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How Long Does Brown Have Left?

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who are the candidates to replace him?


These would be my shortlist to watch this season and see what they had to say at interview

derek adams

colin cameron

paul sheerin

steven pressley

paul hartley


Steven Pressley would be behind the black ball from day one, on the grounds he's not liked by the majority of the supporters.

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Steven Pressley would be behind the black ball from day one, on the grounds he's not liked by the majority of the supporters.


Neither are our players from what I can make out.


Given the lack of football knowledge and intelligence displayed by so many of our fans, Steven Pressley would be the ideal appointment.


Let's let him get the huns out of some cups first...

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forgot Eric Black?


No, didn't forget Eric Black. Those mentioned are the ones I am interested in. We've tried too many 'steady hands' over last twenty years. Not had a young manager since Willie or Roy Aitken. We need to be considering a manager that looks to be on the way up and can drag our sorry asses along the way. Hard job might be persuading them to join when it'd be an easier number at many other SPL clubs.

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The same person that told me that Yule was coming before he was announced said that none of these 3 would be at all likely, though Adams most possible.



It is Adams as I said a year ago.


My mate is his cousin. It's already agreed on a gentleman's agreement. Only thing stopping it is Adams being offered another job that he fancies more. Or in other words a bigger club than Aberdeen want him in.

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I'd definitely have Pressley. At this stage we need to be blooding the youngsters as regularly as we can and he seems to have a great record with that at Falkirk.


He also speaks his mind regarding all matters Scottish football.


I think the guy is a knob but think he would do a good job given the correct tools.

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Logic tells you it would have to be Derek Adams.....which in all probability means it won't be!


It's just a pity we don't have a manager who can get the team to attack.

Braig Brown has assembled a pretty good squad that a decent manager would make a good fist of getting to 2nd.


We won't under Brown as we'll never score enough goals.

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Logic tells you it would have to be Derek Adams.....which in all probability means it won't be!


It's just a pity we don't have a manager who can get the team to attack.

Craig Brown has assembled a pretty good squad that a decent manager would make a good fist of getting to 2nd.


We won't under Brown as we'll never score enough goals.

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