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"i Have Nothing To Wear"

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is your significant other's closet overflowing? :sheepdance:

(and i will admit, i did just drop by the store last night to buy a new dress for saturday. because "there was nothing in my closet". :blink: although i have more of a thing for shoes than clothes. )


as i think about it though, while the number might look large, it's over a lifetime. how many suits, shirts, trousers, shoes and trainers do men buy? over a lifetime? :fight:





nice smile

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You can get away with old(ish) clothing provided you have, as that bead rattling cunt Nutini so eloquently put it, 'your new shoes on'.


If your shoes are scabby, do not expect me to give you the time of day, no excuse for that.


scabby? :hysterical:

i agree. shoes on women and men should be in good repair. polished if appropriate. with well-taken-care-of feet visible when the shoes come off. :thumbs:

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scabby? :hysterical:

i agree. shoes on women and men should be in good repair. polished if appropriate. with well-taken-care-of feet visible when the shoes come off. :thumbs:


I dinna want to see or smell anyone's feet. Feet are sick, in general.


If your shoes stink, you deserve your fate to be sealed by firing squad.


Fat people usually have hideous smelling trainers.


Mainly because, being bloaters, they sweat like chipper windows.

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I dinna want to see or smell anyone's feet. Feet are sick, in general.If your shoes stink, you deserve your fate to be sealed by firing squad.Fat people usually have hideous smelling trainers.Mainly because, being bloaters, they sweat like chipper windows.


most people who wear the same pair of shoes/trainers - day in, day out - will find their shoes stink. yet another argument in favour of owning lots of pairs of shoes!!!! :sheepdance:


Some shoes look a lot better with a patina of age and wear on them.


indeed. but nonetheless in good repair.

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Also, those cutting about in old trainers and stuff usually have greasy hair and dirty jeans, as well as major body odour.


If you have a hole in your shoes, they will stink, as this allows water in.


This seems to be totally lost on such minkers, they dinna seem to give a fuck, fair play to them.

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I wisna addressing you Tommy, I was reading an imaginary riot act to minkers with holes in their shoes.


I know most civilised folk dinna, and you strike me as being so civilised that even your slippers are spotless, and one could see one's face in the brass on your pipe :sherlock:

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I wisna addressing you Tommy, I was reading an imaginary riot act to minkers with holes in their shoes.


I know most civilised folk dinna, and you strike me as being so civilised that even your slippers are spotless, and one could see one's face in the brass on your pipe :sherlock:


With you now, i thought it was a public information service you were providing.


I have Thomas slippers and they are indeed spotless.

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I wisna addressing you Tommy, I was reading an imaginary riot act to minkers with holes in their shoes.


I know most civilised folk dinna, and you strike me as being so civilised that even your slippers are spotless, and one could see one's face in the brass on your pipe :sherlock:



do you really wear slippers, Tommy? :o


EDIT: got my answer.

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I bought my faither slippers for faither's day.


I canna imagine myself ever wearing slippers, or long johns, or pyjamas to my bed or any of that feel carry on. Before you know it you'll be on to electric blankets and hot water fucking bottles. Such 'comforts' enrage me :angry2:


Just shoot me if I ever suggest it.

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Worse still, if you dinna, and some cunt buys you them.


That's them telling you surreptitiously that you're all but finished, you're on life's home straight, waiting on a chap from Dr Death.


well i'm no fan of slippers. but some like them. each to their own i guess. as long as they, and the socks, come off before you get naked! :deadhorse: socks on naked bodies is just BAD!

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well i'm no fan of slippers. but some like them. each to their own i guess. as long as they, and the socks, come off before you get naked! :deadhorse: socks on naked bodies is just BAD!


Point of order. Socks must come off before you get naked.


You canna have socks on a naked body.


Otherwise you're not naked.



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Point of order. Socks must come off before you get naked.


You canna have socks on a naked body.


Otherwise you're not naked.




you're quite right. i was referencing men who keep their socks on when everything else has come off (think back to naked dancing man at Stone Roses). socks should come off first.

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i don't think so. i only fell for that the first day. :sheepdance: although it IS in red punties, so Tup might approve :P


so back to slippers Tommy.. are they plaid? or fuzzy?


You had a picture of your arse on here the first day?


Keen to make an impression were you?


I made a big impression on here at the start too, although not by using my arse I hasten to add.

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