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Sevco Thread

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Sounds great. I wonder who would buy a B listed building with presumably limited alerations allowed on the facade and stands which are filled with asbestos and would cost even more millions to dismantle correctly.


'Nae danger big man'

I would. With bells on.


The facade would have to remain intact as would the complete outer shell. Behind it could be torn to pieces and some cracking flats built.


The orcs with money (and there are some out there) would pay a King's ransom (no pun intended) for them.


Look at the cost of a flat in Highbury for proof of the pudding.

I ken my property. Those fuckers have went up by over 100k in approx 2 years.




As much as Govan is classed as a shithole it's actually quite a catchment area and a great area for investment if you have the cash and the balls. Getting money thrown at it by Glasgow council.

It'd be fucking incredibly satisfying as well. :lolrangers:

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You have lost it boofon.


Most of us dinna attend the lodge and dinna share your opinion.


You seem to be seriously asking Dons fans to invest in the huns to the extent of buying Ibrox.


You're fucking mad min. It's a fucking stupid idea.

You're the mad one. I'm suggesting buying Ibrox and developing it into housing. Fuck all to do with investing in them. They're dead and their zombie incarnations would also be dead for this to come about.

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You're the mad one. I'm suggesting buying Ibrox and developing it into housing. Fuck all to do with investing in them. They're dead and their zombie incarnations would also be dead for this to come about.


Fuck, i'd like to live there if i had money. 'Prime' location. No chance of hassle/intimidation from the hun cunts. Fuck that.

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I would. With bells on.
The facade would have to remain intact as would the complete outer shell. Behind it could be torn to pieces and some cracking flats built.
The orcs with money (and there are some out there) would pay a King's ransom (no pun intended) for them.
Look at the cost of a flat in Highbury for proof of the pudding.
I ken my property. Those fuckers have went up by over 100k in approx 2 years.https://www.kfh.co.uk/p/2161995
As much as Govan is classed as a shithole it's actually quite a catchment area and a great area for investment if you have the cash and the balls. Getting money thrown at it by Glasgow council.
It'd be fucking incredibly satisfying as well. :lolrangers:

I would respectfully disagree govan is quite a catchment area. It is not. It is a ned filled shithole albeit u would b close to a giant new super hospital handy for all the scrapping neds.
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Just finished reading Downfall by Phil Mac Giolla Bhain. Very interesting.


Apparently a "Rangers Man" wears the club tie and Brown brogues


He got so many things right with his blog, commenting in real time


"Within the Rangers subculture there were several pathogens that prevented them from mobilising to save their club. A Herrenvolk hubris convinced many that "the Rangers will never die". The idea of their club sliding beneath the waves was just too big for them to take in. This wasn't denial; it was a lack of imagination.

A key component of the Ibrox subculture is an acceptance of authority. Sociologists have long studied the "deferential working class". The north -east of Ireland and the west of Scotland developed a specific subculture of proletarian support for the bourgeoisie, around and imagined set of common interests. The Broederbond of the British Empire had, along with freemasonry, an important role in shaping the Ibrox subculture".


I just thought the knuckle draggers couldn't be arsed.

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Just finished reading Downfall by Phil Mac Giolla Bhain. Very interesting.


Apparently a "Rangers Man" wears the club tie and Brown brogues


He got so many things right with his blog, commenting in real time


"Within the Rangers subculture there were several pathogens that prevented them from mobilising to save their club. A Herrenvolk hubris convinced many that "the Rangers will never die". The idea of their club sliding beneath the waves was just too big for them to take in. This wasn't denial; it was a lack of imagination.

A key component of the Ibrox subculture is an acceptance of authority. Sociologists have long studied the "deferential working class". The north -east of Ireland and the west of Scotland developed a specific subculture of proletarian support for the bourgeoisie, around and imagined set of common interests. The Broederbond of the British Empire had, along with freemasonry, an important role in shaping the Ibrox subculture".


I just thought the knuckle draggers couldn't be arsed.


I've also read it, and I thought that point was spot-on. He draws the comparison with Celtic when they were similarly at death's door, except that in Celtic's case the entire club, the institution, is based on a spirit of rebellion and defiance. Consequently, when the people in charge of the club told them that Celtic was basically fucked the fans went "erm, we don't believe you" and mobilised to save it before it collapsed.


By contrast, and as Mac Giolla Bhain points out, at Rangers you have an entire club, indeed an entire sub-culture, which venerates the word 'loyal'. They therefore were more than willing to accept whatever warm bull they were being fed by their supposed 'superiors' who were in charge, until it became apparent that it was too late.


There are lots of reasons for the eventual collapse of Rangers, but the psychology of the fans is one of the more interesting theories that I have come across, and it deserves a bit of respect.

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Just finished reading Downfall by Phil Mac Giolla Bhain. Very interesting.


Apparently a "Rangers Man" wears the club tie and Brown brogues


He got so many things right with his blog, commenting in real time


"Within the Rangers subculture there were several pathogens that prevented them from mobilising to save their club. A Herrenvolk hubris convinced many that "the Rangers will never die". The idea of their club sliding beneath the waves was just too big for them to take in. This wasn't denial; it was a lack of imagination.

A key component of the Ibrox subculture is an acceptance of authority. Sociologists have long studied the "deferential working class". The north -east of Ireland and the west of Scotland developed a specific subculture of proletarian support for the bourgeoisie, around and imagined set of common interests. The Broederbond of the British Empire had, along with freemasonry, an important role in shaping the Ibrox subculture".


