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Considine Named Captain

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Seriously, I know options were thin on the ground but bit much to put additional pressure on a 24 year old having his best season so far.


Guess this means Kari is definitely off?

Not entirely, he might not want the captaincy. Thought at Forfar he looked a bit distracted with it, plenty of players have an improved game without additional pressures.


Don't have a problem with Considine.

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Think Considine was chosen because he is our most experienced local player who is playing every week. Think it will help his game.


As for Arnie not getting it, yes hes probably our best player, but he has only been at the club for 6 months, and could be gone 6 months later. Think the club captain needed to be someone who has been here for a bit, and will be here in the future. If he had signed a new deal then thats a different story. Just because he doesnt have the armband on though, doesnt stop him from being a leader on the pitch and in the dressing room.

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Seriously, I know options were thin on the ground but bit much to put additional pressure on a 24 year old having his best season so far.


Guess this means Kari is definitely off?

I don't know. Could easily work the other way with him thriving on the responsibility.

I suppose we'll have to wait and see.


As for Kari...I don't think the appointment of Andy as captain is here nor there regarding whether he will sign up or not.

Apparently an improved offer has been issued, and he may just be holding out for that wee bit extra he thinks he' worth.

Da' ken.


And aye.

Pies are ordered.

9.30am ground floor south. :checkit:

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i hope craig brown's negative pish isn't rubbing off on him. i see he's basically saying they're going down to ibrox for a point, why andy? it's the worst hun team i've seen. no-one's expecting them to win i just want them to have a go. the filth are there for the taking.

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i hope craig brown's negative pish isn't rubbing off on him. i see he's basically saying they're going down to ibrox for a point, why andy? it's the worst hun team i've seen. no-one's expecting them to win i just want them to have a go. the filth are there for the taking.

If we go down and have a right go at them and lose I'll be happy enough, obviously want us to win but if we set out for a point then that's the best we'll get.


Quite happy with Andy as captain, massive change in his game in the last 3 years, now a very capable SPL defender.

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exactly! and what is this belief that giving kari the armband will make him stay all about!?



It's not a belief. More rather a hope that (in my case) the offer of captaincy would maybe have helped Arnie in his decision to stay maybe.

With him wanting back into the Iceland squad being captain of the club you are playing for can only help things in that respect.

Plus he possibly would have made a good captain & if he signed a new deal (as captain) it'd likely add more value to him if we were forced to sell him when bigger clubs come calling.


I don't think he'll renew but will be delighted if he does & Brown will get huge respect if he convinces him to stay.

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Didn't seem to bother Andy yesterday. Also noticed how vocal Brown is in goals, great to see that from a goalie


I was standing right behind the goals at Forfar last week, and his shouting was getting on my tits. Felt like telling him to shut up, haha! But yes, of course, it's great to see a commanding goalkeeper, especially since Gonzalez was pretty silent.

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Didn't seem to bother Andy yesterday. Also noticed how vocal Brown is in goals, great to see that from a goalie


Empty (pub team) Vessels make the most noise...Broons no more a comanding goalie than Mackie's a prolific striker...we should be looking at a goalkeeper this window

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It's not a belief. More rather a hope that (in my case) the offer of captaincy would maybe have helped Arnie in his decision to stay maybe.

With him wanting back into the Iceland squad being captain of the club you are playing for can only help things in that respect.

Plus he possibly would have made a good captain & if he signed a new deal (as captain) it'd likely add more value to him if we were forced to sell him when bigger clubs come calling.


I don't think he'll renew but will be delighted if he does & Brown will get huge respect if he convinces him to stay.


Fair enough. It wouldn't have been fair to considine to be over looked.


The bold goes without saying!

