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As of Saturday, new booze laws come into enforce in Scotland on Saturday, effectively banning 2 for 1 drinks promotions etc.


Also, under 25s (or those who are lucky enough to look under 25, like myself :unsure: ) will need to have ID to buy it.


So stock up now, after that it will be booze cruises to Englandshire, aided by the new 80mph speed limit (a quick 'in-out').

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Will this drive up the price of booze in general or just horrible stuff like 2 litre bottles of cider?


Am not too bothered by this news so long as it doesn't drive the minks on Ness Walk to crime.


It won't drive up the price of drink, this isn't the minimum pricing that was originally talked about. It's just gonna put an end to the 'buy 3 bottles of wine for

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You sure it will not affect multipacks ?


I was advised by the manager at the local shoppy, that they will no longer be able to sell say a 12 pack of lager for cheaper than what it would cost to buy 12 x 1 cans of same lager.


no I am not sure, I just read it on some internet site. if this is the case then it's time to panic.


or maybe yer local shoppy is just going to use it as an excuse to rip abdy off, "it's the law min!". like when you buy a can of coke fae the kebab shop with 'not for individual resale' written on it.

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Correct, many people were put off going into pubs and clubs due to not wanting to sit in a cloud of smoke. Sitting in the pub is more enjoyable now. Most smokers i know aren't bothered about it really.


Wrong; it eroded peoples human rights, the lounge in a pub should be non smoking and the bar smoking, obviously with good ventilation, you don't like smoking or the smell then don't come into the bar. I said at the time of the ban that drinkers would be hit next, that is being borne out.


If I want to smoke in a bar and the bar owner wants me to smoke in his/hers bar then why should we be stopped from doing it, smoking is legal after all.

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Wrong; it eroded peoples human rights, the lounge in a pub should be non smoking and the bar smoking, obviously with good ventilation, you don't like smoking or the smell then don't come into the bar. I said at the time of the ban that drinkers would be hit next, that is being borne out.


If I want to smoke in a bar and the bar owner wants me to smoke in his/hers bar then why should we be stopped from doing it, smoking is legal after all.

Not in a bar it aint!!

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Smoking ban has been the best thing to happen tbh. Most publicans have said ti's been better for business.


Hundreds/thousands of working mans pubs have closed since the smoking ban, one in Bucksburn closed and the landlord said his takings dropped 50%+ since the ban came in, he had to give up the lease.............the pub is now flats.

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Hundreds/thousands of working mans pubs have closed since the smoking ban, one in Bucksburn closed and the landlord said his takings dropped 50%+ since the ban came in, he had to give up the lease.............the pub is now flats.

In fairness, virtually all of the closed pubs up and down the country were the horrible shit ones. The good pubs have thrived.

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In fairness, virtually all of the closed pubs up and down the country were the horrible shit ones. The good pubs have thrived.

That's the way it should be, nothing better than sipping on a lovely pint of peroni in a stylish bar then going on to something off the fantastic wine list, in a fantastic friendly environment.

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That's the way it should be, nothing better than sipping on a lovely pint of peroni in a stylish bar then going on to something off the fantastic wine list, in a fantastic friendly environment.


Now and again, there's nothing better than a pint in a pub that a woman would never dream of entering unless it was to start her shift.


Pure Man's territory.


Unfortunately, rarer and rarer these days.

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Wrong; it eroded peoples human rights, the lounge in a pub should be non smoking and the bar smoking, obviously with good ventilation, you don't like smoking or the smell then don't come into the bar. I said at the time of the ban that drinkers would be hit next, that is being borne out.


If I want to smoke in a bar and the bar owner wants me to smoke in his/hers bar then why should we be stopped from doing it, smoking is legal after all.

I couldn't agree more, they could have made it law to provide non-smoking areas instead of completely banning it. The sad thing is this is basically being put upon the whole of Europe now. In places like Bavaria traditional events ala Oktober Fest smoking is as much a part of it as a litre of beer and Lederhosen and now this is deemed illegal. My point is people have had a fag with their pint since pubs were invented it's a shame politicians can put a stop to these things.

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Now and again, there's nothing better than a pint in a pub that a woman would never dream of entering unless it was to start her shift.


Pure Man's territory.


Unfortunately, rarer and rarer these days.



You are bang on the money.

Who on earth wants to go into a bar where its full of Fanjabs who are more likely to get their hands in their pocket to pull out their mobile phone then buy a round?

Round dodging scum.

Arseholes who sit down at a table with their "pals" and put their mobiles on the table and just sorta sit and stare at them. Anti-social bastards. Nobody fuckin likes ye.


Give me a good old mans bar any day, with regulars who have been drinking there for years and years.

And a packet of pork scratchings while yer up.

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Only iPhone users do this evil deed.


Order of the day should Pints, Birds and Fitba nae "check oot this app that calculates how many steps you take from the bar to the pisser and reports back in the voice of Keith Lemon"


Not interested.


Wine Bars are complete and utter pish unless your first dating a stunner and want to give her a false impression to get in her knickers.They are still pish but its the sacrifice you have to take.



Top Tip in Viz a few months back;



"iphone users - recreate the buzz of a night out with friends by sitting at home, staring at your phone"

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