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I'm In A Mood To Celebrate


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Everything in life is possible, you just need to open your mind.


We put man on the moon, getting the Inverness to Aberdeen road closed for an hour is not outwith my scope of thinking.


Call in a bomb threat for the entire stretch of road.

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How the fuck would you know?


I've been on both journeys.



Everything in life is possible, you just need to open your mind.


We put man on the moon, getting the Inverness to Aberdeen road closed for an hour is not outwith my scope of thinking.


Good luck with that.



Call in a bomb threat for the entire stretch of road.


Quite a large bomb. The police would have the road closed with road blocks if you did that meaning your average speed would be reduced as you negotiate these closures.

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I would have been in there at the time you were.

So I've been told onywie... :sherlock:


Where else did you end up going?

Glad you enjoyed your stay, and that you capped it off with a victory. :thumbup1:


I always enjoy Aberdeen :-) it's a lovely city.

I wandered up Belmont a ways but nothing really appealed. And the sidewalks of Aberdeen are treacherous at night in high heels. So it was back to the hotel bar for me with a few other foreign patrons, a bite to eat, and a few drinks. :sheepdance:

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Impressed by LGIR travelling over for The Dons game. Astounded that she never let anyone know and give them the chance to escort her around our city. I bet she has missed out on some iconic Aberdeen sites such as The Portals, Debenhams car-park pishy corner and The Logie Chipper.


You shouldn't be impressed. :-) I'm quite often drawn to do things on whim. The pishy car park you say? Somehow Gleneagles' car park with RS riddled with something-or-other sounds more enticing. :rolleyes: But chipper sounds a place one ought to get to at least once. Is it any good?


Did you know you can buy maple bacon lollies in Aberdeen? :o

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I've discussed this with a mate before, If the road from Aberdeen to Inverness was cleared of all traffic a la rally style I reckon it could be done in an hour, you'd need to average just over 100mph but it's doable. :sherlock:


I can nearly do it in that with traffic on the road ffs min.


I've done Wick to Edinburgh in four hours once, with a half hour stop for breakfast in Inverness.


You can go three abreast on the road at certain bits so overtaking is always on.

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I can nearly do it in that with traffic on the road ffs min.


I've done Wick to Edinburgh in four hours once, with a half hour stop for breakfast in Inverness.


You can go three abreast on the road at certain bits so overtaking is always on.


Yet you piss and moan about going to Aberdeen games because of the distance and the time taken. :sherlock:

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