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If I Was A Mod


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Beyonce tune, great song.




I digress, if you were a mod for a day what kind of tomfoolery would you get up too?



Me I hear you all asking! I'd ban all the Aberdeen madders so we could go back to the nice mature forum we had previously, I'd probably also ban Millertime.


I wouldn't let the power go to my head though.

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Beyonce tune, great song.




I digress, if you were a mod for a day what kind of tomfoolery would you get up too?



Me I hear you all asking! I'd ban all the Aberdeen madders so we could go back to the nice mature forum we had previously, I'd probably also ban Millertime.


I wouldn't let the power go to my head though.


nothing wrong with being immature now and again but mature debate is good too. this place used to have a great mix of both.

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Beyonce tune, great song.




I digress, if you were a mod for a day what kind of tomfoolery would you get up too?



Me I hear you all asking! I'd ban all the Aberdeen madders so we could go back to the nice mature forum we had previously, I'd probably also ban Millertime.


I wouldn't let the power go to my head though.


That was post 1000 for me, what do I get?

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