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Schwartz Grill Mates


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I think you'll find that you are factually half right. Lack of exercise PLUS poor diet are both contributory factors.


Then you get cunts that smoke fags. Of which I'm one. The government lie and tell us fags are worse than Salt & Vinegar or Garibaldis.


The fact my lungs can't handle the running or rowing machine (or any gym equipment) is neither here nor there.


My anger issues, my general volatile personality and a scrap every so often helps. Plus loads of walking and golf, and pints of heavy.



weak lungs and/or bad genes.

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You're standing and staring too close again ye cunt, I'm warning you...


Incontestable. The onus is on him to now;


1. Deny that he loves fig rolls, or

2. Disprove the common knowledge that fig rolls are gay.


He even called them Jacobs for fuck sake, his own little poof name for them.


i couldnt give a fuck about fig rolls. all i can say with any impunity is that tups a bender.

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Fig rolls are excellent.


The reason I added Jacob's is because if you buy the supermarket own brand, and you were an alien from another planet who'd never tried fig rolls before, or rocket scientist, you'd be forgiven for thinking they were shite.


It has to be Jacob's.


This is reflected in the price paid. Circa 50p for own brand,

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Never tried it, never will, won't allow it in the house, barked at one of the kids who took one in here once.


I like all the data and the facts before I make my decisions, then passionately carry them through.


homemade chicken nuggets for me and homemade burgers is the way forward for my family, weve had the odd BK when pished after a night oot....


the kids cant really do fast food, my daughter will go to the subway now and again when in toon but I'll let her aff with that, were even making homemade pizzas these das which is good fun

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confirmed in every episode of Eastenders.....so im told!


Aye, 'put the kettle on' say old biddies UK wide as the adverts roll. They even have pictures of kettles boiling to encourage your feelness.


'Fuck you coffin dodgers' is my response to that.


Aye, I'll put the kettle on. First I'll fill it with sugar though.


Then I'll pour the boiling contents all over the feel bastards lying on the couch in their comfort zones :angry2:

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Aye, 'put the kettle on' say old biddies UK wide as the adverts roll. They even have pictures of kettles boiling to encourage your feelness.


'Fuck you coffin dodgers' is my response to that.


Aye, I'll put the kettle on. First I'll fill it with sugar though.


Then I'll pour the boiling contents all over the feel bastards lying on the couch in their comfort zones :angry2:


when Mark...you know the son of the dame fae are you being served was given the news he'd contracted HIV fae some junky lassie he pumped, his mother thought a nice cuppa would solve his problems, his father thought he'd been raped by wilmot brown......

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How the fuck did we get from adding Silicon Dioxide, Starch and flavourings to a barbecue to killing oldies on their settees?


And what's with the sugar in the kettle?


Tea's cool. Instant coffee is for idiots.


I do like a cup of tea, but find it difficult to stick to any brand....Im swayed by adverts and have fallen for PG Tips, though I do like a yorkshire tea....the odd earl grey, but I dont drink enough of it to be deemed an expert, though with a little splash o milk is quite refreshing.

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He did ask :laughing:


My apologies for offending your sensibilities LGIR.


What I meant was that hypothetically you could boil a kettle for a settee full of soap watchers, and then, when they're expecting the usual feel offering of a tray of tea and biscuits, instead, hypothetically you could drench them all in boiling hot sugared water, after which they would theoretically scream the house down, thus you could potentially rattle them out of their comfort zones with such a stunt.


I'd never for a minute consider actually doing that.

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Yes, a few pints will take the sting out of me, temporarily.


The thought of going on holiday to 'relax' abhors me too.


Same as going to the cinema, or the theatre, or anywhere where you're expected to sit still and be quiet, and lap up whatever is appearing in front of your face. Watching telly, going to concerts etc - I canna do any of it.


I like to be pro-active, take the bull by the horns, treat every day like the battle it inevitably becomes, meet the world head on, and stay on my toes.


I think it's an instinct thing. I swear I'm always looking over my shoulder. Not through paranoia, simply through something in-built which I cannot fully explain.


I'm on red alert 24/7 is the closest I can come to an explanation.


That never gets downgraded to amber.


I think when I do end up relaxing I'm simply going to expire, stone dead, game over.

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Yes, a few pints will take the sting out of me, temporarily.


The thought of going on holiday to 'relax' abhors me too.


Same as going to the cinema, or the theatre, or anywhere where you're expected to sit still and be quiet, and lap up whatever is appearing in front of your face. Watching telly, going to concerts etc - I canna do any of it.


I like to be pro-active, take the bull by the horns, treat every day like the battle it inevitably becomes, meet the world head on, and stay on my toes.


I think it's an instinct thing. I swear I'm always looking over my shoulder. Not through paranoia, simply through something in-built which I cannot fully explain.


I'm on red alert 24/7 is the closest I can come to an explanation.


That never gets downgraded to amber.


I think when I do end up relaxing I'm simply going to expire, stone dead, game over.


If you're so full of energy a trip to the post office would burn it off you prick.


Fig biscuits are fucking awesome it must be said. Impossible to open a packet and not eat them all.

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