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We've Got A Goalkeeper Who's Not Had A Save To Make

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This is Brown's "Sloppy."


Brown's "Y'know"


Brown's "We've got a goalkeeper who's not had a save to make."


The stress of managing AFC seems to bring on a sort of mild form of OCD.


Craig, for the benefit of your mental health, retire.


Retire now.

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I am afraid we are fucked. Debt rising, attendances dropping, poor players and poor managment at the top.



I honestly don't see how things will get any better unless someone ploughs a ridiculous amount of money into our club.


Get use to it.

A good manager will use a good budget to improve us initially and in end make us challenge at right end of the league. A poor manager wont. A fucking terrible manager will have us at the bottom of the league.

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A good manager will use a good budget to improve us initially and in end make us challenge at right end of the league. A poor manager wont. A fucking terrible manager will have us at the bottom of the league.



Granted, but we should stop sacking middle management its the top management that have remained the same throughout the demise.


Would rather see Milne and Miller out before Craig and Archie.

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Granted, but we should stop sacking middle management its the top management that have remained the same throughout the demise.


Would rather see Milne and Miller out before Craig and Archie.

I certainly have no confidence in the board appointing a successor if and when Brown goes. Actually wonder who would be doing the hiring since Willie "apparently" not in the DoF role now and just heading up the wonderful youth system.

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This is Brown's "Sloppy."


Brown's "Y'know"


Brown's "We've got a goalkeeper who's not had a save to make."


The stress of managing AFC seems to bring on a sort of mild form of OCD.


Craig, for the benefit of your mental health, retire.


Retire now.


There were 6 shots in 90 minutes, both teams need to give it up

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Even when Brown was the Scotland manager he was ever the optimist and nearly 15 years later he is still as bad if not worse. It is normally in a Scotsman's make up to see the negative in everything as is the case with 99% of folk who post on here but for him to still be trundelling out we beat them on corners, our keeper has not had a save to make etc. has went beyond the pale for me. Nothing more seems to be upsetting our fans at the moment than the ostrich scenario of saying we do not deserve to be where we are, simply we do. It's like admitting you are an alcoholic, once you admit it you can start to do something about it, although nobody seems to want to help AFC.


The reasons are obvious, from the man at the top to the delusional manager to the actual lads who pull on the red shirt for some reason they think they are something they are not. Yes I also used to think we were better than Kilmarnock, Motherwell, Inverness and even fkn East Fife but over Milne's tenure apart from our Euro qualifying season and the subsequent Euro run we really have found our level due to the fact of very poor management and it simply does not come down to investment either. Simple things have been done so wrong which have been noted on here since I were a lad but if ever a reality check was needed then we look at the calendar to one year ago when Brown & Knox were instilled and we sat near the bottom of the league but still in 2 cups....but we sought that to be yet another turning point for the good !!


December 2011 - We are bottom of the league and out of one cup with a (what I now see as) tricky away cup tie to a lower league side.

So come on Brown, come on AFC stop being delusional and admit defeat. Milne hold your hand up, get out. Brown admit we are piss poor and then anything that is achieved can be seen as a positive and hopefully thats where confidence comes from, by the laces of King Joeys boots we will need it come May.

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Probably for the best Brown didn't have a save to make given how much he fucked up for the first goal.



Well having just saw the highlights just now as much as Consi's header was short, Brown did take a fucking eternity to come off his line for it so probably both to blame really.


Noticed Craig Brown's comment in the Mail today that "The keeper's league debut and had no saves to make yet had to pick the ball out the net twice" to show the full quote. Well shows how senile he is cause Brown was in goals for the home Killie match 2-2. Deary me :o

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Well having just saw the highlights just now as much as Consi's header was short, Brown did take a fucking eternity to come off his line for it so probably both to blame really.


Noticed Craig Brown's comment in the Mail today that "The keeper's league debut and had no saves to make yet had to pick the ball out the net twice" to show the full quote. Well shows how senile he is cause Brown was in goals for the home Killie match 2-2. Deary me :o



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all im saying he, he kept killie up and he kept ross county up (which blows your argument out the water) and he knows our club inside out


we wouldnt go down under him, so you lot need to put your spite to the side for one minute




Now you're just being silly.,

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so if calderwood comes in in the interim, you wont be back


if collins comes in, you wont be back


and they say afc fans are idiots?


Calderwood in the interim?




Points to note:


1. I've never mentioned not going back if Calderwood came back.

2. He's not going to, as he's finished as a going concern in football management terms.

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