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Long time since thats happened at a game, standing up due to some sort of excitment!



Hearts played for a 0-0 and got what they wanted - we didnt and didnt get what we hardly deserved from the game


Saw how much we missed osbourne in the 2nd half of the season back line hardly stretched couldnt really tell you how considine did as he had to do little,


Was a 4-3-3 Anderson at RB


Taoul should have seen red ref will argue that webster was covering he was a good 6 yards away and Rae was 4 yards off a shooting chance go figure


Hearts basically wanted to disrupt play and knock the stuffing out of Fraser and Hayes - they succeeded in both but didnt eaaly stop us playing whihc would have happened before now. Naysmith going off really screwed us Jack back to LB (yeah I know) and clark on really messed us up - when he put on Magennis and fallon, clark was actually one I would take off - not becuase he had done anything wrong but I couldnt see who else needed to come off!


Crowd looked healthy and looking forward to the season with great anticipation

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It says a lot that teams aren't coming to Pittodrie looking for the win any more. That's an indication of how far we've come since the utter shambles we've been for christ knows how many years... more than I care to think about.


The club itself is still a disaster, but the playing side seems to be a little better regarded.


Best enjoy it while we can.

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Long time since thats happened at a game, standing up due to some sort of excitment!



Hearts played for a 0-0 and got what they wanted - we didnt and didnt get what we hardly deserved from the game


Saw how much we missed osbourne in the 2nd half of the season back line hardly stretched couldnt really tell you how considine did as he had to do little,


Was a 4-3-3 Anderson at RB


Taoul should have seen red ref will argue that webster was covering he was a good 6 yards away and Rae was 4 yards off a shooting chance go figure


Hearts basically wanted to disrupt play and knock the stuffing out of Fraser and Hayes - they succeeded in both but didnt eaaly stop us playing whihc would have happened before now. Naysmith going off really screwed us Jack back to LB (yeah I know) and clark on really messed us up - when he put on Magennis and fallon, clark was actually one I would take off - not becuase he had done anything wrong but I couldnt see who else needed to come off!


Crowd looked healthy and looking forward to the season with great anticipation



Looked like a 4-1-4-1 to me Bamber at the start. Osbourne sitting in front of the back 4.


Great, driving performance from the team today, first half we had a few spectators in the team, mainly Jack. However, second half was much better and matched Hearts appetite from the first half.


I was a fan of Vernon, believing him to be a good finisher, but that seems to have abandoned him now. Desperately need a finisher who can take the easy chances.


Good performance, and good for the crowd to see some character.

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fucking sick of it to be honest


if we want to challenge as high as possible, second for example, we cant throw away 4 points like we have against ross county and hearts today




Can't agree with this. This team is just a wee bit away from clicking and then we will be looking good this year.


Missed Hughes today I think as he is currently the best central midfield option we have of getting right up to Vernon.


Thought we looked very comfortable throughout except for a couple of moments from Reynolds. The amount of fouls on Hayes and Fraser is testament to the ability of our two wingers, just need to get the options in the centre there to benefit from them.

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The game was almost a carbon copy of the County match, yet again we were by far the better team but just couldn't convert the chances. Hearts have never changed their style in years, they hit you on the counter when they can be bothered and just kick lumps out of your players.


Ozzy was yet again immense and Rae is definitely becoming an important player for us too. Still a bit of a learning curve for us it seems however this was a game we would DEFINITELY have lost last season, so to be gutted at a point shows how much we're slowly but surely improving. A massive game next week now against St Mirren


Oh and the ref was a complete ringpiece too :banghead:

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Unbelievably frustrating but some encouraging signs. Osbourne superb and defence rarely troubled.


Only thing was why were the wingers switched??? Need Fraser right and Hayes left. Bit weird.



Fraser played left when he came on against County & his whole game against St Johnstone :dontknow: Hayes likes to play both & it seems Fraser is pretty two footed, so if he's able to swap about then why not?


WHat side was Fraser on the day like, right?



Sounds like they kicked fuck out of the two wide men (well one man & a wee bairn) the day, so that just makes you sick after all the pish that McGlynn was saying about players like Templeton needing protecting in the SPL by refs.


Hearts have ALWAYS been dirty hacking bastards & sounds like he's not changing that about them.