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Empty (pub team) Vessels make the most noise...Broons no more a comanding goalie than Mackie's a prolific striker...we should be looking at a goalkeeper this window


what utter shite.


its the smart players that make the most noise. ive played alongside countless guys and the ones i enjoy working with most are the vocal ones. the more information they give out, the easier your life becomes.


one guy i had no time for at all off the pitch, but on it he was a superstar. wasnt involved in the action much but was constantly talking, giving instructions, telling you when someone was moving so you didnt have to check your shoulder, you just went on his say so. once everyone got into that way of thinking, the team was much better for it. i learned so much just from his presence to the point now that when i play or am coaching, im adamant that there needs to be incessant patter from the guys at the spine.


brown may not be commanding in his area, but if hes giving the defenders constant information of whose making space, whose making angles, where to squeeze, when to press/hold/drop, itll make it so much easier for everyone else.


rule no1 - deal with the source of the problem, not its outcome.


if brown shouting constantly helps them deal with the problem nearer the half way line than the 18 yard line then fantastic.

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Empty (pub team) Vessels make the most noise...Broons no more a comanding goalie than Mackie's a prolific striker...we should be looking at a goalkeeper this window


Except if Mackie is going to be the yardstick we should give Brown another 14 years to prove himself.


I don't think he is as bad as you say and I also don't fancy him getting 14 years to prove to be shite. Lets have an outbreak of sense on the forum.

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It's funny what happens when you get a run in your proper position and don't have a total bombscare next to you when you do get a chance there.


Saying that, him and Ifil managed perfectly well for a while and had a decent run of clean sheets.

Credit where its due, he's definitely been our most improved player this season and has played consistently well. The odd mistake here, lapse of concentration there barring.

But he was pretty poor prior to this season.

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Although in terms of footballing experience Arni would be a very appropriate choice and possibly being captain could sweeten a deal to keep him Consi has performed well and I have no bad vibes about his captaincy (unlike Ricky & the Ferret - good band name like). I've always thought he was solid enough in defence when he had a predictable partner - that's why Ifil was a better CB for him than Zander. If he continues to develop as he has he could be solid for us for many a year.

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Credit where its due, he's definitely been our most improved player this season and has played consistently well. The odd mistake here, lapse of concentration there barring.

But he was pretty poor prior to this season.

Could say the same for McArdle in that case then. Like Considine he's been played at full-back and been shocking but when played in correct central position he's been solid as fuck

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Russell Anderson will be handed the armband when he re-signs! According to Scott Burns on Twitter...



Not so sure he will.


Would be unfair on Considine (especially if he does well) & I don't think Anderson would want it.

He'd be happy enough to just be a normal player (he can still be as influential) & not risk causing any awkwardness in the side.

Plus he'd likely be missing a good percentage of games.

He can be vice Captain when Arnie goes.


Although Anderson did say in his last season with us that he wanted to be the next Captain to lift a cup with Aberdeen. :itch-chin:

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Seriously, I know options were thin on the ground but bit much to put additional pressure on a 24 year old having his best season so far.


At 24 years old he's a grown man... he should be able to hack a little pressure by this age. If he can't then it's time he toughened up.


Guess this means Kari is definitely off?


Would be my guess. Not expecting to see him in a Dons shirt next season.

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At 24 years old he's a grown man... he should be able to hack a little pressure by this age. If he can't then it's time he toughened up.



Would be my guess. Not expecting to see him in a Dons shirt next season.



& I strongly believe he can.

He's had plenty shit thrown at him by many (including his own manager) & been made scapegoat but still struggled on.

he knows what side his bread is buttered on (what ever that means) & will take on the captaincy with ease imo.

Much like Anderson did.


& you're right rgds 24 being a grown man (in football terms) & this is the time any player worth their salt should be looking to become captain & leader.

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Not so sure he will.

Would be unfair on Considine (especially if he does well) & I don't think Anderson would want it.

He'd be happy enough to just be a normal player (he can still be as influential) & not risk causing any awkwardness in the side.

Plus he'd likely be missing a good percentage of games.

He can be vice Captain when Arnie goes.


Although Anderson did say in his last season with us that he wanted to be the next Captain to lift a cup with Aberdeen. :itch-chin:


Are you sure now?

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Feel sorry for considine, although it might be a blessing in disguise.


Anderson / Considine as a central defensive pairing next year is excellent news, feel bad for mcardle but too good to be a back up here!


Milsom and Arnsson in midfield and vernon up top has the makings of a very very good spine.


If we can add four wide players into this we will be laughing.


Biggest thing we need to do however is stop making 7 changes every couple of games to suit certain players.

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