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Legal Action ?


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Put the complaint in file 13, it costs a shit load of money to bring a defamation case and even costs a fortune to get the ISP'S to release peoples full details, the wanker who sued me only managed it for free because he was unemployed. The laws are pretty narrow too, you can call everyone any swear words under the sun and it's legal, what you can't do is accuse someone of being dishonest. Calling someone a shite manager is well within the laws.


I was in a case for over 3 years so pretty much know the ins and outs but without the details here I can't say. What I can say is my defence and the others accused with me was either done face to face or via letter, It didn't cost me one penny.


Has the other side asked for post withdrawal and an apology for anything deemed defamatory? If not they're on sticky ground ground straight away, the courts don't like people taking up valuable court time over petty arguments.


Here's some details from my case, it likened chat room conversation to that of a pub and set a precedence for forum chatting.



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Put the complaint in file 13, it costs a shit load of money to bring a defamation case and even costs a fortune to get the ISP'S to release peoples full details, the wanker who sued me only managed it for free because he was unemployed. The laws are pretty narrow too, you can call everyone any swear words under the sun and it's legal, what you can't do is accuse someone of being dishonest. Calling someone a shite manager is well within the laws.


I was in a case for over 3 years so pretty much know the ins and outs but without the details here I can't say. What I can say is my defence and the others accused with me was either done face to face or via letter, It didn't cost me one penny.


Has the other side asked for post withdrawal and an apology for anything deemed defamatory? If not they're on sticky ground ground straight away, the courts don't like people taking up valuable court time over petty arguments.


Here's my case, it likened chat room conversation to that of a pub and set a precedence for forum chatting.




It was a straight up, remove these or we'll sue you, (ie AFC-Chat) rather than the individual posters themselves.


One of the comments regarded a quote by Big Man, said he didn't understand libel law. No idea why they're talking libel when we're in Scotland though. I referred them to contact our US server host's legal department for further complaints.

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It was a straight up, remove these or we'll sue you, (ie AFC-Chat) rather than the individual posters themselves.


One of the comments regarded a quote by Big Man, said he didn't understand libel law. No idea why they're talking libel when we're in Scotland though. I referred them to contact our US server host's legal department for further complaints.



You're up BigMan.

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OK, so really just a solicitor with an empty threat, I'm not sure what damage the bloke concerned could have had to his reputation from posts on a AFC chat site from an avatar.


They're suing the daily record too. Apparently even just linking to the article in question is 'libellous' :laughing:

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Bebo the site I got sued on was asked to comment by the press about it, the chap in charge said; "Where there's a hit there's a writ" , I thought that was quite funny, they took the bloke for tens of thousands, he never did pay though.


I can be a cheeky little shit when it comes to legal threats unless it's a polite removal request (we have previous form), but at the end of the day you never know if our host will throw us under the bus regardless of any lack of legal basis. So, best to remove then ridicule. Streisand Effect.

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I can be a cheeky little shit when it comes to legal threats unless it's polite (we have previous form), but at the end of the day you never know if our host will throw us under the bus regardless of any lack of legal basis. So, best to remove then ridicule. Streisand Effect.


I agree, in my case the guy asked me for a full apology at the beginning of it all, I told him to fuck off, in hindsight I could have saved myself years of hassle by apologising but am also glad i didn't.

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Google Smith v Advfn, it's all there, most is boring crap but some pretty funny comments made were read out in court.


Windmills at dawn is how you should have settled that.... would have been decided in a minute, rather than dragging out.


Incidentally, if there had been a place where you could have gone... say like an indoor arena... where you could have gone to have pitched battles with opposing fans, away from the scarfers and involving just the hoolie element from both sides... and where you were absolutely free from police involvement unless death occured... would you have been willing to pay, say, a fiver on a Saturday for the right to beat someone up or have your own face smashed in in an organised environment?

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Windmills at dawn is how you should have settled that.... would have been decided in a minute, rather than dragging out.


Incidentally, if there had been a place where you could have gone... say like an indoor arena... where you could have gone to have pitched battles with opposing fans, away from the scarfers and involving just the hoolie element from both sides... and where you were absolutely free from police involvement unless death occured... would you have been willing to pay, say, a fiver on a Saturday for the right to beat someone up or have your own face smashed in in an organised environment?


I called him up a few times and told him to come to my front door if he wanted money off me, funnily enough he usually hung up straight away! :laughing:


In the day I would have turned up for such an event but the cat and mouse of the chase was half the fun at times, too a degree the advent of mobiles spoiled things a bit in my view, much better when we went by word of mouth and visited the pubs they were likely too be in or simply bumped into them on the way to the game, the mobile era made things less violent, too many wankers got involved.

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No one published the information though, it was in a paper, so this is why I don't understand why the thread was pulled.


The paper published it, we spoke of it (many in a joking manner).


There's nothing wrong with that, I feel no need in the mods / admin panicking because there would not be a case IMO for someone posting a link to a newspaper article...


It wasn't just the link to the newspapaer article, there was more to it.


Not worth the hassle.

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