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Things We Should Be Thankful For


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Maybe you could try talking sense, and I can respond accordingly.


I did take a posting holiday recently as boofon can confirm, that's how his 'Corner' started (it was pish), because I went AWOL.


Second time lucky:


Then come back and you will be appreciated so much more.


Boofon's Corner was a flop because although he suffers from more than a wee hint of narcissism, it is more than trumped in the online world by your own.

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I think you're looking at it too deeply.


It's not Kabbalah ffs.


It flopped because it was pish, end of.


Mine's is a roaring success because it is not pish.


I'm a man of the people, everyone loves me, everyone wants to be my friend, even Karl Fletcher.


boofon is a weird cunt.


It's not difficult to see the distinction.

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The world to tup:


Tup = Man of the People, Saviour etc


Millertime = The Devil, Satan, The Bad Man


The world to abody else:


Tup/Millertime - Two cheeks of the same erse.


How dare you?


You mean to you only.


I'm disappointed with you. You're only saying that because you've got to sit beside him.


You're probably scared of him. You've gone way down in my estimation.

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How dare you?


You mean to you only.


I'm disappointed with you. You're only saying that because you've got to sit beside him.


You're probably scared of him. You've gone way down in my estimation.


I am just saying what needs to be said. I am not scared to stick my head above the parapet, your man of the people nonsense doesn't wash with me any more.


Thinking you are building up MT to be the bad guy as you are losing your grip on things.


p.s. Nae seen Frankie Millertime yet this season. Think he may be scared of me...

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I am just saying what needs to be said. I am not scared to stick my head above the parapet, your man of the people nonsense doesn't wash with me any more.


Thinking you are building up MT to be the bad guy as you are losing your grip on things.


p.s. Nae seen Frankie Millertime yet this season. Think he may be scared of me...


Either that or he disna attend Dons games.


I'm not building up MT to be the bad guy, open your eyes min. Have you read his stuff recently?


A psychoanalyst could have a field day with it. I'm seeing a man unravelling.


You will note I've offered to help him. The very antithesis of me using him as a pedestal to further my own ends.


You've got it all wrong and I'm losing respect for you as a result.


You're supposed to be thankful for me in this thread.

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It is rather odd how the prospect of a friendly handshake is thought of as a more welcoming welcome than the prospect of a shake by the throat and/or a punch in the gut.


I was only joking, I wisna really going to punch you in the stomach.


That's boofon that's getting that, if he ever goes to another Dons match that is.

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