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Tory Party Conference

Miglo don

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Sitting watching this and disagreeing with most things said, as I would expect from the rangers of politics.


The young conservatives are fuking weirdos, and then there is the old guard sitting reeking of pish and thinking about murdering asylum seekers, and don't forget the mid aged super rich!


Horrible horrible party!

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Sitting watching this and disagreeing with most things said, as I would expect from the rangers of politics.


The young conservatives are fuking weirdos, and then there is the old guard sitting reeking of pish and thinking about murdering asylum seekers, and don't forget the mid aged super rich!


Horrible horrible party!


A Party run by the rich for the rich... garnering their grudgingly needed, but despised, support from the masses by pandering to working class prejudice and ignorance.


"Vote Tory, oiks, and we'll curtail Nignoggery for you, you wretched working class pigs."


I'm not even exaggerating for effect, is the saddest part.

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Yup lets all vote Labour and watch them balls up the economy again. And have Ed Milliband as Prime Minister.


Good een!!



There is always one.


Aye it was Labour who fucked the entire Western World Economy. :itch-chin:

Labour and the entire Public sector should be ruddy well shot and the good old bankers should be given a big old round of applause.





I think this topic has been done to death.



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There is always one.


Aye it was Labour who fucked the entire Western World Economy. :itch-chin:

Labour and the entire Public sector should be ruddy well shot and the good old bankers should be given a big old round of applause.





I think this topic has been done to death.




I can only assume you're the only person on the planet who isn't aware that the Labour Party convinced the American banks to take on massive, unsustainable debts with millions of people who were never going to be able to repay their mortgages/loans, having the knock-on effect of seeing financial institutions refuse to continue lines of credit, plunging the western economies into years of stagnation as private citizens and businesses found themselves financially crippled.


That was Labour, you see.


Just because.



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I can only assume you're the only person on the planet who isn't aware that the Labour Party convinced the American banks to take on massive, unsustainable debts with millions of people who were never going to be able to repay their mortgages/loans, having the knock-on effect of seeing financial institutions refuse to continue lines of credit, plunging the western economies into years of stagnation as private citizens and businesses found themselves financially crippled.


That was Labour, you see.


Just because.






Shit, forgot about that, sorry.

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Managed to catch the ending of "Politics Scotland" on BBC 2 during lunchtime in which the presenter was interviewing 3 young scottish conservatives at the conference. Each of them looked every much the stereotype, with a probably hint of inbreeding. Rupert, Tarquin and Sir Theodore, standing there responding to questions speaking in the most ridiculously posh accents that you'd be hard pressed to even find in England. Young Scots? Fuck off.

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Managed to catch the ending of "Politics Scotland" on BBC 2 during lunchtime in which the presenter was interviewing 3 young scottish conservatives at the conference. Each of them looked every much the stereotype, with a probably hint of inbreeding. Rupert, Tarquin and Sir Theodore, standing there responding to questions speaking in the most ridiculously posh accents that you'd be hard pressed to even find in England. Young Scots? Fuck off.

The same can be said for the young members of all the parties.


If you want to get involved in party politics at a young age you should be automatically barred from doing so.

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The same can be said for the young members of all the parties.


If you want to get involved in party politics at a young age you should be automatically barred from doing so.


Correct, the young toff Tories and the ban the bomb, stop the war guardian reading young labourites are both exactly the same. A bunch of cunts.


Politics becoming an occupation is what caused a lot ofmthe problems we're in - politicians with no life experience listening to young politicians with no experience ("think tanks") tell them exactly what they want to hear.

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Correct, the young toff Tories and the ban the bomb, stop the war guardian reading young labourites are both exactly the same. A bunch of cunts.


Politics becoming an occupation is what caused a lot ofmthe problems we're in - politicians with no life experience listening to young politicians with no experience ("think tanks") tell them exactly what they want to hear.



Tory boy from the Harry Enfeild show comes to mind!

