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Defeat Against Dunfermline

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Will sneak it 1-0 in the scrapiest game ever played!


Then probably a draw v Utd


Lose to Celtic away


I pray that we get a result V Rangers at home but unlikely with our form



4 points from the next 4?


In a world where this Aberdeen team had more quality and fight i would be hoping for at least 7 points from these games :stormtrooper:

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All it will do is deflect the pressure onto Brown even more, as oppose to the real problem at Aberdeen Football Club.


We'll sack a manager, bring someone else in, he'll rip the team up, release players, keep 4 or 5 of the deadwood as he wont have the resources to get a full new team, and the usual deadwood plod on, convincing the new manager they are up to the job then produce crap performances/crap results, manager then gets it and his head is called for....continue that cycle....

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You do realise that of the 2 years...Brown is not 2 months into it, right?


2 months that matter.


This is a new manager with a new team.


What happened last season has no bearing on this, other than as a reminder that as far as good starting positions go, Brown didn't have one.


We are 2 months into the 2 full seasons that Brown is due to be in charge.


I want him to succeed. I suspect others are happier when we fail - why might that be?


Perhaps as it is cheaper to "boycott" and simply write crap on the internet than it is to attend and actually support your team.

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All it will do is deflect the pressure onto Brown even more, as oppose to the real problem at Aberdeen Football Club.


We'll sack a manager, bring someone else in, he'll rip the team up, release players, keep 4 or 5 of the deadwood as he wont have the resources to get a full new team, and the usual deadwood plod on, convincing the new manager they are up to the job then produce crap performances/crap results, manager then gets it and his head is called for....continue that cycle....



Until we get some cunt who can motivate and build a squad with a bigger than most budget to challenge for Europe and nae get knocked out of the cups from diddy clubs.....YES!

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2 months that matter.


This is a new manager with a new team.


What happened last season has no bearing on this, other than as a reminder that as far as good starting positions go, Brown didn't have one.


We are 2 months into the 2 full seasons that Brown is due to be in charge.


I want him to succeed. I suspect others are happier when we fail - why might that be?


Perhaps as it is cheaper to "boycott" and simply write crap on the internet than it is to attend and actually support your team.






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We have a manager thats won 2 out of 20 odd who admitted he played for a draw last Sat and we have a team of centre halves and centre midfielders and zero width.


So...... we have a poor manager and negative tactics.


And removing another chunk of the playing budget to cover the costs of sacking/hiring another manager who cannot be guaranteed to improve the team will definitely improve this situation??

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And removing another chunk of the playing budget to cover the costs of sacking/hiring another manager who cannot be guaranteed to improve the team will definitely improve this situation??



Milne can afford to do it without it affecting the budget and its his decision who to appoint so if he makes a cunt of it (as he has) he pays for it.


Doing nothing only lets us sink further into the apathy riddled mess.

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We have a manager thats won 2 out of 20 odd who admitted he played for a draw last Sat and we have a team of centre halves and centre midfielders and zero width.


So...... we have a poor manager and negative tactics.


We are on a poor run yes . However in the past he has proven himself to be a very good manager .


The run we are on is very poor , however he has been a manager longer than 20 games !

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2 months that matter.

This is a new manager with a new team.


What happened last season has no bearing on this, other than as a reminder that as far as good starting positions go, Brown didn't have one.


We are 2 months into the 2 full seasons that Brown is due to be in charge.


I want him to succeed. I suspect others are happier when we fail - why might that be?


Perhaps as it is cheaper to "boycott" and simply write crap on the internet than it is to attend and actually support your team.



2 months that matter? They all matter. I thought his first aim was to keep the club up last season? That matters. Well it mattered to me.


Are you saying that Brown can only be judged on what has happened post St Johnstone at home at the end of July? What about the transfer window? His summer signings?


If it is just those 2 months then it's just the same as the previous 6, utter pap.

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Absolutely guaranteed to comfortably win this one, Dunfermline are a diddy club, they'll take two men and a dog up with them, their players are SFL journeymen, AFC will be fired up in front of a home crowd after recent critisism, I'll go with a 3-nil home win, a defeat and Brown must have serious questions to answer.

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If it is just those 2 months then it's just the same as the previous 6, utter pap.


No it's not been. There are serious improvements in certain areas.


McGhee almost broke the club. It's a long way back from rock bottom. We're getting there.


I'd be pleased if the manager could be backed at least until HIS team have had a proper run of games to work with.


You canna win with some of these folk above. They:


- wanted the club to avoid relegation last season.


They got that, very quickly after Brown arrived.


- pay massive attention to the results of meaningless games where the participants were guys who were shortly on their way out the door. At the behest of the boo-boys it has to be said. V signs and insults were exchanged weekly. Brown takes the rap for the results though, even though the players about to leave and the hardcore fans openly hated each other. That's unlikely to engender massive effort. These guys did not want injuries because they were looking to impress elsewhere. The whole thing was entirely predictable to those with common sense.