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Looked like a 4-1-4-1 to me Bamber at the start. Osbourne sitting in front of the back 4.


Great, driving performance from the team today, first half we had a few spectators in the team, mainly Jack. However, second half was much better and matched Hearts appetite from the first half.


I was a fan of Vernon, believing him to be a good finisher, but that seems to have abandoned him now. Desperately need a finisher who can take the easy chances.


Good performance, and good for the crowd to see some character.


Maybe the two great finishes he got robbed off of him last Sat (well one for sure was robbed at least) were more of a kick in the baws to him rather than a wee spurring on. I was hoping it would be more the later but it seems not.

I wasn't at the game as I'm offshore but were they good chances he missed the day.


Looking at the live text online all I could see was "such & such crosses the ball & hearts player clears/blocks" so was it maybe more to do with quallity of final ball?

Like I say I didn't see or hear any of it, so just asking which is the case?

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Maybe the two great finishes he got robbed off of him last Sat (well one for sure was robbed at least) were more of a kick in the baws to him rather than a wee spurring on. I was hoping it would be more the later but it seems not.

I wasn't at the game as I'm offshore but were they good chances he missed the day.


Looking at the live text online all I could see was "such & such crosses the ball & hearts player clears/blocks" so was it maybe more to do with quallity of final ball?

Like I say I didn't see or hear any of it, so just asking which is the case?


He had a free header in the 2nd half, about 5 yards out and put it straight into the keepers arms. That was his best chance. He was really poor in the air today, even when he managed to get his head on the ball he was flicking it on when there was no one further up than him. Spacial awareness was rubbish.

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We had two shots on target, hearts had 1 (and hit the post) draw very fair over the course. No creativity in the middle.



we also had 7 vs 3 shots off target so nine shots in all. Not bad creativity given last season that would have been the sum for two or 3 games


given that we hit the bar I dont quite understand the relavance of " and hit the post"

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Thought we definitely deserved the win today. Hearts were content with a draw from the start it seemed.


Once again Fraser and Hayes were excellent and if only we had a striker who was finishing well just now then the team would be cruising to victory in games like today. Fraser has had some impact this season and on the evidence so far he should cause a few full backs some headaches.


I thought Osbourne was immense. Some beasts of challenges, passed the ball about well and broke up play well. Rae and Jack were good also, Jack never disappoints me when I see him, I think he's got a cracking future ahead of him.


The only problem I see in this team is putting the ball in the net. Vernon is clearly not on form just now and unfortunately Fallon is fucking root so we are badly lacking up front. Shame, cause this has the makings of a really decent team.

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We had two shots on target, hearts had 1 (and hit the post) draw very fair over the course. No creativity in the middle.


Well, surely you can mention our one off the bar as well, if you are drawing comparisons.


I also don't know why you'd only keep it to shots on targert. We created far more chances, were let down with poor play in the box if anything.

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We had two shots on target, hearts had 1 (and hit the post) draw very fair over the course.


You have to be fishing.


We dominated the 2nd half completely, Hearts were reduced to scrambling it clear, then hoofing it up the park, only for it to come straight back at them. It was as one sided a half as I've seen in a long time, dissppointed we didn't get the win we clearly deserved, but full of confidence for the season ahead. Our defence is the best its been in years, Osbourne just gets better every game, and with Fraser and Hayes, along with great support from Rae, we will always create chances. If we could only get a quality striker in this team could really do something special this season.

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fucking sick of it to be honest


if we want to challenge as high as possible, second for example, we cant throw away 4 points like we have against ross county and hearts today



You need to have a fucking word with yourself if you think that display was a disgrace. We were dominant against one of the leagues best teams. Our only issue just now is finishing. Our defence is strong, three central in midfield is working well and the wingers are causing teams no end of issues.

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Thought the Dons were really good the day. Got the ball down and passing well. Even finding their men with the high balls. A sharper Vernon could have buried four chances at least.


Re Hayes this guy is just what we need and so is Fraser. More often I'd like to see Hayes beat his man check inside and make space for a shot instead of always putting in the cross. He has a viscious shot so lets see it - goals would come


We will get defo a result next week if we play like that

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A completely different 0-0 to those seen last season, even thought we created much more than we did via County - first time ever I think Brooner would be justfied in saying "the keeper didn't have a save to make"


Thought the 4-3-3 worked well, far better than it does when you try and shoehorn central midfielders or strikers in there.


