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The Best Advice You Never Took?


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only the troll like "man" deserved a beating in the most recent situation. i thought of kicking his nuts in.. he seemed half-pished so it wouldn't have been that difficult... and thought better of it (glass behind him, thoughts of her jumping my back as i kicked her man not appealing), and instead told him to stop and got security. they spoke to him and let him go. i quietly watched for a bit to make sure he didn't hit her again. he no doubt did later. or another day. you can't save people from themselves.


the latest pack of mongrel kids however got a tongue-lashing and only one was hauled up by the scruff of his neck, while the others started scattering. funny how bullies do that. a much smaller child, on the ground, being kicked in the back and sides by several teens isn't a fair fight.


now the two gents outside the bar having had a few too many. seems a fair enough fight. have at each other. i'm not stepping into that one i'm afraid, lol


i agree. fightings for guttersnipes like dayts.


real men dont get aggro cause they've had one too many shandies.


you gotta be careful too when you start slapping someone. never know what'll happen. could end up looking at a manslaughter charge and a 20 stretch in the slammer.


turn the other cheek and get another round in I say.

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i agree. fighters for guttersnipes like dayts.


real men dont get aggro cause they've had one too many shandies.


you gotta be careful too when you start slapping someone. never know what'll happen. could end up looking at a manslaughter charge and a 20 stretch in the slammer.


turn the other cheek and get another round in I say.


no, that's not quite it. i'm just careful about which fights i'll get involved in now, lol. i'd as soon take my chances, if no one's going to help someone who's clearly disadvantaged and on their own. turn the other cheek? and leave someone stranded? don't think so.

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I did the same thing just along from the Bucksburn police station one night, saw a boy slapping a girl and shouting abuse at her so went up and told him to get a grip and asked her if she was ok, he then started on me, the girl joined in with having a go at me!


If she wants to be a punchbag that's her prerogative but she should at least respect when someone wants to help her, same goes for any woman in that situation.


I'd do the same thing again regardless.


A familiar tale. Once had an all out bar brawl in Inverness. Me and my bro versus some Hilton minks. Entire bar was trashed and there was about 7 of them versus just the two of us. Nae holding back though and maximum damage was inflicted.


This was due to sticking up for the Polish we were sat chatting to. The Polish fuckers bailed like the wind when the fighting started and I never slept comfortably for a week after with the amount of blows I'd taken to the head.


I'll bet those minks will think twice next time they consider a bigoted attack on the foreign immigrants though. You never know who is listening...

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My ex husband did a bad thing after I begged him not to. We could not recover from it but I do forgive but I don't think he forgives himself.


I won't say what it was, he reads this board.


Hopefully if he reads the board he can see you're publicly saying it and maybe starts to believe it and allow it for himself then.






(way too 'deep' right?)



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