- demanded wholesale changes to the squad in the summer, Brown's only proper transfer window, given he arrived just before January and had little time to assess matters then.


They got that.


- demand instant results from 11 guys who have probably never met before and have certainly never played as a team together before. Our first team changed more than any other in the SPL. Why? Because the fans demanded it. Now the boo boys want instantly sated, and are creating a pervasive atmosphere around the manager, the whole club in fact, because we are eight games in and have not scored many goals or gathered many points.




We are playing well. Very well at times. The goals will come. When they do, the crisis dissipates.


Show some fucking patience.

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Guest the shepherd

As I said coming up the road fae Motherwell last Saturday if we lose to Dunfermline we are doomed. Dunfermline are one of the worst top division teams I have seen in my lifetime, even worse then Gretna. Surely Craig Brown has to persevere with Fallon and Vernon up front as the other strikers bar Mitchell Megginson, who has had not much of sniff. are simply not up to task. Mind you saying that at least Darren Mackie has been doing what ultimately he gets paid to do so far when given the chance this season, i.e. score goals.

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No it's not been. There are serious improvements in certain areas.


McGhee almost broke the club. It's a long way back from rock bottom. We're getting there.


I'd be pleased if the manager could be backed at least until HIS team have had a proper run of games to work with.


You canna win with some of these folk above. They:


- wanted the club to avoid relegation last season.


They got that, very quickly after Brown arrived.


- pay massive attention to the results of meaningless games where the participants were guys who were shortly on their way out the door. At the behest of the boo-boys it has to be said. V signs and insults were exchanged weekly. Brown takes the rap for the results though, even though the players about to leave and the hardcore fans openly hated each other. That's unlikely to engender massive effort. These guys did not want injuries because they were looking to impress elsewhere. The whole thing was entirely predictable to those with common sense.


- demanded wholesale changes to the squad in the summer, Brown's only proper transfer window, given he arrived just before January and had little time to assess matters then.


They got that.


- demand instant results from 11 guys who have probably never met before and have certainly never played as a team together before. Our first team changed more than any other in the SPL. Why? Because the fans demanded it. Now the boo boys want instantly sated, and are creating a pervasive atmosphere around the manager, the whole club in fact, because we are eight games in and have not scored many goals or gathered many points.




We are playing well. Very well at times. The goals will come. When they do, the crisis dissipates.


Show some fucking patience


I'm in agreement. McGhee coined the phrase "joined up football" - which I quite like actually, but it was never ever in evidence under his reign ironicallly. It has been under Brown, but its not produced an end product yet. I think confidence is required to produce that, and I can see it returning if we get a win here and move forward.


Its easy to criticise - and its harder to show faith and support, especially when the chips are down.


As Scarface is predicting - I think the spirit of 95 vs Dundee United will be present on Friday. Just wish the club slashed prices to ensure a good crowd, like £10 one off?



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I'm in agreement. McGhee coined the phrase "joined up football" - which I quite like actually, but it was enever ever in evidence under his reign ironicallly. It has been under Brown, but its not produced an end product yet. I think confidence is required to produce that, and I can see it returning if we get a win here and move forward.


Its easy to criticise - and its harder to show faith and support, especially when the chips are down.


As Scarface is predicting - I think the spirit of 95 vs Dundee United will be present on Friday. Just wish the club slashed prices to ensure a good crowd, like

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Our first team changed more than any other in the SPL. Why? Because the fans demanded it. Now the boo boys want instantly sated, and are creating a pervasive atmosphere around the manager, the whole club in fact, because we are eight games in and have not scored many goals or gathered many points.




We are playing well. Very well at times. The goals will come. When they do, the crisis dissipates.


Show some fucking patience.

No it never.


And no we are most certainly not.

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I'm not going to bother getting into debate with you after your serious loss of control and highly insulting tone taken in your recent abusive post towards me, you clearly have something of a problem there, I don't, so it's best left.

Never mind - It would only be made up anyway.

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We're playing well? Not in the games I've been to.


St J - Average performance. They were garbage.

St M - Absolute shite.

Hibs - Frustratingly negative. Felt a draw was fair but wish we'd went for a win properly.

Killie - We played some decetn stuff in the 2nd half when when we were attacking, however faded badly towards the end due to lack of fitness!


I watched the Celtic game on TV, we didn't play well. Neither did they, thankfully.


I think pre season and 11 games (not 8) is more than enough time for a team to gel, and if it's not then you've got to question why.


St Mirren and their new players started very well. O'Connor's banging them in. Hefferman's banging them in. What's the difference?


4 teams took in more new platyers, 2 teams took in the same.


Also find it bizarre some posters complete disregard for last season. We were in 2 semi finals too.

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