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Can't seem to see anything going on in Torry the now and have yet to hear anything either.

If yer nae fishing, that's facepalm worthy stuff fae ye. I remember one of our polish guys asking about our political parties and who to vote for, so I asked him if he only cared about himself, his money, and that the poor were just scum to be left to die in their own filth. He goes "No, why would you ask me that, only crazy people think that way", to which I replied, "well that's the Tory Party in a nutshell." Think he voted SNP in the end.

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:hysterical: Bloody hell, they fair resemble the legions of anonymous weasely two faced poofy fake wee fuds infesting the work at the moment: all with the same arrogant know it all attitude, posh central belt or borders accents, total fucking disdain for anyone that isn't them or in their "circle" of sycophantic "friends", or is older than them (and can see them for fit they are- tubes), and best of all they come with interchangeable heids and arses, which is just as well, owing to the non stop narcisstic bullshit that comes out their mouths. And ye ken fit? The Young Labour lot are even worse, even further up their own arses! It should be a law in this country that you can't be elected to office until you're at least say 35, so that way at least you ken a bit about life and how folk manage to go about their business
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There is always one.


Aye it was Labour who fucked the entire Western World Economy. :itch-chin:

Labour and the entire Public sector should be ruddy well shot and the good old bankers should be given a big old round of applause.





I think this topic has been done to death.





Did Gogs Broon no say he would put an end to boom and bust??


Wait, come to think of it, he did :itch-chin: but eh guess saying it'll jist be bust fae now on widnae go doon too well

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Primal Scream weren't happy that they used "Rocks" at the end Theresa May's speech.



Apparently Bobby Gillespie got that bit wrong 360 , it was actually the Dandy Warhols ' Bohemian Like You' that the Tories played as exit music.....the riff is similar. So the guy that writes the column 'Scene and Heard' in the ' i ' reports.


But how do we believe anything other than the Truth that is mathematics ; even what we see with our own eyes is not the whole of the moon.

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Apparently Bobby Gillespie got that bit wrong 360 , it was actually the Dandy Warhols ' Bohemian Like You' that the Tories played as exit music.....the riff is similar. So the guy that writes the column 'Scene and Heard' in the ' i ' reports.


But how do we believe anything other than the Truth that is mathematics ; even what we see with our own eyes is not the whole of the moon.


Did you ask Mike Scott's permission to use that?

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As per my last post. These are the faces of the future scottish conservatives.



I'm 99% certain that I went to Uni with the one on the right, whats his name?... Total chuff of a boy.


I'm sure it'll come as no surprise to anyone to hear he's :gay: too.



He looks remarkably like Tommo1903 who posts on here.


Tommo1903 is also a student so I believe it is him. :sherlock:

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The Conservative party always seem to get a lot of stick, constantly.


However, I don't see the difference between the 2 bullshitting bastards above, and the other bullshitting bastards in amongst every other party?


Conservatives / Labour / SNP / Greens / Fishermans Friend Party / 24 Hour Party People Party


You could have had this thread about any political party, and seriously we'd have exactly the same type of posts put across by posters.



To be fair, the Tories are a special case.


Really very special indeed.

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The Tories are always going to be unpopular, they're the people that have to come in and clear up the mess left by Labour.


I like them, can't wait to see Cameron give the whinging leftie public sector a bloody nose, we're all in this together and must accept the cuts to survive as a nation, what do the lefties do when they get told they must take their share of the cuts............................spit the dummy oot and stomp up and doon, it's nae fair! :hysterical:


So much for being socialists, ok as long as they don't have to take their share of the cuts.

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Who themselves had to clean up the mess which had been left by the Tories.


Are you kidding?


the Tories left a surplus, no debt.


When Maggie took over the Country was on its knees, three day week, strikes galore, rubbish left uncollected for weeks, bodies stackpiled at morturies, huge debts etc etc

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