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When Newcastle first got promoted under Keegan I have to admit I had a bit of a liking to them, the attacking football they played was really something, also they were newly promoted so I felt I could "support" them without being a glory hunter. The novelty soon wore off, I enjoy watching the premiership but I have no team. I dislike Chelsea and Man City because I feel buying success like that is contrary to what football is about, so when they lose I enjoy it. Apart from that I don't care, it's the Dons for better or worse.

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Ive been a Spurs fan as long as i can remember supporting the Dons!


but the bird asked me an interesting question watching the North London Derby at the weekend "Would you rather Aberdeen finished 3rd this season or Spurs will the EPL"?


..........Aberdeen every time to finish 3rd!

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I followed Liverpool throughout the 80s, then supported Blackburn Rovers back when they won the first Premiership title, then started following Man Utd including when they did the treble in '99, started to really like Arsenal the season they went unbeaten, then supported Chelsea during the Mourinho years, been a fan of United again for the last few season up to now, but can see myself changing allegiance to Man City in a couple of seasons if they keep buying all the best players.


Come on you 'Pool/Rovers/United/Gooners/Chelsea/United/City!

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I touched on this in Tup's corner thread, you never seem to get Scottish fans of properly shit teams - Bury, Bristol City and the like. Strange. :itch-chin:


Funnily enough, they're one of the few teams whose score I keep an eye out for. :checkit: Don't 'support' any English teams, but keep an eye on Norwich, Bury and Man Utd as have friends from the first two towns and know a few Mancunians who are United-inclined.

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I started following Man City last year after I put all the names in a hat of the five teams in England and drew one out.


It was City, I've been a lifelong fan ever since, and bought a lazyboy chair specifically to watch them finish 4th in one game after a game against Spurs, our rivals, this game was a winner takes all shootout spectacular between these two sides, the stuff of lore it turned out to be as I sat back and lapped up the ultimate home viewing experience, it was the pinnacle of a day when I had started off by setting off fireworks in my back garden at 7am, alternate cyan and white ones, to get a taste of the spectacular first thing.


I then hired a small two seater plane to which I attached a massive City banner imploring them to put Spurs in their place and snatch the honour of 4th place from their grasp as they had been awarded that massive accolade the year before, of course at the end of the day it was a case of put that in your pipe and smoke it Spurs.


Finally the game, by which time I was exhausted, and sick of football, nevertheless I slept through most of it, and we won 2-1 I think, which woke me with a bang let me tell you that, Jamie Redknapp was nearly in tears in the studio as I yawmed obscenities at the screen, what a day that was.


I'm not sure how they've done since as they've not been on Sky.

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