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Trump Message To Afc Fans

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You're going to have to explain yourself a bit better than this trite nonsense


Read the article

He has no association with the club whatsover but picks up a free strip and talks about his golf course bring the best in the world etc under the guise of encouraging fans to buy more tickets.


It is an ad for The Trump, nothing more, nothing less.


I don't see that further explanation is necessary, but you are of (best) course (in the world) welcome to disagree with my point of view.


You are a fan of his course, so I expect you will, but I don't see the 2 positions as necessarily interrelated.


He is using us as a photo opportunity to flog his course. Maybe you like that, I don't.

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I think it was more of a case of us using him, not him using us.


At least now he knows there is a soccer team in Aberdeen, so do his rich mates.


No harm done.

Exactly, christ on a bike, Dandyesque is so anti-Trump anything (typical of Martin Ford types and his ilk) that even when Trump is being used by someone, and clearly that is what AFC have done here - because someone at AFC clearly now has a bit of marketing nous - they still can't help but use it as an excuse to Trump bash. :ThumbsDown:
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Exactly, christ on a bike, Dandyesque is so anti-Trump anything (typical of Martin Ford types and his ilk) that even when Trump is being used by someone, and clearly that is what AFC have done here - because someone at AFC clearly now has a bit of marketing nous - they still can't help but use it as an excuse to Trump bash. :ThumbsDown:




Win win from both camps, Trump shows his "support" for the local soccer team, which will help his PR, and AFC use Trump to promote publicity.

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Win win from both camps, Trump shows his "support" for the local soccer team, which will help his PR, and AFC use Trump to promote publicity.

Oh aye, does indeed work both ways, if it didn't, Trump wouldn't have given AFC the time of day, the Dons have initiated this though.

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Oh aye, does indeed work both ways, if it didn't, Trump wouldn't have given AFC the time of day, the Dons have initiated this though.




Would not surprise me in the slightest to see Trump at Pittodrie in the coming season, very publicly.

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Think its a great idea if he takes no interest then so be it but at least the club have made him aware that we have a club here who knows maybe he can give us some interest in the States he's not just a millionaire but also a well know celebrity.


A few years ago under Angela we'd have done fuck all about this.

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Exactly, christ on a bike, Dandyesque is so anti-Trump anything (typical of Martin Ford types and his ilk) that even when Trump is being used by someone, and clearly that is what AFC have done here - because someone at AFC clearly now has a bit of marketing nous - they still can't help but use it as an excuse to Trump bash. :ThumbsDown:


Aye right.


We're using him. Why couldn't I see that?


Clearly AFC have now upped their game to such an extent that we are now cynically exploiting major multinational industrialists to our ends.


Just because you support his course doesn't mean you have to blow him off at every opportunity.

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name='rocket_scientist' timestamp='1343264835' post='795349']

Do you not care about your appearance? About how you look or come across?


It's a football chat site min, not as high up my agenda as yours.


Besides the hypocrisy of your statement is breaking glass up and down the country-!


Much more peaceful place with out you, just so you ken.


Be gone-!



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Aye it's me that's from Lewis.


He's my Daddy, my real name is fine n trump


look min. geanealogy wise, there a grand total of one family covering the scottish islands. you will be related to harcus. and trumps too.


fire in there and get your dues from the donald.

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Aye right.


We're using him. Why couldn't I see that?


Clearly AFC have now upped their game to such an extent that we are now cynically exploiting major multinational industrialists to our ends.

Just because you support his course doesn't mean you have to blow him off at every opportunity.

Aye right as you would say. Stop being such a fucking moron. There are many among the Dons support who would - and have stated as much - fall over themselves if Trump so much as hinted at investing in AFC. I personally think that would be a complete and utter disaster, you see I may support his course, but that is where it begins and ends.


You see I am more than able to seperate the man and his course, from anything else, unlike the trump haters who get into a complete rage whenever his name is mentioned in connection with anything, like yourself for example.


So yes, in your red mist, you missed the fatc AFC approached Trump, not the other way round, so miss it you did, because the T word was used, and therefore coherent thought went straight out the windae.

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there must be a massive 1 in two chance that youre related to his mither.

brothers perhaps?

perhaps you can claim some of his billions? :sherlock:


and then plough some $$$$ into the dons. :scarf:





Wrong isles Bloot.


I'm probably more related than Harcus. :itch-chin:


But realistically club here paid around 15-20 quid cost price for top and got some massive advertising out of it. Well done Mr Yule from me.


Yep. Do I sense a slight change in how things are being done since Yule came in?


Paying to be prostituted.


Great deal indeed.




What do we get out of it exactly?


We are being used by his PR machine.


You are either on a Jeremy Wade size fishing expedition or completely off your head.


Its very very simple and I really can't understand how you can fail to comprehend this. 2 parties are both looking for some PR. Neither pays or loses anything. Both have something to gain. Its win win as with all these sorts of silly PR stunts. Do you think we in some way payed Trump for this?? Is Afc such a big news item that an internationally recognised character, general lunatic and occassionally very successful businessman needs associated with Afc to build his profile? :laughing:


Aye it's me that's from Lewis.


He's my Daddy, my real name is fine n trump


trump'n dandy ?

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There are many among the Dons support who would - and have stated as much - fall over themselves if Trump so much as hinted at investing in AFC. I personally think that would be a complete and utter disaster, you see I may support his course, but that is where it begins and ends.


Glad to hear it.


You see I am more than able to seperate the man and his course, from anything else, unlike the trump haters who get into a complete rage whenever his name is mentioned in connection with anything, like yourself for example.


So yes, in your red mist, you missed the fatc AFC approached Trump, not the other way round, so miss it you did, because the T word was used, and therefore coherent thought went straight out the windae.


I really didn't get that upset. I just think its a bit pathetic on the club's part- the man has no AFC association at all.


His only association with Aberdeen is the course. Which he is making because his mum was from Scotchland or something.


As for not liking him, there is an award-winning documentary that gives sufficient reason. I'd personally rather he wasn't in ay way involved with our community's club given the way he has treated some members of that community.

If that makes me a gype, fair enough. I consider it being principled.

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I really didn't get that upset. I just think its a bit pathetic on the club's part- the man has no AFC association at all.


His only association with Aberdeen is the course. Which he is making because his mum was from Scotchland or something.


As for not liking him, there is an award-winning documentary that gives sufficient reason. I'd personally rather he wasn't in ay way involved with our community's club given the way he has treated some members of that community.

If that makes me a gype, fair enough. I consider it being principled.

No it doesn't, that is the biggest heap of slanted biased pish posing as a documentary you're ever likely to see.


Where are the clearances? Where are the CPOs? Where is the destroyed environment? Where is the 3rd rate golf course (as opposed to one of the best in the world)?


Those documentary makers are completely and utterly taken in by the public persona that Trump perpetuates, which just further emphasises just how bad at their supposed job they were.

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