (Foster is not) I'd keep that back line up - we've had much much worse. The problem does not lie with that defense.

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What are folk expecting from Jack - just goes to show people see different things. For a young loon playing at right back he was solid defensively and tried to go forward - his final ball was often poor but at least he played the role he was asked to and at the basic level was safe. I'd happily keep him there - and indeed given our lack of a left back (Foster is not) I'd keep that back line up - we've had much much worse. The problem does not lie with that defense.

Obviously wasn't at the game but according to the radio everything and anything good that came from aberdeen today was through Jack.

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What are folk expecting from Jack - just goes to show people see different things. For a young loon playing at right back he was solid defensively and tried to go forward - his final ball was often poor but at least he played the role he was asked to and at the basic level was safe. I'd happily keep him there - and indeed given our lack of a left back (Foster is not) I'd keep that back line up - we've had much much worse. The problem does not lie with that defense.

What do you feel Jack done well?


I thought he was very poor again today. The guy is not a footballer, time and time again he fails to do the basic things right. The one positive thing about him is he seems to get the ball in the correct positions, he does nothing with it however. His product is piss poor.

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What do you feel Jack done well?


I thought he was very poor again today. The guy is not a footballer, time and time again he fails to do the basic things right. The one positive thing about him is he seems to get the ball in the correct positions, he does nothing with it however. His product is piss poor.


I thought he handled the right hand side defensive duties well - tried to get forward when he could and moved appropriately into space. His final ball as you say was poor - but he isn't Stewart Kennedy or indeed the finished article. I felt he worked hard, had a good solid game and doesn't deserve significant criticism, there is great promise there with areas he can improve. There are far better targets, for me he had a good game and I'd keep him there in preference to all our other alternatives.

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Hes shite and should be released



At the moment, he's our best option at RB due to the unbalanced mismanagement of the squad.

Release a contracted U-21 player?

Yeh, brilliant!

He was ok today as well.

It would've been a fairly comfortably 0-0 against an equally clueless Motherwell team...until captain fantastic fucked up again.

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What's happened to this guy? Is he carrying an injury, or has he just decided not to play?


Last season there were loads of calls on here for Brown to get him signed up as soon as possible. Why so different 6 months later?


He doesn't look that interested.

That said, what options does he have when on the ball?

No width, and two immobile lamposts up front that dont "run the channels".

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He doesn't look that interested.

That said, what options does he have when on the ball?

No width, and two immobile lamposts up front that dont "run the channels".

I thought that he looked terrible in the Celtic game but of course gave him the benefit of the doubt and hoped he'd up his game but sadly just doesn't seem to be the same player from last season.

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I thought he handled the right hand side defensive duties well - tried to get forward when he could and moved appropriately into space. His final ball as you say was poor - but he isn't Stewart Kennedy or indeed the finished article. I felt he worked hard, had a good solid game and doesn't deserve significant criticism, there is great promise there with areas he can improve. There are far better targets, for me he had a good game and I'd keep him there in preference to all our other alternatives.

Ill add another positive to his list. Tbf to the lads he never hides, tries to get involved at all costs.


I just cant see this lad going anyway as a footballer, he seems to do the easy things wrong. Time and time again his passes are failing to reach the desired target, and as for the tackling OH Lordy. For someone who is meant to be a central midfielder he seriously lacks the fight to win the ball.



I slated him @ U19 level Crossbow, ill be honest and say ive just never been a fan.

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At the moment, he's our best option at RB due to the unbalanced mismanagement of the squad.

Release a contracted U-21 player?

Yeh, brilliant!

He was ok today as well.

It would've been a fairly comfortably 0-0 against an equally clueless Motherwell team...until captain fantastic fucked up again.

No end product at all, no strength, i want him to prove me wrong but feel hes garbage! Still, not as bad as foster

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If Milsom was left mid again then all I can think is we need to get him back central.


Personally I'm thinking it might be time to put Osbourne RB and try pairing Milsom and Arnason in the middle.


Then we need someone wide left and can only think youth player or Foster... :-(

Nah mate Foster was left mid today. Arnason needs to be in the back, we need his cool head back there.

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