I just thought the knuckle draggers couldn't be arsed.


i also have the book. You make a good observation. They've been fed the line that they are 'the chosen ones' since birth and it's passed down the line; the actual reality that they were fucked wasn't even a contemplation...she'll be right mate!

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Folk are reading way too much into the Sevco culture. They are a club supported by uneducated weegie minkers and as such will believe anything that a man with a blue tie tells them.

EDIT: Took out the (mostly) part. They are all minkers.


DOUBLE EDIT: I also find it worrying that a bunch of dandies are reading a book written by a tim about a dead club.

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Folk are reading way too much into the Sevco culture. They are a club supported by uneducated weegie minkers and as such will believe anything that a man with a blue tie tells them.


EDIT: Took out the (mostly) part. They are all minkers.


DOUBLE EDIT: I also find it worrying that a bunch of dandies are reading a book written by a tim about a dead club.


Erm... why? Since when did we need to concern ourselves only with AFC? Does... does AFC operate in a fucking bubble or something?


I probably read around half a dozen books about football in any given year, on a wide variety of topics ('Brilliant Orange', all about the history and development of Dutch football, is the best I have read recently). The collapse of oldco Rangers was the biggest Scottish footballing story in a generation, MacGollywobble regardless of his own background is one of the journalists who was closest to the story and his reports were untainted by the need to placate the masses which infected the MSM. His book seemed interesting and well-written, so naturally I read it. And pretty good it is too, even if he goes on a bit too much about the sociological stuff, IMO.

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Folk are reading way too much into the Sevco culture. They are a club supported by uneducated weegie minkers and as such will believe anything that a man with a blue tie tells them.


EDIT: Took out the (mostly) part. They are all minkers.


DOUBLE EDIT: I also find it worrying that a bunch of dandies are reading a book written by a tim about a dead club.

You should have joined the book burning sessions of the 1930's


Why not read about something we all enjoyed so much?

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I dont get the we should not be interested in the demise of sevco argument at all.


It's rubbish, and was started as a fishing exercise to prove apparent obsession.


This is a child's logic.


Getting a bit embarrassing though that the same people are still predicting their demise 4 years later and they are still here (in the new guise).

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Getting a bit embarrassing though that the same people are still predicting their demise 4 years later and they are still here (in the new guise).


I predict their demise. :poster_oops:

In all honestly I can't try to predict it anymore, but I still hope for it once in a while :cheers:


Regarding the use of the word "obsession" - got to be the most overused and also misused word in Scottish football.


As far as I can remember thje use of this word was made popular by the Huns who try to call all other fans obsessed or paranoid at every turn. Which is about as sophisticated as the huns defence of their club ever gets.

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To be fair in terms of reportage of the story you really have to go to the gillywibbles of this world to realise that, biased as fuck and not a little triumphant as he is, it shows up perfectly that what passes as media coverage in this country is just as biased and usually paid for the other way.


The RTC bloke, as well as delivering the daily tax stuff that eventually fucked them (with a nod to the minor technicality as to whether that was legal or not but heh ho), also made a point of saying "ok, here's the facts (Gavin Rae's performance record perfectly matching his supposed non contractual bonuses sticks in my mind for some reason) and here's how they will be reported," completely contra to the evidence you could read with your own eyes. And the weegie Record writer knew that, but still wrote it/copy and pasted it anyway.

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Tuesday, 27 October 2015, 19:00
by Rangers Football Club

DAVE KING has released the following statement:

Supporters have requested an update on the Club’s relationship with Sports Direct which is one of the key issues that I promised to deal with prior to, and after, being elected to the board of Rangers International Football Club.

It is widely known that Sports Direct applied to court for an injunction to prevent myself and my fellow directors from disclosing certain details of the agreements between the Club and the Sports Direct group, including the existence or detail of any meetings between the parties.

The gagging order prevents me from disclosing the details of our contractual relationship it does not prevent me from updating supporters on the status of the general relationship with Sports Direct.

Sports Direct continues to litigate with the Club in an attempt to enforce its wishes and demands. This seems based on the simple logic that Sports Direct can outspend the Club in legal fees and thereby deal with the Club as it pleases. I assure supporters that the Club will not be cowed by this threat and the recent lack of communication (as a result of the gagging order) belies the level of robustness with which the Club’s interest has been and will be protected.

Furthermore, I have sent letters to Sports Direct in my capacity as a director of Rangers Retail Limited taking them to task for poor business practices and corporate governance failures. The Club believed that it was entering into a joint venture with a large public company that would behave as a partner should and would conduct its business affairs in an appropriate fashion.

In my 40 years of business, I cannot recollect having dealt with a public company that is run more like a wholly owned family business and appears unconcerned with other stakeholders – partners or otherwise. It remains my intention to ensure that Sports Direct is legally and financially held accountable for its failures.



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\is he just trying to p1ss Ashley off so the loan gets called in and he can "shift the blame" for Administration/liquidation or what?


"we did everything we could but SD have bullied us into administration - you'll have to ask Ashley why now and whats in it for him - but we all know what he will get"

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\is he just trying to p1ss Ashley off so the loan gets called in and he can "shift the blame" for Administration/liquidation or what?


"we did everything we could but SD have bullied us into administration - you'll have to ask Ashley why now and whats in it for him - but we all know what he will get"


Think so, basically SD said "no ta" to ripping up completely legal contracts. That makes them unsustainable. Hence (apparently) SDs fault. I doubt even ra' peeple will buy that one. They do continue to surprise me though.

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