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The Bullying Thread

Big Man

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Lack of social skills?


How could you possibly have any idea of that from an internet forum?


I'm seriously popular in real life, as popular as I am on here.


No I have never been bullied, apart from by my brither, but that was different in that sometimes we got along, more like psychological warfare, for 15 years or so, so that's probably why I did it too.


Anyway, it's character building.



anyone thats says they are popular blatantly isnt.


anyway thought you said you werent invited to christmas with anyone?

did your (lack of) social skills get in the way of that one?

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Seen some pretty horrific bullying at school.


Once when the high school was getting an upgrade, there were portaloo's outside the main building, so helpless geek had to use the toilet, and while in the portaloo, it was rocked and tipped over with the lad in it, he eventually got out covered head to toe is shit and pishe. still called cha-poo to this day. And the song that drove the poor lad to near self destruction -


1,2, cha some poo


3,4, give you some more,


5,6 lick your lips,


7,8 shit you ate.


9,10 sing it again...

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when I was 13 years old I was 5'11" and 14 stone, not even 6th years thought about messing with me. Was into my judo and freestyle karate, also did a bit of boxing and some taekwondo so I was built like a brick shit hoose...


My cousin went to the same school as me and he used to get bullied a lot, he's 2 years younger than me so he was in 1st year and i was in 3rd when a lot of his bullying was going on. It was 2 brothers, a 5th and 6th year that was doing the bullying. Took me 2 fights to sort out, first was with the 2 brothers and the 2nd was with their dad. Classic scrap in the front garden of their house, one of those that people speak about and embellish for months afterwards. Kicked the utter crap out of their dad, was arrested by the police and charged at Bucksburn. Got off with it though because I was under 16 and the police has treated me like an adult, later the local bobby (weho would visit my house weekly to tell my mum I had been smoking or drinking or both) said they couldnt believe a 13 year old could be that big and thats why they charged me without my ma or da being there.


After that no fucker ever messed with my family.

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when I was 13 years old I was 5'11" and 14 stone, not even 6th years thought about messing with me. Was into my judo and freestyle karate, also did a bit of boxing and some taekwondo so I was built like a brick shit hoose...


My cousin went to the same school as me and he used to get bullied a lot, he's 2 years younger than me so he was in 1st year and i was in 3rd when a lot of his bullying was going on. It was 2 brothers, a 5th and 6th year that was doing the bullying. Took me 2 fights to sort out, first was with the 2 brothers and the 2nd was with their dad. Classic scrap in the front garden of their house, one of those that people speak about and embellish for months afterwards. Kicked the utter crap out of their dad, was arrested by the police and charged at Bucksburn. Got off with it though because I was under 16 and the police has treated me like an adult, later the local bobby (weho would visit my house weekly to tell my mum I had been smoking or drinking or both) said they couldnt believe a 13 year old could be that big and thats why they charged me without my ma or da being there.


After that no fucker ever messed with my family.


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That is pretty bad ass. I mind the worst bullies at school we're the weirdest fuckers just trying to make sure they weren't getting it. A guy I know used to know did and he's a short fat fucker with glasses who's probably had one ride in his life but used to dish out dogs abuse to anyone he thought he'd get away with to.


Never bullied or got bullied, wee slaggings and stuff nothing major but the nobbers who went for it and destroyed some peoples lives I just thought were utter cunts.

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I was bullied in my early academy years, I had a spot on my cheek that was bright red, was an obvious target for little tinks, I was also a small kid at the time.


My out was I was good at football and the school team I played in won almost everything in Scotland including the North of Scotland cup, was tough for a bully picking on someone who was a team mate of a dozen other of the most liked people in the year. I got the spot cut out when I was around 18 and to be honest had turned a bit psycho by then, I wished all the time I could have turned back the clock and had my school days over again and stood up to one prick in particular. I then got involved with the early ASC and feared no one, got a reputation at football as someone who would stand and have it regardless of the odds, also learnt that no matter how vicious the fight it never hurts when the adrenalin is going.


Met my main school enemy in the Metro one Saturday night a few years later and head butted him straight away, not a word exchanged, left him a quivering wreck on the floor whilst I was dragged away and thrown out by the bouncers, the ironic thing is he works for the same company as me now. He goes out of his way to avoid me, I've seen him sneak out of the canteen when I've walked in.


He sent me a facebook request about 6 Months ago, I sent him a lol message.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used to get bullied like shit in primary and early secondary school. So much so I attempted to burn down an entire village because I hated the lot of them.


That aside, I used to believe in turning the other cheek and avoiding it - which of course no matter what the bleeding hearts say these days - does fuck all but encourage the bullies. So one day I had enough and when Dunlop (can't remember first name, Kevin?) whose dad was the bank manager of the CB (I think) in Laurencekirk decided he'd show me trouble outside his house no less (such bravery) I decided I'd had enough and grabbed him around the neck and ran him head first into a harling wall and scraped his face all along the wall.


This was while his gaggle of mates were all around ready to do the "hold back the arms so the bullied guy can't fight back" shit too. One of the best moments of my life leaving that little shit bloodied and fucked up and his mates all freaked out.


Think one other guy attempted to bully me - again outside his house! - and I went for him and when he tried to run into his house I grabbed him and yanked him out to set on him. HIs grannie came out and rescued him though.


And that was the last time anyone tried to bully me.



Seeing a pattern here.


Why were these guys pissed off with you being outside their houses? What were you up to :nono:


Hot sisters/mums with no curtains in their rooms?



