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Would You Kill A Random


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Pish and you know it's pish.


You earn 10 million by killing someone.


Money banked. Even if you get caught you've still banked it.


Go to court, get 16 years and you then and only then start to earn the 6 million while you are in jail. The original 10 million has already been earned by committing the crime. The 6 million additional is earned via interest and so is an independent earning from your initial task of killing someone.


Even in the planning stage I would know that regardless of whether I get caught or not I will have as a starting figure of 10 million.


If I won 10 million on the lottery that would be my earnings for entering the lottery. I don't get any more from the lottery people.


I bank that earnings and then start to earn interest on it. Separate set of earnings.


Same goes for my murdering plan.


10 million earned for the murder. End of that earnings. Bank it and start a new earning plan which is to keep 10 million in the bank and gain the interest over 16 years while having my back passage pummeled.


6 million earned in interest over 16 years. Completely separate set of earnings from the murder earnings.



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Pish and you know it's pish.


You earn 10 million by killing someone.


Money banked. Even if you get caught you've still banked it.


Go to court, get 16 years and you then and only then start to earn the 6 million while you are in jail. The original 10 million has already been earned by committing the crime. The 6 million additional is earned via interest and so is an independent earning from your initial task of killing someone.


Even in the planning stage I would know that regardless of whether I get caught or not I will have as a starting figure of 10 million.


If I won 10 million on the lottery that would be my earnings for entering the lottery. I don't get any more from the lottery people.


I bank that earnings and then start to earn interest on it. Separate set of earnings.


Same goes for my murdering plan.


10 million earned for the murder. End of that earnings. Bank it and start a new earning plan which is to keep 10 million in the bank and gain the interest over 16 years while having my back passage pummeled.


6 million earned in interest over 16 years. Completely separate set of earnings from the murder earnings.


Pish and you know it's pish. ;)


You don't get the £6 million separately for doing 16 years having already banked £10 million. You would have that £6 million if you didn't spend any of the original cash and sat on it on the outside for the same length of time.

In considering the offer you have to think of the overall outcome of the transaction.


You will end up with £16 million in your bank as a result of the killing and once you are released from a sentence but you will have spent 16 years in jail.


The £6 million in interest can't be seen as separate to the initial earnings as without the £10 million you wouldn't get the interest.


You can't spend the £10 million whilst in jail, except to hire either a couple of burly guys to protect you and stop you getting any bummings or a couple of effeminate guys to take the bummings in your place so it's value at the time of sentence should not be relied on.


In considering the offer your thought process should be


"If I do this I may well end up serving 16 years but when I'm released I'll have £16 million to spend."


Rather than


"I'll get £10 million and then go to jail for 16 years"


Oh yes, and you'd also have to think about the fact you had to kill someone first. :ThumbsDown:


It's really just the appropriate thought processes we're discussing here, obviously avoiding the moral issue of actually killing someone though.


Baffling perhaps but accurate none the less.


Easier way is as follows.


Tup gave you £100 for winning a bet.


You've earned £100.


You then stick it in the bank for a year at 3% interest.


You've earned £3 after a year in interest.


That's it.


You've earned the £100 before the year of interest started.


Two lots of earnings.


One prior to the bank investment.


One during it.

Both sets of income are reliant on and a consequence of making the bet in the first place though.

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Think of the damage to your soul.


Wear rubber boots is my tip.


And wear them either a size or two too small, uncomfortable I ken, or way too big and stuff the front with newspapers.


That way when they come to question you and measure your feet, you won't tick their stupid detective box.


Burn the wellies after you've killed the person bear in mind.

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Wear rubber boots is my tip.


And wear them either a size or two too small, uncomfortable I ken, or way too big and stuff the front with newspapers.


That way when they come to question you and measure your feet, you won't tick their stupid detective box.


Burn the wellies after you've killed the person bear in mind.


Do it barefoot and then chop off your big toe on each foot.



They'll be looking for a guy with 5 toes on each foot and you'll only have 4 on each foot.*
















*Tup that doesn't apply to you being that you're a 6 toed inbred freak from Wick.

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In actual fact your 10 mill would be confiscated under the proceeds of crime act so you're both wrong.


As boofon points out, only if they knew about it, it's not like if you were caught you'd tell them you'd killed for money and even if they did find out about it, if it's "invested" correctly overseas they wouldn't be able to confiscate it so just do the extra time and "earn" a further

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