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Our Two Great Escapes

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Was thinking of the last twice we finished the season in deep trouble.


1994/1995 we averaged 1.13 points per game

1999/2000 we averaged 0.91 points per game


This season we are on


0.86 points per game.


What is it going to take to turn things around? New Board? New Management or New Players?


What sort of investment would you expect would turn our situation around.

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Was thinking of the last twice we finished the season in deep trouble.


1994/1995 we averaged 1.13 points per game

1999/2000 we averaged 0.91 points per game


This season we are on


0.86 points per game.


What is it going to take to turn things around? New Board? New Management or New Players?


What sort of investment would you expect would turn our situation around.



Depends how you define "turn things around", to get mid table 1 perhaps 2 full backs, and 1 perhaps 2 creative wide players.

Anything beyond that and its New Board + New Management + New Players.

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Statto Stoney min, what's the average number of goals for all teams in the league in those years to help us draw a more meaningful comparison, as football is much more pish than it used to be across the board.



You Can do your own stats lazy bones


AFC 1995 - 1996 Average of 1.19 for / 1.27 against

AFC 1999 - 2000 Average of 1.22 for / 2.3 against

AFC 2011 - 2012 Average of 1.13 for / 1.4 against

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The players are more than capable (of avoid a dogfight)...


They need to be let of the leash like the Dunfermline home game. We've seen what they can do. So why the negative pish every other game??


Brown is the problem there...it's his nature.


Correct. It is down to him. His future rests in his own hands.

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I'll be saving up all my worry until then, for an all out worry fest once these figures are produced.


They're bound to be the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Surely?


Only thing is, I'm worried they won't be as bad as expected, don't want to get my hopes up too much for the big day of worrying, only for it to turn into an anti-climax.


Either way, I'm worried.

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I'll be saving up all my worry until then, for an all out worry fest once these figures are produced.


They're bound to be the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Surely?


Only thing is, I'm worried they won't be as bad as expected, don't want to get my hopes up too much for the big day of worrying, only for it to turn into an anti-climax.


Either way, I'm worried.


don't worry, 25% of the time, 0.37 of us are less worried than we were in the 1995-96 season when we worried on average 6.4 times per game.

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Speak for yourself and the other folk in your formula robbojunior.


I'm far more worried now than I was in 1995-96.


I worry on average 382 times a week about the Dons these days.


Back then, I had a season ticket, so that was one less thing to worry about for a start, plus I let others do my worrying for me on important life issues, therefore I never worried a fuck about much apart from getting pissed and getting my hole.


Nowadays I dinna get pissed and the getting of one's hole is a constant source of worry and frustration.


I calculate I am worried to the power of three these days compared to how worried I was back then, even if you factor in an indexation of my age then and my age now to the overall worry calculation.

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Speak for yourself and the other folk in your formula robbojunior.


I'm far more worried now than I was in 1995-96.


I worry on average 382 times a week about the Dons these days.


Back then, I had a season ticket, so that was one less thing to worry about for a start, plus I let others do my worrying for me on important life issues, therefore I never worried a fuck about much apart from getting pissed and getting my hole.


Nowadays I dinna get pissed and the getting of one's hole is a constant source of worry and frustration.


I calculate I am worried to the power of three these days compared to how worried I was back then, even if you factor in an indexation of my age then and my age now to the overall worry calculation.


hmm, interesting, one question though, are you older or younger now than you were back then? makes a huge difference to the calculation.

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Would you like us to mark your words on this one too, or are you going to run off crying like a little girl again and nae post? :thumbs:


I'm not allowed to talk to you at this level, I've been warned, last time unfortunately I paid no attention to the warning, so I got banned.


You didna.


I could come up with all sorts of wild speculation as to why that was the case, but I'm not allowed to.


Sorry Stoney min, I'd love a good playground debate with you, but I'm sticking to the rules from now on, because I suspect you're just trying to get me into trouble again.

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I'm not allowed to talk to you at this level, I've been warned, last time unfortunately I paid no attention to the warning, so I got banned.


You didna.


I could come up with all sorts of wild speculation as to why that was the case, but I'm not allowed to.


Sorry Stoney min, I'd love a good playground debate with you, but I'm sticking to the rules from now on, because I suspect you're just trying to get me into trouble again.


:applause: :applause: :applause:


Well played that man.

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I'm not allowed to talk to you at this level, I've been warned, last time unfortunately I paid no attention to the warning, so I got banned.


You didna.


I could come up with all sorts of wild speculation as to why that was the case, but I'm not allowed to.


Sorry Stoney min, I'd love a good playground debate with you, but I'm sticking to the rules from now on, because I suspect you're just trying to get me into trouble again.


Yes but you're giving him a platform though Tup.

Better not to reply and leave the broken record threads to drop down the charts.


Stoney please flip the disc over and lets hear something else? We've heard the uber negative rage posts over and over. The stats are pointless.

And the time for calling out Tups posts months ago have long past, give it up min you just sound bitter.

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Yes but you're giving him a platform though Tup.

Better not to reply and leave the broken record threads to drop down the charts.


Stoney please flip the disc over and lets hear something else? We've heard the uber negative rage posts over and over. The stats are pointless.

And the time for calling out Tups posts months ago have long past, give it up min you just sound bitter.


My thread was asking for sollutions until it got derailed........

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When I seen the thread heading I thought it was going to be a thread about our fantastic come backs against our great adversaries that are Killmarnock & Dunfirmline.


Escaped with 2 whole points, heroically snatched from the jaws of defeat.


But no, it's about our impending threat of relegation, or the battle we may find ourselves in (but not yet) in another 10 games or so.

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It's not even about specific managers, as a club we've let our standards slip dramatically, especially over the last decade.

Exactly. The folk at top end of the club should be coming out and saying where we are is completely unacceptable and that we should be up challenging at other end of table and progressing in cups. Instead we get silence then with Willie Miller and Duncan Fraser only chirping out back when we had our good wins back to back against Dunfermline and United. Quite happy to jump on bandwagon then but when things go wrong they disappear and hide.


The whole message from top of club is completely wrong and failure just seems to be accepted. No ambition whatsoever. Complete joke and the payment of large bonuses for getting into top six just emphasises it.


Self preservation society at the top though.

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Was thinking of the last twice we finished the season in deep trouble.


1994/1995 we averaged 1.13 points per game

1999/2000 we averaged 0.91 points per game


This season we are on


0.86 points per game.


What is it going to take to turn things around? New Board? New Management or New Players?


What sort of investment would you expect would turn our situation around.


I'd be interested to see the points per game average for the 1994/1995 and 1999/2000 seasons but only up to the same stage of the season we are right now.


Whatever way you look at it we need to start winning games. The sooner the better.

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I'd be interested to see the points per game average for the 1994/1995 and 1999/2000 seasons but only up to the same stage of the season we are right now.


Whatever way you look at it we need to start winning games. The sooner the better.

94/95. 12 points from 15 games then we went on run of 5 wins in next 10 games.


99/00. Just 6 points from 15 games the we won 5 of next 8 (although we ended up bottom that year)


10/11. 10 points from 15 games then we won 4 in next 7 and 6 in next 11.



Suppose it comes down to whether we think we can go on winning run this time around.

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