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If You Weren't You, Who Would You Want To Be?


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I say your head is up your arse if you believe that min.


Because if you had tits and a fanny since birth you wouldna be too fussed about them, and rug munching would be the last thing on your mind.


nobody mentioned being born the person, just living the life.


I have a cock, a sma een but its there a the same and I just cant leave that alone. Why would tits and fanny be any different?

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nobody mentioned being born the person, just living the life.


I have a cock, a sma een but its there a the same and I just cant leave that alone. Why would tits and fanny be any different?


Tits are round for starters.


And a fanny is more of a balloon knot in contrast to the (cocktail in your case) sausage style shape of a cock.

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Aye, but ye ken whit its like, ye look for yer seat using they signs on the overhead bins, and then look doon and see who ye'll be sitting next to, and there's nothing ye can dae aboot it but be miserable


Dinna indulge his name/far flung place dropping chief.


I've thought of someone else I would want to be, for 5 minutes.


The Hoo-rah Henry who goes on the grouse shoot with boofon.


BANG! Bullet through his chin.


Then I'd be pleased to be restored to myself and let the posh boys sort out the aftermath.

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Aye, but ye ken whit its like, ye look for yer seat using they signs on the overhead bins, and then look doon and see who ye'll be sitting next to, and there's nothing ye can dae aboot it but be miserable



Not the case my jute friend.


I actually helped the prick get his coat on as the flight came into Moscow as he was struggling with it. Always thought since then that it was only due to the fact he struggled with his space suit that he wasn't first on the moon. I reckon Armstrong pushed the dithering old oaf out of the way.

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Not the case my jute friend.


I actually helped the prick get his coat on as the flight came into Moscow as he was struggling with it. Always thought since then that it was only due to the fact he struggled with his space suit that he wasn't first on the moon. I reckon Armstrong pushed the dithering old oaf out of the way.


Man has never been on the moon, it was all a stunt with unknown background connotations.

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Dinna indulge his name/far flung place dropping chief.


I've thought of someone else I would want to be, for 5 minutes.


The Hoo-rah Henry who goes on the grouse shoot with boofon.


BANG! Bullet through his chin.


Then I'd be pleased to be restored to myself and let the posh boys sort out the aftermath.


It's nae bullets that are used on a grouse shoot.


It's shot.


Every day's a schoolday. :sherlock:


Finished with that for the year anyway.


Roe deer doe up next on the 21st October.


Bullets required for that. :thumbs:

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Not the case my jute friend.


I actually helped the prick get his coat on as the flight came into Moscow as he was struggling with it. Always thought since then that it was only due to the fact he struggled with his space suit that he wasn't first on the moon. I reckon Armstrong pushed the dithering old oaf out of the way.


He probably thought ye were rifling through his poakits. Easy mistake.

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No wonder the poor cunt was miserable. Every flight he gets on there's some cunt wanting to talk to him about the moon and it jist reminds him of the fact he was second.


Ye inconsiderate bastard.


Have you been on every flight Buzz has been on? A bit of a stalker are we?


I think you'll find that he mentioned other topics as well. However I won't discuss those on here due to the craft we both follow forbidding public speaking of such deeds. :thumbs:

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Tits are round for starters.


And a fanny is more of a balloon knot in contrast to the (cocktail in your case) sausage style shape of a cock.


balls are also roond


easy to see why you're now sitting at home wanking. nae idea aboot foreplay and nae idea fit a fanny dis.


you just stick to telling us how it is on here Tup, leave the socialising to us in the know :thumbs:

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