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I was once at primary school by a complete wanker. He just used to randomly pick folk and bully them, i.e. come in, become mates with everyone and then exclude them from the group. Hit me so hard one time giving me 'the birthday bumps' that my back was entirely black and blue. When I got home my mum wanted to complain to the school. My dad had a better solution, for me to go in to school the next day, headbutt him as hard as I could in the nose, get him on the ground and just keep kicking him until someone stopped it.

Given the boy was a foot taller than me this wasn't easy. It was a flying headbutt that took him right down. Just kept kicking and punching him. When eventually I was dragged away, and my parents called for, as the headteacher was informing them I was being suspended for a week, my dad removed my shirt and asked would the other lad be getting suspended for what he done. Nothing further happened and the boy never even looked at me again until we met at a random party 20 years later. He's still a cunt. And I've never raised a hand in anger since then


At high school, as someone mentioned we were more in to slagging one another off for things. But I did feel sorry for a girl in our class. She was big. Not fat, but morbidly obese, she suffered from a terrible stammer, and even when she got this corrected she had a massive lisp, everyone referred to her as Earthquake, after the WWF wrestler, to the point where a teacher accidentally called her it in class. She got on our bus to school, everyday, she would be pushed off the bus and be walked over as hundreds of kids walked or jumped over her. Seen her a few weeks ago, and shes got bigger, but seemed remarkably positive about her experiences at high school.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I once witnessed something like this on a friday night outside greenfern chinese, some guy fae northfield was taking a piss and accused the guy of looking at his cock. Once he came out the chinese he was set upon by him and his mates, disgusting.


What was he doing pissing in the Chinese in the first place?

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thats teh sort of shit folk should do time for.

[of course they dont they get slapped on the wrist]


if i was laying into some prostrate guy on the ground like that he wouldnt be getting up.


attacking someone like taht is cowardly, even one on one.


gotta be careful in situations like taht, a kick or a punch can do a hell of a lot of damage and you could easily end up on a manslaughter charge.

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Nasty video, kids are vicious little fuckers. I remember on a school trip to Paris at the back of the bus one girl making her alleged mate take off the skirt she had lent her in front of everyone cos she decided she wanted it back. At the time I thought it was hilarious, the girl in question was a bitch and obviously me and my mates being 13/14 thought seeing her in her drawers was amazing. Looking back now it was a pretty twisted thing to do. That was the worst kind of bullying, when it was by so-called mates. School was savage, you had to learn fast or suffer the consequences. There was a corner that used to get a bench across it so it was blocked in, it was called "The Pit". If you were unlucky enough to be thrown in there you would be subjected to 5 or 6 people standing over the top of you kicking fuck out of you until a) You managed to fight your way out b) A teacher noticed and came to your rescue or c) Your captors got bored or tired, either way you were getting a fair doing. There were kids that would rather stand outside in the pishing rain and snow than be around the pit, all it took was a momentary lapse of concentration and you were in. Character building.

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Having watched that video of the 7 lads 'beating up' the Asian kid, I've got to say that's probably the weakest 'hiding' I've seen in a long time.


One guy was periodically getting in Asian kid's face and punching him, but those punches likely wouldn't have bothered my 5 year old.


If my laddie is punching like that at 15 or 16 I'm personally going to give him a hiding for being a fairy.


Just bought him his first punch bag and pair of boxing gloves at the weekend, coincidentally, he melts the fuck out of it :)


Anyway, those kids that have been arrested, I hope they're also charged with bringing men into disrepute for fighting like little pansies.

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thats teh sort of shit folk should do time for.

[of course they dont they get slapped on the wrist]


if i was laying into some guy's prostate on the ground like that he wouldnt be getting up.


attacking someone like taht is cowardly, even one on one.


gotta be careful in situations like taht, a kick or a punch can do a hell of a lot of damage and you could easily end up on a manslaughter charge.



Eeuuch! why would you do that?

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I was once at primary school by a complete wanker. He just used to randomly pick folk and bully them, i.e. come in, become mates with everyone and then exclude them from the group. Hit me so hard one time giving me 'the birthday bumps' that my back was entirely black and blue. When I got home my mum wanted to complain to the school. My dad had a better solution, for me to go in to school the next day, headbutt him as hard as I could in the nose, get him on the ground and just keep kicking him until someone stopped it.

Given the boy was a foot taller than me this wasn't easy. It was a flying headbutt that took him right down. Just kept kicking and punching him. When eventually I was dragged away, and my parents called for, as the headteacher was informing them I was being suspended for a week, my dad removed my shirt and asked would the other lad be getting suspended for what he done. Nothing further happened and the boy never even looked at me again until we met at a random party 20 years later. He's still a cunt. And I've never raised a hand in anger since then


At high school, as someone mentioned we were more in to slagging one another off for things. But I did feel sorry for a girl in our class. She was big. Not fat, but morbidly obese, she suffered from a terrible stammer, and even when she got this corrected she had a massive lisp, everyone referred to her as Earthquake, after the WWF wrestler, to the point where a teacher accidentally called her it in class. She got on our bus to school, everyday, she would be pushed off the bus and be walked over as hundreds of kids walked or jumped over her. Seen her a few weeks ago, and shes got bigger, but seemed remarkably positive about her experiences at high school.


Fucking hell!


I think the worst advice ever is parents who tell their kids not to fight back. Bullies pretty much rely on you not fighting back. Underneath it all they are mixed up cowards.


I was bullied a fair bit in my late academy days, but no-one ever challenged me to a fight. They pretty much knew I would be up for any sort of scrap. What they did was to completely blank me as if I didn't exist. I walk into a room, everyone else (including my so-called friends) walk out. Felt like shite at the time. A simple fight would've been so much easier but when you're combating a group there is no easy solution. At least 90% of them were just following the crowd. Was delighted to get out of dodge and down to uni.

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