Osbourne was beyond immense, we simply wouldn't have got as many opening is he wasn't there allowing the others to move higher up the pitch.


Again thought Vernon was unlucky, but that's 3 or 4 games in a row now and he just hasn't got that extra 5% thatt season. Bloody annoying that the service is there now but he's not firing at present.


As promising as it was, still a 0-0. Surely has to be a win if we play anything like as well as that next week.


Bit harsh cos he had a fantastic game against St Johnstone & put it a huge shift & was very unlucky not to also get his goals (that he took well) but yes the other two games (haven't seen Todays or cup game) he was pretty poor.


As some have said, it's shite him having to play up front on his own cos he's having to move about so much (so maybe his fitness is a concern) it must be pretty easy for teams to mark him up cos the poor cunt will be fkd after 30 mins.


Have to say though, just imagine we had James Mcfadden playing in round about him.


Now THAT would turn our fortunes around for sure.

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Dont agree with this "we dominated the game" Nonsense, apart from Jack i cant remember their keeper being under any stress at all, we had a lot of decent balls into the box - but they were never in danger of conceding *apart from the afore mentioned offord in the first half,


They held the ball well, we edged it 52% - 48%


We didnt do nearly enough to win.


Not good enough!

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Dont agree with this "we dominated the game" Nonsense, apart from Jack i cant remember their keeper being under any stress at all, we had a lot of decent balls into the box - but they were never in danger of conceding *apart from the afore mentioned offord in the first half,


They held the ball well, we edged it 52% - 48%


We didnt do nearly enough to win.


Not good enough!


:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

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I was there yesterday and every single post you have made about yesterdays match is completely wrong.



Ok then list the saves their keeper had to make.


So we didnt have a lot of good balls into the box? Thought hayes and fraser put a lot of decent balls in.


They didnt hold the ball well but still managed 48% of it in a game we "dominated"


So interested to know how those thread statements could be completely wrong?

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Dont agree with this "we dominated the game" Nonsense, apart from Jack i cant remember their keeper being under any stress at all, we had a lot of decent balls into the box - but they were never in danger of conceding *apart from the afore mentioned offord in the first half,


They held the ball well, we edged it 52% - 48%


We didnt do nearly enough to win.


Not good enough!




Not quite sure what game you were watching if you thought we did not dominate and thought they held the ball well ...........even the Hearts manager thinks you are totally wrong with those thoughts.


"To get a point out of that, we've got to be very pleased," said McGlynn.

Craig Brown's Aberdeen began to dominate in the run-up to half-time and pinned Hearts back throughout the second period. But Hearts almost claimed victory in stoppage time when Andy Driver's shot stuck the post.

"It would've been daylight robbery," said McGlynn. "I'm sure Craig would've felt a bit mugged if that had gone in.

"We had a mad five minutes before half-time and it gave Aberdeen a lot of hope for the second half.

McGlynn was pleased to leave Pittodrie with a point

"We hardly could get out of our half in the second half. The tiredness kicked in.

"We were unrecognisable. You wouldn't have thought we had played football before, we were just getting the ball and losing it and the pressure came back and came back.

"We were a bit leggy and just couldn't get close to Aberdeen at all. We had to defend exceptionally well because it was attack after attack. "When you assess the 93 minutes, it was a great point for us."


Jack had a good chance in the first half, Vernon hit the bar, then in 2nd half Jack had volley from about the penalty spot where he should have done better, and although flagged offside the keeper made a good save from Vernon on the rebound, Fallon had a decent header, and Condisine had a good chance from a header where him and Fallon actually got in each others way a bit.

Sometimes the team deserves criticism for not doing enough to try and win the game but yesterday was not one of those days. We are by no means a great team and there are still lots of issues to work on. But for effort, commitment and tactics i wont complain about yesterday. We kept pushing forward, We kept trying to pass and probe for space and keep width in the game to try and open them up.

And as you say we had a number of good balls into their box but due to a mixture of good defending from them and the ball just not falling our way due to bad luck so i for 1 wont be criticising the team or management for yesterdays match.

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