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Photos That Shook The World


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tragic. fit the hell is gan threw your head if your on that plane in that photo?


Not sure how to attach photo's! But the one called Falling Man from September 11th makes you realise its actual people, as opposed to seeing a plane fly into it. You actually see a human falling. I find that much worse that the plane, if that makes sense? The photo above of the young boy and the vulture is probably the worst I have ever seen! Never seen it until now!

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Not sure how to attach photo's! But the one called Falling Man from September 11th makes you realise its actual people, as opposed to seeing a plane fly into it. You actually see a human falling. I find that much worse that the plane, if that makes sense? The photo above of the young boy and the vulture is probably the worst I have ever seen! Never seen it until now!


This one?



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The guy who captured this image committed suicide after travelling through Sudan and witnessing all the thing that were happening.


So I see, but seemingly he came in for huge criticism due to a feeding centre just a couple of hundred meters away, but he stayed and waited for the picture, rather than take the kid to said centre.


So, IMO, fuck him.

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Not sure how to attach photo's! But the one called Falling Man from September 11th makes you realise its actual people, as opposed to seeing a plane fly into it. You actually see a human falling. I find that much worse that the plane, if that makes sense? The photo above of the young boy and the vulture is probably the worst I have ever seen! Never seen it until now!



Aye, I can watch videos of 9/11 and so on, but that photo is fucking hard to watch, BTW, its a girl.




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So I see, but seemingly he came in for huge criticism due to a feeding centre just a couple of hundred meters away, but he stayed and waited for the picture, rather than take the kid to said centre.


So, IMO, fuck him.



Just read about that... What a C*nt.


I would of thought that someone's immediate reaction would be to instantly help the girl, nae wait around for 20 minutes waiting to catch the perfect moment.

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what, so the vulture knows shes literally seconds from death?




to be honest, i dont feel rage for the guy doing that.


not saying im right not to, i just dont


hes there for a reason and he got the shot


My knowledge of Vultures isn't great, but thats what I believe. Its what they do, so will know when something is on its last legs. Due to lack of movement etc etc.


Whatever the feelings towards the photographer, it would take some amount of strength of mind to separate human empathy for the young girl to not carry her a few hundred yards, from your professional work and decide work is more important.

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what, so the vulture knows shes literally seconds from death?




to be honest, i dont feel rage for the guy doing that.


not saying im right not to, i just dont


hes there for a reason and he got the shot


He was not there for that "shot",


But ironically part of his suicide note was his remorse for being unable to pay for his child's maintenance, karma.



Why do you never, ever start a sentence with a capital letter ?


Why has BT compliance not picked up on this while screening external emails ?

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The guy who captured this image committed suicide after travelling through Sudan and witnessing all the thing that were happening.


Horribly distressing picture, but I heard two stories regarding this image, and I choose to believe the one where this child's parent's were just out of shot, unloading from a grain truck. The other story that the child was trying to get to a relief station a mile along the road, and that the photographer who took the picture didn't help the child get there.


As I say, I choose to believe the former, that the child's parents were at hand.... but if it's the latter, then I sincerely hope the guy who took the picture burns in Hell for all eternity. And when I get there too I'll spend the rest of my eternity booting him square in the balls.


But, I choose to believe that the child's parents were at hand.


It saddens me that the pictures with the most impact are usually of tragedy.. and for that reason I'll choose this video as my picture.... I remember crying like a little girl when I saw it for the first time.



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i know what you mean but if he did, then we wouldnt have this photo


and anyway, whose to say he didnt once he took the photo?


i think the reason i dont feel as outraged at that as i do the 9/11 call, or the photos of the trade centres, is because deep down, i know blacks in places like that are fucked, thats just how it is, whereas the other photos are unexpected




you think ANYTHING i do or say on here relates to my working life, or, hell, my general life even?


Yes, yes I do, I have read multiple emails by you, with your BT signature, and the grammar is a much of muchness.


One, who so call prides himself as an advocate of know-it-all, fails so much.

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i know what you mean but if he did, then we wouldnt have this photo


and anyway, whose to say he didnt once he took the photo?


i think the reason i dont feel as outraged at that as i do the 9/11 call, or the photos of the trade centres, is because deep down, i know blacks in places like that are fucked, thats just how it is, whereas the other photos are unexpected




you think ANYTHING i do or say on here relates to my working life, or, hell, my general life even?



I'm probably the exact opposite. I know the folk in the plane are fucked, and its only a plane I'm seeing so find it easier to separate myself from the people inside by thinking its a plane, not "a plane full of people". But when see photo's of individuals, or hearing that calls make it harder. And again with regards to the people in countries in Africa I cannot imagine why this person can't be saved, because we have it so easy in our country. If that makes sense? I only see a human being starving to death with no one to help save her. I don't see a 'black' and think "oh well, they're African so they're fucked"

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how could you POSSIBLY have seen emails from my work address?


i do know all i need to know - simple


Because you have, often, emailed admin / mods from your "work" email, which is obviously displayed to all, which to be honest, if that's your work grammar as well as pleasure, then...BT is fucked.

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see, that sensationalism you resorted to there isnt good


the morons on here will now latch onto that and just drag this down calling me a heartless racist


I was merely stating that you are able to not be shocked because you use this as a way of not getting shocked by this, and is different to how I do. And I was using your words (without the slightly non pc term :checkit: ). I know you did not mean it in a racist way. I was saying I can manage to not feel as much empathy for a plane full of people crashing into a burning building, because all I see is a plane. And I have done that over the years of seeing the September 11th disaster. And you are able to not feel as much empathy for the wee girl probably through years of seeing incidents like this on tv every Comic Relief etc.


Just find it interesting how people can feel different things for different images. Not in any shape or form saying you're wrong to feel like that, as you are not saying I am wrong.

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