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Still not sure.


One thing for certain,he isn't going to score a barrel load of goals for us. Just doesn't have that instinct about him.


If he can link up well with Vernon though and make himself a stand out target man, that's fine.


Him and Vernon are two best strikers we have, stick with it I say.

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One thing for certain,he isn't going to score a barrel load of goals for us. Just doesn't have that instinct about him.


dunno about that. obv you see them more than me but from those highlights, fallon was always involved in the goals either from the header or lurking for a tap in.

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Looks a good link player good touch and holds ball up well, makes such a difference to have an outlet like that as it means the ball doesnt come straight back into your own half as the CF cannot hold the ball up properly.


Let's give him a chance to bed into the team. He certainly shows some promise. Mackie down another place thank fuck.

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Think he will do a job, looked decent on Saturday and good to have that sort of targetman option up front, something we've lacked since Lee Miller. Won't score a huge amount of goals but he will certainly get a lot of assists. Not very mobile having him and Vernon as the strike force but if the service is good it won't be a big issue.

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Think he will do a job, looked decent on Saturday and good to have that sort of targetman option up front, something we've lacked since Lee Miller. Won't score a huge amount of goals but he will certainly get a lot of assists. Not very mobile having him and Vernon as the strike force but if the service is good it won't be a big issue.

Much agreed.

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Think he will do a job, looked decent on Saturday and good to have that sort of targetman option up front, something we've lacked since Lee Miller. Won't score a huge amount of goals but he will certainly get a lot of assists. Not very mobile having him and Vernon as the strike force but if the service is good it won't be a big issue.

Yip, just need to look at St Johnstone with Sandaza and Sheridan, total sloths upfront but linking up very well.

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one can only assume that you mean "gentleman wage thief'"


Nobody is impressed with this and nobody is biting..


calling Craig Brown's ability into question is fair doos, and there's nae doot that the East Fife debacle was a major recruiting sergeant for the Broon doubters, and as long as we're at the erse end of the league they will be in good numbers...


But you're calling Craig Brown's integrity into question...That's nae good..


Get a new project min!

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You sir speak the most amount of Pish on here. Please wind yer neck in or kindly fuck off, you're getting boring now.


What's rattled your cage?....Is it the fact that Sandaza is a better player than Fallon?....Is it the fact that we missed out on signing him?

Or is it as I suspect I've refered to Broon as the Gentleman Wage Thief?

Yes we've had good wins against Dunfermline and Utd....but is that down to Broon....Jury's still out on him

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What's rattled your cage?....Is it the fact that Sandaza is a better player than Fallon?....Is it the fact that we missed out on signing him?

Or is it as I suspect I've refered to Broon as the Gentleman Wage Thief?

Yes we've had good wins against Dunfermline and Utd....but is that down to Broon....Jury's still out on him


So you critise him when 'he' is losing us games, but when we win he gets no credit. Jesus, he doesnt stand a chance with some folk!



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So you critise him when 'he' is losing us games, but when we win he gets no credit. Jesus, he doesnt stand a chance with some folk!




I think that Arnie and Osborne should be given credit for "motivating" some of the less "comitted" members of the team rather than anything Broon has done.

As before the Jury is still out on Broon.

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From all accounts Fallon is the missing link upfront that Aberdeen have lacked for some time.


He always seems to be involved in the Aberdeen goals also.


It won't be long until he bangs them in.


I'm sure WILCOCK and RedStar are the same person, since signing up to AFC Chat, they've done nothing but fish around in different threads.


Roberto...Your radar for spotting one and the same is letting you down...no-ones fishing...do you honestly think Fallon is the missing link?...He's not the worst to don the jersey..but I would still maintain Sandaza is a better striker than him....as before...shame we/Broon missed the chance to sign him

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Fallon is a better all round player than Sandaza.

Fallon can bring others into play, also holds the ball up very well.


If Sandaza doesn't have it played infront of him to run on to then he doesn't know how to bring others into play.


See Cillian Sheridan for that type of play. Without Sheridan you wouldn't see Sandaza scoring half the goals he has.


Fallon for me, is what we lack upfront - he brings his team mates into the game with his brilliant hold up play, and I don't believe you can argue that fact. I've witnessed this for myself, as well as reading many comments on here about him - people I trust to take view points from regarding Aberdeen FC.


I didn't say he was a better all round player I said


"..but I would still maintain Sandaza is a better striker than him....


Fallon was signed to put the ball in the back of the net....something he hasn't done yet

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I didn't say he was a better all round player I said


"..but I would still maintain Sandaza is a better striker than him....


Erm, yes you did. In fact you seemed to be implying it as a FACT he is better not even just as your opinion.


Is it the fact that Sandaza is a better player than Fallon?


Not really sure what the need to moan about this is right now. We'll see in time how Fallon fits in to the team - right now he is doing well bringing others into the game and suddenly we are scoring goals. Lets see if he can keep it up and if he can get a few himself.


By all accounts he has shown up better than Mackie, Magennis or Paton this season so I'd say he was an improvement to the squad.

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Erm, yes you did. In fact you seemed to be implying it as a FACT he is better not even just as your opinion.




Not really sure what the need to moan about this is right now. We'll see in time how Fallon fits in to the team - right now he is doing well bringing others into the game and suddenly we are scoring goals. Lets see if he can keep it up and if he can get a few himself.


By all accounts he has shown up better than Mackie, Magennis or Paton this season so I'd say he was an improvement to the squad.


Fair Cop V

I did back track in the end.


"Maybe...but at the time of signing we couldn't score in a brothel..that said we've scored 7 in 2 games...I don't often do this...Roberto you could have a point!!"


Mackie should never be allowed anywhere near the team again...He came on to a few boo's on Sat...Hope they get rid come Jan

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I didn't say he was a better all round player I said


"..but I would still maintain Sandaza is a better striker than him....


Fallon was signed to put the ball in the back of the net....something he hasn't done yet

But was he? Brown always maintainted Vernon was the goalscorer in the team and that he needed a more creative player to lay chances on for him. Like we had Maguire who created for Vernon last season. Fallon although a totally different type of player than Maguire is doing his part by creating space and bringing Vernon into play. He is doing fine based on his appearances so far. As Ollie said, give him a chance to get up to speed with the league and he will start adding goals to his game. I dont remember Sandaza scoring much for United when he first signed.

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