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Tory Party Conference

Miglo don

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Are you kidding?


the Tories left a surplus, no debt.


When Maggie took over the Country was on its knees, three day week, strikes galore, rubbish left uncollected for weeks, bodies stackpiled at morturies, huge debts etc etc


Why don't you take a trip to fife, Ayrshire, yorkshire etc and ask them if Maggie sorted out the mess!


These communities are still living with the effects of conservative policies, high unemployment, low life expectancy, high drug and alcohol use, high crime rates etc, and you now have Cameron twitting on about the bribing back a sense of community when it was his mob who ripped apart this!


And to say that lefties are only concerned about themselves is ridiculous, unlike the Tories who make sure that the rich are protected and the vulnerable savaged. You had Cameron spouting on about us all having to battle through these hard times, personally I haven't noticed these hard times as for me and many millions more times are always hard! I wonder how his day to day life has been effected and his fellow millionaire cabinet..... Rant over!

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So what if they're Millionaires, good on them, I'd rather they were in power than some unemployed plank.


Those areas you mentioned were shyteholes long before the tories came to power, at least now the people living there can aspire to be home owners and the areas may improve.


If you work hard then the Conservatives are the party for you, when the going gets tough we just chip in more till things improve.

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So what if they're Millionaires, good on them, I'd rather they were in power than some unemployed plank.


Those areas you mentioned were shyteholes long before the tories came to power, at least now the people living there can aspire to be home owners and the areas may improve.


If you work hard then the Conservatives are the party for you, when the going gets tough we just chip in more till things improve.


I very good pal :blahblah1:

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The Labour Party and the Conservative Party are exactly the same thing.


The 'choice' of voters is an illusion, smoke and mirrors, diversionary, designed to give the comfort of choice where none exists in reality.


Most folk fell for it all hook, line and sinker.


Nae me, I've never voted in my life, and I'm never going to, it's an exercise in pointlessness.

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